Happy Easter! 🐣 試咗MGM 美高梅嘅雅吉 Aji秘魯日本菜,好好食同好驚喜呀!🥰World’s 50 Best Restaurants第7位😋!仲叫咗以Pisco 做嘅雞尾酒,午餐體驗只需$488/位5道菜,性價比超高!下次一定再嚟!😋🥳🍸
Happy Easter! 🐣 Tried Aji Peruvian & Japanese restaurant at MGM Cotai! It’s very yummy & the presentation is awesome!🥰No wonder y it’s listed no.7 at World’s 50 Best Restaurants! 😋 I also ordered Pisco cocktail to try! Lunch experience with 5-course is just $488/person. It’s so value for money, I’ll surely come back again!🥳😋🍸
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peruvian japanese restaurant 在 Macaufoodie Facebook 八卦
落後的我終於試到呢間好評如潮的日式秘魯菜啦 大家一定會問咩喺日式秘魯菜❓簡單啲講即是將足滿異國風情的秘魯🇵🇪食材 配上日本料理🇯🇵追求的態度結合 把兩國飲食文化精髓完美糅合 是一個前衛新穎的菜系☝🏻 拉過去睇下我試左咩招牌菜啦❗️
This high-rating JAPANESE-STYLE Peruvian cuisine restaurant is eventually tried by the outdated me! But wait, what is it? Simply saying, it is the FUSION of Japanese cooking attitude in exotic Peruvian foods. It is said to be the PERFECT MATCH between these two culinary cultures! SLIDE to see more of the courses!
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peruvian japanese restaurant 在 Macaueat 澳門美食 Facebook 八卦
Aji 雅吉 🇲🇴 🇵🇪 🇯🇵 |位於@mgm.mo 的雅吉主打秘魯-日本菜 #Nikkei,為澳門餐飲文化帶來不少新衝擊!那到底什麼是 Nikkei 呢?由秘魯菜開首說起,這南美小國打從文化底蘊,地理優勢和歷史背景特點,就注定了日後成為風格別樹一幟的美食之都的命運。秘魯本來就以安第斯土著食材和印加帝國食譜羨煞其他南美國家。秘魯中部的高原盛產土豆和玉米,東部近亞馬遜雨林,優質肉類多不勝數。加上西班牙殖民統治,到後期大量東亞勞工,二戰後的亞裔移民潮和非洲奴隸引入,令秘魯菜集多元飲食文化的精髓。
Aji is a newly opened Peru-Japanese #Nikkei restaurant in @mgm.mo So what is Nikkei? Peru has always been destined to become the heart of culinary art in the world by its unique cultural heritage, geographical advantages and historical background. Peru has traditionally used Andean indigenous ingredients and Inca ritual recipes which sparks the jealousy of the South American . The central part of Peru produces amazing potatoes and corns due to the plateau’s climate. In the east side, Peru is connected with the Amazon rainforest which secures the high quality meat. Coupled with the Spanish colonial history, the introduction of South-Asian immigrants after World War II and
African slaves, made Peruvian cuisine as an essence of international gourmet.
Among them, the light flavoured- Japanese cuisine sparks the Peruvian cuisine greatly under the influence of the enthusiasm from the South American’s cooking style and ingredients. And that is the avant-garde, fun and delicious #Nikkei cuisine we are talking about.
經秘魯菜系的碰撞後,Nikkei 式的壽司在汁料上也充滿刺激好玩的變化!在入口即化的灸燒和牛(但剛好我拿的一塊有點太肥)上加上以柚子醬油釀製的鵪鶉蛋,帶微甜的鵪鶉蛋入口會有突然消失了的感覺!但其實它以默默發揮了其作用:令充滿油脂芳香的和牛和帶酸甜的壽司飯和汁料更好的融合,那濕潤的口感和多層次的味道令人忍不住再吃一塊!
Nigiri Wagyu
After the collision of Peruvian cuisine, Nikkei-style sushi is more complex and fun to eat under the Peruvian’s influences. The melt-in-your mouth wagyu from Japan (but mine is a bit too buttery). Topping with the quail eggs marinated by yuzu soya sauce! I felt the egg was gone when i first put in my mouth. But actually it played it’s role in a low key way: it balanced out between the buttery wagyu and acidic rice and sauce! I am craving for that moist texture and flavours while typing these!
Gracias @edwinguzmannavarro and your team for your hospitality and great food! —
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