一個係我班主任,因為我做year project時研究「黑社會」,佢話佢個班係理科班,但一組做理科題目既都無。我可是非常認真的,訪問過退休大佬又去咗三合會博物館(係,香港有三合會博物館的,差佬開的)。
個晚我聽住周杰倫嘅歌,喊得好慘。最主要係我冇諗過,冇諗過要走,冇諗過要離開5年來嘅地方同同學。Clockwork Orange講過,咩地方留得耐,走既時候都會有啲唔捨得,即使係監獄都一樣。
更重要係,我覺得係世界末日,覺得自己一敗塗地,覺得自己要去Band 2學校升讀,好廢。
到咗高考時得asso Offer,甚至Retake咗一年為咗升大學。因為父母十幾年嚟都話,對我唯一要求係Degree畢業,我做咩唔會管我,亦不求我飛黃騰達。
P.S. 有人話我尋日價值觀唔正確,我同你講認真時驚你跟唔上啫。
同時也有442部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過22萬的網紅簡單歌唱 Singple.,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你唱歌的時候總是覺得很卡、很吃力嗎?現在點擊下方連結,我將告訴你如何讓唱歌就像講話一樣自然,輕鬆唱出好聽的歌聲的秘密!點我看答案:https://www.thisissingple.com/5-day-challenge/ 如果看完這集唱歌技巧教學影片學唱歌還是覺得不太清楚?立即索取每日開嗓菜單練...
- 關於orange教學 在 游學修 Neo Yau Facebook
- 關於orange教學 在 陳明珠 Facebook
- 關於orange教學 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook
- 關於orange教學 在 簡單歌唱 Singple. Youtube
- 關於orange教學 在 趣脆學 Youtube
- 關於orange教學 在 傅長膨AnimaJinx Youtube
- 關於orange教學 在 程式語言教學誌FB, YouTube: PYDOING: Java API 分類導覽 的評價
- 關於orange教學 在 紅包燈籠創意教學#7 - 桔子燈籠(DIY Tutorial) - Pinterest 的評價
orange教學 在 陳明珠 Facebook 八卦
我很感恩雖然沒有大紅大紫,但一路上滿滿是貴人與奇蹟。今年我接下了一個新節目,我將帶著五大洲12位外國朋友來認識台灣與客家文化,此時,有聲語言變得十二萬分重要,曾經短暫擔任過國小英文老師的我,用英語來表達並不陌生,但是要更精進絕對需要更有系統的學習,謝謝 TutorABC 為我開啟了新的學習大門,透過線上課程,我可以隨時隨地進入學習的情境中。
Teacher Madison住在英國劍橋,透過螢幕鏡頭,我看見她教學的熱情與喜悅,我也藉著簡單的英文語句,跟她說此時我在這太平洋的寶島上,那海有多藍,那陽光的味緒多和煦,那礫石的觸感有多親膚,那男女老少有多熱情。
我們說說笑笑,也用英文交換彼此眼前的美好景物,有幾度我眼眶紅紅,也許是橘紅夕陽映眼的關係吧,當她說起受教育的過程中,她一直都知道太平洋上有一個美麗的寶島,叫作「Formosa Taiwan」,而她也一直期待著有天能夠來台灣旅行,我們靜默了幾秒,同聲說——
So glad to meet you here today through
特別幫大家爭取到一堂 TutorABC 免費課程,明珠粉絲獨享喔→ https://pse.is/K5RQ2
想知道自己適合的學習模式,有個線上小測驗,可以快速找出學習方法→ https://pse.is/LUD52
#TutorABC因材施教立即見效 #AI打造量身定製課程
“You opened my door to the world, and accompanied me on this global journey”
There are two kinds of languages; one is conveyed by sound while the other one is utterly silent. The “silent” language is perceived by an observant and open heart. On the other hand, a language with sound requires a wild imagination and relentless training.
