Peak to Fong 狗狗同樂日步行籌款,便可以幫助被遺棄狗隻。如果你和我一樣愛狗,就一齊買件支持啦!
#hkdr #peaktofong2015
peaktofong2015 在 姚子羚 Elaine Yiu Facebook 八卦
狗狗同樂日 PEAK TO FONG 🐶🐶🐶請大家和狗狗一起支持💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 為流浪動物出一分力!
救狗之家(Hong Kong Dog Rescue)於11月15日舉行步行籌款活動,活動中所籌得的款項將100%用於 HKDR 的日常運作,包括昂貴的獸醫開支、供應狗糧、狗床、狗房物資和建設等。迪士尼今年特別為我們設計了兩個款式的門票〈T-shirt形式〉,活動由山頂出發步行到蘭桂坊,請大家支持!
Peak to Fong is HKDR's biggest annual fundraising event which traditionally takes place every year during November. 100% of funds raised during this unforgettable day go towards Hong Kong Dog Rescue’s operating costs, including much needed veterinary care, purchase of dog food, dog beds and kennel supplies.
Sunday 15th November 2015 is the date for this year's 11th Peak to Fong Sponsored Walk, an event that has become a tradition for Hong Kong dog owners and dog lovers alike. This year's Disney-themed ticket/T-shirt design features two of our favourite characters, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, "best friends forever", exactly like our relationship with our dogs.
#hkdr #donations #charity #peaktofong2015 #hongkongdogrescue #lovedogs #savethedogs #mytong #tongchai #mydog @_hkdr
peaktofong2015 在 湯怡 Kathy Facebook 八卦
"We will be friends until forever. " 狗狗是我們最好的朋友,買這件T-shirt支持救狗之家 11月15日(星期日) 的Peak to Fong 狗狗同樂日步行籌款,便可幫助被遺棄狗隻。
#DogRescue #peaktofong #peaktofong2015