【My Father is Leung Tak, and my Mother is Leung Tak's wife】
Mrs Leung urged her daughter must be on board with this bag.
Madam Chief Executive Leung urged airport staff to let her daughter bring this bag with her all through.
The Queen insisted that the Princess must be allowed to get on the flight with this bag, even if this requires a lady-in-waiting to rush out and fetch it through.
英文正常來講並無 Urged her daughter must be on board 之說,當然,受到梁特夫人兩母女的特殊行為刺激而另行創作,則例外。
During our conversation Avseco(機場保安公司名稱)did try hard to explain passenger must be identify the baggage herself but MRS. LEUNG did not agree with some points although we did apologize at all times.
1, Try hard to explain passenger ... 應該是 Try hard to explain that passengers ...
2, Must be identify the baggage herself that
Baggage 這個詞幾時變咗女性?
正常 D 的英文應該係咁:
It is mandatory that all passengers must identify hand luggage by themselves.
點解到了此處,Mrs. Leung 每個字母變成大楷?可能作者心情至此悲憤莫名。
因為,"We did apologize at all times." 原來今次唔係第一次發生,國泰亦唔係第一次向梁太認錯?教極都唔識,又唔怪得特首夫人即時發爛渣喇。
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過35萬的網紅阿兜仔不教美語,也在其Youtube影片中提到,上一集 →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aCr0I2twqE FB粉絲團 → https://www.facebook.com/taiwanspeaksspanish FB → http://www.facebook.com/jesus.sandoval.7777...
- 關於passengers英文 在 陶傑 Facebook
- 關於passengers英文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook
- 關於passengers英文 在 微笑。倫敦。日不落 【Keep Smiling and Carry On】 Facebook
- 關於passengers英文 在 阿兜仔不教美語 Youtube
- 關於passengers英文 在 10分英会話 with Reiko l 10 Minutes English Youtube
- 關於passengers英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube
- 關於passengers英文 在 Ξ喬治英文Ξ Passengers 星際過客/太空潛航者 - YouTube 的評價
- 關於passengers英文 在 旅行篇】讓貼心空服員成為旅人們回憶裡的一道風景(V I C C A 的評價
- 關於passengers英文 在 A-Lin新單曲〈旅.課〉,「人生很像旅行,遇到的人事物都是 ... 的評價
passengers英文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
「哥本哈根民主高峰會」就「從香港戰場為民主奮鬥(Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong)」發表演說,有幸成為峰會首位發言嘉賓。
US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo
President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Dr. Tsai Ing-wen
European Commission Vice-President Vera Jourova
NATO Deputy Secretary-General Mircea Geoana
68th US Secretary of State (2013-2017) John Kerry
64th US Secretary of State (1997-2001) Madeleine Albright
29th Australian Prime Minister (2015-2018) Malcolm Turnbull
2020 Copenhagen Democracy Summit
Fighting for Democracy – From the Battlegrounds of Hong Kong
Joshua Wong
18 June 2020
Thank you so much for inviting me to speak, Ryan. I say this knowing I might not have the chance to do so again in the future, and this is not an exaggeration. Many of you still recall the scene when millions of Hong Kongers took to the street last year. We opposed the extradition arrangements that would’ve essentially allowed legalized kidnapping: Hong Kongers found guilty of breaking Chinese law could be sent to stand trial in a Chinese court. The authorities eventually withdrew the bill under tremendous pressure, but they also responded our demand to full democracy with oppressive policing forces. The number of arrested protested since last summer is already more than the number of prisoners in Hong Kong right now. More than thousands were arrested and charged with rioting. Many more injured or even went missing.
New Crackdown
This prolonged struggle with the Chinese Communist Party for years now. The Umbrella Movement broke out in 2014 demanding that Beijing lived up to its promises of democracy. But rather than doing so in honour of the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984, Xi Jinping’s crackdown on our autonomy has only intensified over time.
What Xi Jinping learnt from Hong Kong’s democratic movement last year is to become more draconic and oppressive. It would be best to have me sent across the border to stand trial directly than to engage in dynamic diplomatic talks and negotiation. Therefore, precisely one year afterwards, when I am attending this summit, Beijing's legislature, the NPCSC, at the same time holds meetings, finalizing a sweeping national security law that targets democratic activists like myself.
Under the pretext of ‘national security’, this law purports to target acts of “collusion with foreign forces’’. Beijing did not define what is ‘’collusion’’, but it will wield massive discretionary power to punish activists and electoral candidates on the one hand, and cut off Hong Kong from the international society and their crucial support, on the other. Take this occasion as an example, I’m convinced that every word comes from my mouth today could well become proof of crime at the Chinese courtroom in the near future. Worse still, not only can democratic activists and legislators who have participated in international advocacy efforts be barred from running elections or even imprisoned, INGOs and other organizations, including their personnel and assets, can also be subject to legal persecution.