As an outdoor TV host, I believe that what matters, besides speaking eloquently, is to read between the lines and to be aware of the stories in our elder’s eyes, silver hair buns, and intertwined fingerprints. During the past 8 years of my career, I collected a plethora of anecdotes, and they are just like sparkling stars in my little universe. I hope someday I can stand in front of a big crowd and show everyone these stars, which represent the gifts of Taiwan.
I am eternally grateful for those heroes and miracles along the way, even if I didn’t make it big. This year, I am hosting a new TV program. I will introduce Taiwanese and Hakka culture to twelve foreign friends from five continents. Because of this, my language skills are crucial to the success of the program. I am familiar with communicating in English since I have been an elementary school English teacher. However, in order to reach a higher level of proficiency, I need to learn in a more systematic and organized way. Thanks to TutorABC, I found a new gateway to learning, and through their online courses, I can always start learning regardless of time and space.
So, one day I came to the gorgeous northern coast, and started my first English class. As a nature lover, I can also release my stress from work. Not to mention, I finally had the chance to introduce my foreign friends to the beauty of Taiwan and its natural scenery.
Ms. Madison, my teacher, lives in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Via the camera of her computer screen, I saw her joy and enthusiasm in teaching English. With a few simple English sentences and phrases, I described the sight of this gifted island on the Pacific Ocean: the azure sea, the blazing sun, the textured rocks, and the elated people.
I chose the course related to outdoor activities. Before class, TutorABC will provide me with course material for previewing. During class, Ms. Madison will introduce the definition of the words, and encourage me to use those words to share my stories and experiences. Before the class ends, a learning assessment will be conducted to record my current progress.
We chatted, laughed, and used English to share the breathtaking view in front of us. Occasionally, my eyes were slightly red, probably due to the orange sunset that projected onto my eyes. Ms. Madison talked about her school years, and how she always knew that there is a beautiful island named “Formosa Taiwan” on the Pacific Ocean. She always looked forward to visiting Taiwan. After a few seconds of silence, we said to each other simultaneously, “So glad to meet you here today through TutorABC!”
Learning a new language can be very joyful and rewarding, if we are willing to forget all the excessive concerns and recollect the pure enthusiasm of learning our mother tongue from adults when we were still children. TutorABC can help us find back that motivation for learning language, but first, we ask you to open your mind, observe with your heart, and learn without fear!
Photo Joseph Cheng Photography - Shape, no other
orange教學 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 八卦
【本校防疫訊息 #5月14日緊急更新:因應染疫個案持續擴增,#本校5月17日起啟動全面遠距教學等防疫措施】(#5月15日更新)
NTU COVID-19 Prevention Message ( #0514Urgent) — Preventive Measures and Remote Learning for All Classes Starting May 17 in Response to Increasing Number of Cases
1. 5月15日起各類會議活動,包括行政單位、各學院及學系活動(如 #小型畢業典禮)如無法改為線上進行,請研議取消辦理或延後辦理。
2. #體育館暫停開放;#5月15日起圖書館亦暫停開放自習室及閱覽室,僅提供借還書籍。
3. 5月15日起本校實施校園門禁,只開放 #大門、 #辛亥及長興入口。管制期間本校、臺科大、臺師大教職員工生及中研院等駐本校區人員、校友及退休人員憑證入校,洽公者需出示身分及相關證明文件(如開會通知、邀請函、電郵、訪客證、工作證或其他證明等文件,得採紙本或影像檔方式。),#無證明文件者由受訪單位派員至進出口確認身分後始得進入。各校內館舍亦請持續落實人員值班、量測體溫、以及實名制登錄(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )。
4. 5月15日起請同學們非必要情形儘量不要進入校園並減少外出,一同遵守防疫規定,以降低染疫風險。一般社團活動停辦或改為線上辦理。活動中心關閉社團活動場地(僅允許同學至社團辦公室拿取私人物品)。心輔中心於防疫期間仍提供預約初談及個別諮商,有相關疑問可電話或電郵洽詢。
5. 5月15日起本校餐廳鼓勵外帶餐點。 如不得已而內用餐點,需採一人一桌、或於桌面上放置格板隔離。
6. 週六(5月15日)上午總務處事務組將進行校園公共區域擴大消毒作業。
7. #5月17日起本校所有課程改為遠距教學。所有校屬教學館舍禁止學生進入,僅允許教師、職員和助教等進出以錄製線上課程。實驗室請教師安排使用時段,每一時段最多4人同時使用。(詳見:https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388)
8. 5月17日起本校各單位可依業務內容屬性調整辦公方式, 安排採居家辦公、異地辦公、或分批辦公方式辦公,並應向人事室提供名冊。
9. 疫情嚴峻,各項因應措施將依中央宣布而隨時調整,敬請全校教職員工生務必配合各項防疫措施。
國立臺灣大學防疫小組 敬上
Dear NTU students and colleagues,
With the increasing number of infections in Taipei City and New Taipei City, the pandemic situation is now approaching Alert Level 3 (orange light). In response to this urgency, the University is asking all departments and offices to comply with the following preventive measures.
1. Starting May 15, events organized by administrative offices or by colleges and departments (e.g. small-scale commencements) shall be canceled or postponed to a later date if they cannot be held online.
2. The Sports Center will be temporarily closed. Starting May 15, the NTU Main Library will close its study rooms and reading rooms; circulation services will still be available.
3. Starting May 15, access to the University will be limited to the Main Gate, Xinhai Gate, and Changxing Gate. NTU, NTNU, or NTUST faculty, staff and students, on-campus Academia Sinica staff, NTU alumni, and retired personnel should present a relevant ID card to enter the University. Visitors for official purposes should also present an ID card and relevant paperwork (e.g. a meeting notification, invitation, email, visitor/work pass, or others in paper or electronically). Those without any proof documents should be chaperoned by staff of the receiving departments/offices to enter. University premises must continue to be staffed for temperature taking at the entrance and real-name system should also be implemented. ( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739363589575926 )
4. Starting May 15, students should refrain from entering the University unless absolutely necessary and they should also decrease the number of going out. Preventive measures must be fully observed to minimize the risk of infection. Student club events will be suspended or go online and event venues at the Activity Center will be closed (students are allowed to pick up personal belongings from club offices). The Student Counseling Center will continue to provide intake and counseling services and inquiry for relevant resources will still be available via telephone or email.
5. Starting May 15, campus restaurants/cafeterias will encourage diners to buy take-outs. Those dining indoors should be seated alone at a table or share one installed with a protective board.
6. On the morning of this Saturday (May 15), the General Service Division of the Office of General Affairs will begin a large-scale disinfection at the University’s public spaces.
7. Starting May 15, all classes will be taught remotely. Students will be denied access to university-owned teaching halls. Faculty, staff, and teaching assistants may be allowed in to record online courses. Faculty members in charge of laboratories should schedule their usage, with each session being simultaneously used by up to four people.( https://www.facebook.com/iloventu/posts/1739368969575388 )
8. Starting May 17, all departments and administrative offices groups considering staff’s areas of responsibilities should plan how to work from home, work in different locations, or rotate staff in smaller groups. A list to this purpose should be provided to the Personnel Department.