So the developments in Hong Kong have changed quite swiftly. Large-scale protests defying the communist government may no longer be an option. It could be my last testimony when I am still free, yet prosecuted and put behind bars under the sweeping security law. Our long march to democracy will be forced into a prolonged period of fierce crackdown, perhaps similar to what Poland experienced in the Communist era, with secret police agency stationed in the city.
The Wounds of Hong Kong are Proof of Defying Beijing’s Oppression
These scenarios may create a stark contrast with the impression we usually have to a cosmopolitan Hong Kong famous for its international financial centre. The economic freedom, free flow of capital and freedom to information we used to enjoy in Hong Kong, will fade away after the law imposed. It is also the Sword of Damocles over all investors and ex-pats living and working on this island. When geopolitical tension intensifies, ex-pats can fall victim to the ill-defined law and China's hostage diplomacy. In the past, two Canadian nationals were detained for nearly two years as retaliation to Huawei's executive Meng Wanzhou's arrest, let alone Swedish NGO worker Peter Dahlin, Australian writer Yang Hengjun and Taiwanese NGO activist Lee Ming-che. Foreign journalists, human rights workers and academics were barred from Hong Kong. When China makes national security its priority, no one is safe.
Citizen journalists, booksellers, NGO workers, religious groups, online bloggers, booksellers, writers, human rights defenders or even critics of government policies are put behind bars. Amnesty International also raised concerns about its spill-out effects on economic activities and online speech. Once the law reaches out its claw to this beacon of liberty on China's soul, this vibrant civil society is on the brink of collapse.
Certainly, I would devote whatever efforts I can to defy this new round of oppression. But Beijing’s continued moves to crush democracy in Xinjiang and in Hong Kong also explain the Goliath we are facing is not as fierce as it looks like. In the past two decades, Beijing’s aggressive expansion in Europe, Asia and Africa has given a warning signal to democratic states all over the world. The world is awakening from the Chinese Nightmare. If we are determined to safeguard democratic aspirations, we must act to defy China's dictatoral grip.
Towards Democracy: Pain, Tears and Compassion.
In Hong Kong, we had experienced many depressing moments last year when state-mobilized mobs attacked passengers in the metro station, when police forcefully entered the university campus to arrest and to torture protestors, when witnessing countless students younger than me were put behind bars. What drives us to continue our struggle? My answer is compassion.
As my dear friend, Brian Leung said, ‘’Hong Kong Belongs to Everyone Who Shares Its Pain’’. In the previous year, we burst into tears mourning the death of protestors, we shared boxes of surgical masks to one another to defend ourselves from the Coronavirus. I also pray for protesters who are forced to leave our home because of their sacrifice in the movement. I pray for brothers who are struggled in jail now and I pray for those who will become political refugees soon. They are the reasons I’m still fighting in this battle. As we grow in pain, in tears and in compassion, I believe we shall succeed one day.
Thank you.
passengers英文 在 微笑。倫敦。日不落 【Keep Smiling and Carry On】 Facebook 八卦
今天英國首相Boris Johnson 宣布了最新的疫情應變措施,預計維持6個月,意思就是一直到明年春天3-4月,都會是這樣的狀態,也代表著今年的聖誕節慶祝趴踢和各項大型體育活動都不會有了!
1️⃣ 辦公室員工盡可能地在家工作
Office workers are being told to work from home again if possible
Penalties for not wearing a mask or gathering in groups of more than six will increase to £200 on the first offence
3️⃣ 從9月24日(星期四)開始,所有餐飲業(酒吧餐廳)只可以進行餐桌服務,晚上10點關店,外賣不在此限
From Thursday 24 September, all pubs, bars and restaurants will be restricted to table service only. Takeaways can continue. Also from Thursday, hospitality venues must close at 22:00 - which means shutting then, not calling for last orders.