9. Preventive measures will constantly be adjusted in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.
As the COVID-19 is still wreaking havoc, please be reminded to wear a mask at all times when you go out, wash hands frequently, and keep appropriate social distancing. Be on alert for suspected symptoms: fever, respiratory complications, diarrhea, and abnormality of smell and taste. If they appear, please wear a medical mask, immediately seek medical attention at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing, and refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please voluntarily tell the physician your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as people around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please also wear a medical mask and avoid going out if not necessary.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Epidemic Prevention Team
orange教學 在 簡單歌唱 Singple. Youtube 的評價
關於 簡單歌唱 singple #59 :
0:39 Vocal Coach Orange在影片的開頭先提出本集要講解的唱歌難受或者是唱歌難聽的主軸,並且解釋唱歌不好聽是有辦法靠後天的歌唱技巧訓練改善的。
1:14 聲音教練Orange解說唱歌好聽主要原因其實不只是有音調和音準。
1:38 Vocal Coach Orange提到,唱歌好聽的音色可以靠後天的唱歌技巧和學習歌唱教學持續練習的
1:59 Orange聲音教練,解說唱歌好聽的主要構成因素就是放鬆唱歌以及唱歌共鳴集中。
2:11 在這邊Orange聲音教練提醒各位星伙伴,我們練習唱歌技巧或是在看唱歌教学影片的練習時主要達成的目標就是前面所提到的兩個唱歌好聽元素
2:34 Orange提到第一個,導致你唱歌難聽的唱歌重點,另外也在這邊點出如果你在唱歌的時候腦中只有考慮唱歌音高以及音調、拍子的話,是很容易導致你唱歌難聽的
2:53 聲音教練Orange講解我們在唱歌訓練的時候,要去思考我們說話時是不會考慮到我們的節奏以及音高等等因素。所以我們需要利用像是說話的歌唱技巧去練習如何唱歌以及我們的唱歌語氣。
3:45 Orange聲音教練示範如何輕輕地利用輕聲細語的真音,以及正確的拿捏力道唱歌
3:45 Orange聲音教練在這邊示範如果利用第一種導致你唱歌難聽的元素來唱歌所會展現出來的模樣。
4:34 Vocal Coach Orange講解我們在遇到第一個唱歌問題的時候該利用哪種唱歌技術和歌唱技巧來改善
5:40 聲音教練Orange提供唱歌診療室給各位星伙伴,在回去自己練習唱歌的時候可以參考唱歌診療室中被診斷的星伙伴所會遇到的一些問題像是唱歌喉嚨僅或者是唱高音之類的,另外也跟你講說唱歌的時候要保持什麼樣子能夠讓你輕鬆学唱歌的想法。
5:56 在這裡 Vocal Coach Orange提到如果你法線唱歌好難、練高音都唱不上去的話,可以去下載我們免費的開嗓菜單,開嗓菜單裡面有包含能夠讓你音域拓展和唱歌基本功的練習非常適合新手學唱歌其外也有包含唱歌共鳴和氣流控制對於中階及進階的學生都非常適合
6:15 Vocal Coach Orange在這邊講解第二件容易讓你唱歌難聽的因素
6:37 聲音教練Orange提醒各位星伙伴要去思考我們在唱歌的時候要如何把他唱得更輕鬆。其中包含學唱歌訓練中常出現的共鳴轉換,如果星伙伴對於共鳴轉換還有許多不清楚的地方可以參考前面幾集共鳴教學的影片。
7:04 聲音教練Orange講解要把聲音唱的輕鬆可以使用第二種唱歌技巧(彈唇),同時也解說我們在唱歌聲音難聽的時候要去考慮我要用什麼方式練習,像是發聲練習或是聲帶閉合以及其他的發聲訓練像是泡泡音(Vocalfry)等等
8:02 Orange在這邊提供聲帶閉合的秘密三部曲給各位對於聲帶閉合還不太熟悉或者是需要加強訓練的星伙伴。
8:13 Orange聲音教練講解我們如果唱歌很虛的話可以增加我們的泡泡音(Vocal fry)來增加聲音的扎實度。
9:00 聲音教練Orange解說第三個致命的錯誤讓你唱歌難聽以及如何唱歌好聽的關鍵
9:58 Orange Vocal Coach 解說如果你覺得自己唱歌本身就是好聽的話,可以不要想著如何把聲音唱實,可以使用像是說話的唱歌技巧(唱歌像說話),因為如果你一直想著把聲音唱扎實會導致你的氣過不去,音高也就會唱不到
唱歌高音總是上不去嗎? 你一定需要知道這三個高音重點
#周杰倫 #說好不哭 #改善唱歌難聽
orange教學 在 趣脆學 Youtube 的評價
青瓜,矮瓜, 提子,哈密瓜,奇異果,檸檬,生菜,青檸,芒果,蘑菇,橙,
Does your kid love fruits and veg?etables? Do they know how to pronounce them and do you want to train up their hand-eye coordination and encourage them to take more fruit and vegetable in order to have a health diet daily? Let's learn all about it with this 5 minutes video!
Here we introduce toy velcro cutting fruits and vegetables playset which is educational and fun for kids to play and learn.
In this video, we will match the fruits and vegetables by their shape, if we find a match, we will merge it and pronounce the fruit name or vegetable name, your kid will learn the shape of fruit and vegetable and how does it call, this matching game will develop kids problem solving skill and hand-eye coordination.
After playing this fruit toy few times, my kid start to recognize the pronunciations of fruits and vegetables and able to cut and assemble most of them, surprisingly she take more fruits than before, we are very happy to see her can grow healthy and play as the same time.
The list of fruit and vegetable in the video with order, apple, potato, lettuce, grapes, cucumber, strawberry, eggplant, orange, mushroom, lemon, watermelon, tomato, pear, corn.
-請「按讚」like 和 「分享」這段影片給你的朋友和其他小朋友、例如facebook, whatsapp, tweeter, google+....etc
orange教學 在 傅長膨AnimaJinx Youtube 的評價
這不是業配啊啊啊!! 可樂化妝品是甚麼?? 可以喝嗎?
妝前乳:NYX - HD Studio Photogenic Primer Base / HDP101
氣墊粉底:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Oil Control Water Cushion / Apricot Beige / V 201
遮瑕膏:CANMAKE Color Mixing Concealer / 01
定裝粉:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Oil Clear Bloting Pact
眉毛,眼影,修容:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Mono Pop Eyes / Coke Red / 01
眉筆:ETUTE HOUSE - Drawing Eye Brow Pencil
染唇液:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Coke Bear Lip Tint / Red Label / 01
唇膏:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Lip Stick / Refreshing Rose / 01
液態唇膏:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Lip Tint / Coke Red / 05
液態唇膏:THE FACE SHOP x Coca Cola - Lip Tint / Always Orange
液態打亮:NYX - Away We Glow Liquid Highlighter / Day Time Halo / AWG06
定妝噴霧:SASATINNIE - Perfect Refining Tight Makeup Fixer
If you like me pls subscribe, or Like my FB Page to suppport me :)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anima_jinx/
臉書專頁Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/AnimaJinx
我是男生, 但是女聲,
喜歡感恩, 不喜慢走~
I'm a boy with girl's voices,
thanks for like, haters bye~
if you found happiness, strength and courage in my video,
that is the biggest compliment to me! Thank you :)
可樂化妝品是甚麼?? 可以喝嗎?
原來是the face shop跟coca cola合作出產的化妝品!!
剪輯軟體:Adobe Premier Pro CS6
orange教學 在 紅包燈籠創意教學#7 - 桔子燈籠(DIY Tutorial) - Pinterest 的八卦
Aug 30, 2020 - 【D.I.Y AngPow Lantern Tutorial #7】【HOW-TO #7】How to make Giant Mandarin Orange Lantern with Red Packet紅包燈籠創意教學#7 - 桔子燈籠Kindly ... ... <看更多>
orange教學 在 程式語言教學誌FB, YouTube: PYDOING: Java API 分類導覽 的八卦
Color orange, ORANGE. Color 類別(class) 的orange 或ORANGE 屬性(field) 為橘色(橙色)的Color 物件。 修飾子. public static final Color orange ... <看更多>