4-1. 從9月23日(星期三)開始,計程車司機和乘客都要戴上口罩/面罩
Face coverings must be worn by taxi drivers and passengers from Wednesday
4-2. 從9月24日(星期四)開始,室內銷售業和餐飲業員工和顧客都要戴上口罩/面罩 (只有坐下吃喝東西時可以拿下來)
Retail staff and customers in indoor hospitality venues will also have to wear masks from Thursday, except when seated at a table to eat or drink
5️⃣Rule of 6(6人限聚令)延伸
5-1. 從9月28日(星期一)開始,婚禮限聚令從30人下修至只可15人參加;喪禮維持不變至多30人參加
From Monday 28 September, only 15 people will be able to attend weddings and civil partnerships, in groups of six. Funerals can still take place with up to 30 people
5-2. 從9月28日(星期一)開始, rule of 6(6人限聚令)擴大至室內體育活動,也只能少於6人
Also from 28 September, you can only play indoor adult sports in groups of less than six
The planned return of spectators to sports venues will now not go ahead from 1 October
passengers英文 在 阿兜仔不教美語 Youtube 的評價
上一集 →https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aCr0I2twqE
FB粉絲團 → https://www.facebook.com/taiwanspeaksspanish
FB → http://www.facebook.com/jesus.sandoval.7777
有點小矜持 → https://www.facebook.com/ALittleReserved
訂閱 → http://www.youtube.com/user/noldoazul?sub_confirmation=1
Instagram → noldoazul
Google+ → https://plus.google.com/u/0/113840266553048761592/posts
Twitter → https://twitter.com/noldoazul
Music → Original song of Adoga
特別感謝 → Emily Chen, Annie Lin

passengers英文 在 10分英会話 with Reiko l 10 Minutes English Youtube 的評價
この動画は、息子が今ハマってるゲーム「Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot」を参考に作りました。音声は日本語、字幕は英語でプレーするのも、とてもいい英会話の勉強になります(インスタグラムに例を載せたので良ければ見て下さい)!
:: More videos ::
顔をハッて英語の発音上達 | batter vs butter | フォニックス [#285]
賢者の秘伝!英会話が上達しない日本人と英会話が上達する日本人の違い [#237]
CURIOSITY | あなたの英会話の将来を変える力 🌠 [#250]
機内英会話 ❶ 知っておきたい客室乗務員との会話 (Conversations with Flight Attendants) [#173]
機内英会話 ❷ 知っておきたい乗客との会話 (Conversations with Passengers) [#182]
飛び跳ねながらキッズ英会話 | 10 Little Bunnies [#272]
Hamburger 🍔 日本語と英語の発音はこんなに違う![#111]
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#英語 #英会話

passengers英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的評價
嘖嘖萬聖節活動,只剩4 天!
10/31 午夜 12 點前,加入賓狗的嘖嘖訂閱計畫
· Bingo news podcast(全英文緩速錄製)
· 高效率線上課程(口說、發音、寫作,不定期驚喜提供)
1 【handrail 扶手】- 名詞
Please hold on to the handrail.
捷運廣播,想起賓狗教過 handrail 這個字,再看看扶手,它就是 handrail
2 【Easycard 悠遊卡】— 名詞
An Easycard is a contactless smart card for public transportation and much more.
悠遊卡 Easycard
以後拿出悠遊卡,記得賓狗教過,它是 Easycard
如果是其他類型的卡片,例如一卡通,可以簡單說 smart card 就好
3 【ticket gate 閘門】- 名詞
To enter the ticket gate, simply scan your smart card on the ticket reader.
這個閘門很簡單,就是 ticket gate
下次看見這個閘門,記得想起它是 ticket gate
或是回來賓狗的 podcast 複習也可以喔
4 【rest your eyes 閉目養神】- 動詞片語
Some passengers rest their eyes on the train.
我大部分時候都是在回 IG 訊息或是發限時動態 😂
下次看到有乘客在閉目養神,就可以想起賓狗說的這個片語 rest your eyes
5 【on your commute 通勤時】- 副詞
可以說 learn on your commute
造個句子:通勤路上,聽 Bingo 的 podcast,是最棒的學習方式了!
Listening to Bingo’s podcast is the best way to learn on your commute.
1 handrail 扶手
2 Easycard 悠遊卡
3 ticket gate 閘門
4 rest your eyes 閉目養神
5 on your commute 通勤時
貼心提醒:嘖嘖萬聖節活動,只剩 4 天喔!

passengers英文 在 旅行篇】讓貼心空服員成為旅人們回憶裡的一道風景(V I C C A 的八卦
2015/10/20 - 【跟著VICCA學英文-旅行篇】讓貼心空服員成為旅人們回憶裡的一道風景, ... This American Airlines Flight Attendant Inspires Her Passengers With Tiny ... ... <看更多>
passengers英文 在 A-Lin新單曲〈旅.課〉,「人生很像旅行,遇到的人事物都是 ... 的八卦
課Passenger〉,A-Lin說因為歌手身分,飛到很多地方唱歌給大家聽,每一次 ... 直說練了一個英文單字,想要在這裡講給大家聽,但一上台又忘了,終於在 ... ... <看更多>
passengers英文 在 Ξ喬治英文Ξ Passengers 星際過客/太空潛航者 - YouTube 的八卦
Learn English from the movie Passengers 從電影星際過客學 英文 需要中文字幕的朋友可打開右下角字幕功能original clip ... ... <看更多>