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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡#1. in one lump sum - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"in one lump sum" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Her divorce settlement included a lump sum of $2 million. 她的離婚協議包括一次性補償200萬美元。 想要學更多嗎? 透過劍橋「英語詞彙使用」 增加詞彙 ...
#3. 一次性支付,lump-sum payment,元照英美法詞典- 免費線上查詢!
詞條. lump-sum payment. 中文. 一次性支付. 解釋. 指一次性付清,從而區別於分期付款〔installments〕,例如在人壽保險中一次性付清保險費〔premium〕; 在離婚協議中 ...
#4. 英語口語:pay in lump-sum一次性付款的英語表達怎麼說?
你只把英語pay in lump-sum「翻譯」成中文「一次性付款」嗎? ... 1. Well,when you pay for it in lump-sum(make a lump-sum purchase), ...
lump sum中文 ::總額;總付;總數;一次總付的;總計…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋lump sum的中文翻譯,lump sum的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
lump sum中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:總額;匯總。英漢詞典提供【lump sum】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money ...
#7. in one lump sum-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Within 7 days after the auction date, you shall complete the payment in one lump sum and collect the article.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"in ...
#8. Lump sum payment - 一次給付 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 經濟學, 一次給付, Lump sum payment. 學術名詞 社會工作與福利名詞, 一次給付, Lump-sum Payment ...
one lump -sum. one lump-sum. 12/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
#10. 'lump sum' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
A lump sum is an amount of money that is paid as a large amount on a single occasion rather than as smaller amounts on several separate occasions.
#11. single lump sum 中文lump - Hvamw
lump together中文翻譯,lump together是什麼意思:把…弄成一團( … “a lump sum” 中文翻譯: 一次總付的金額, 一筆整數; 一次總付金額“a lump sun” 中文翻譯這兩個問題 ...
#12. lump sum - 抓鸟
同时,该页为英语学习者提供:lump sum的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。 ... 名词: 1. a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money ...
#13. single lump sum 中文 - TGPT
“a lump sum rate of”中文翻譯費用合計. “estimated for lump-sum appropriations”中文翻譯整付經費概算書. “estimates for lump sum appropriations”中文 ...
#14. "pay upfront" 和"pay in a lump sum" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
Its possible that you could pay upfront and in a lump sum at the same time because they are two seperate ideas. "Up-front payment" is one ...
#15. sell for a lump sum 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
sell for a lump sum 中文意思是什麼. 英 美 澳. sell for a lump sum 解釋. 籠統出售. sell: vt 1 賣,售(opp buy); 促進…的銷路,使好賣。2 〈比喻〉出賣(朋友, ...
#16. lump sum的意思_用法 - 訂房優惠報報
沪江词库精选lump sum是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语 ... 1.(通常为无定形的)块 2.(sugarlump)【英】方糖 3.肿块;隆起 4.
#17. 找lump sum意思相關社群貼文資訊
lump sum -翻译为中文-例句英语。 使用Reverso Context: lump-sum, a lump sum, lump-sum payment, lump sum payment, lump-sum payments,在英语-中文情境中翻译"lump sum" ...
#18. 一次性收入的英文为什么是Lump-sum Payment - 百度知道
payment是付款的意思。你这里lump sum payment应该结合上下文,如果指的是退休金、企业年金、保险等,付款方是国家或者有关单位,收款方是你,payment ...
#19. Print lump sum recovery text on a customer invoice - Microsoft ...
This article provides information about how to print a lump sum recovery text that shows the penalty amount on customer invoices.
#20. lump-sum fee 中文意思是什麼
lump -sum fee 中文意思是什麼 · lump : n 1 塊,團。2 皰,腫瘤,癤子。 · sum : SUM =surface to underwater missile 艦對水下導彈[飛彈]。n 1 總數,總計,總額;【數學】 ...
#21. lump sum - 英汉词典
英语, 中文. lump sum nnoun: Refers to ... You can get your lottery winnings as a lump sum or in annual payments. She paid off her debts in one lump sum.
#22. Lump-Sum Payment - Investopedia
A lump -sum payment is a large sum that is paid in one single payment instead of installments.
#23. 一次总付- MBA智库百科
一次总付(lump sum)一次总付是指签订合同的双方当事人商定并在合同中规定的合同总价, ... 1 什么是一次总付[1]; 2 一次总付对受让方的影响[1]; 3 参考文献 ...
#24. single lump sum 中文lump | QQzovo
single lump sum 中文lump. 核冊保險等,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,translation,在線發音,Two Two-Part Tariff 比Single Two-Part Tariff 能帶來更高的收入。
#25. single lump sum payment_中文翻译 - 术语宝典
术语【single lump sum payment】的中文翻译和解释,single lump sum payment:一次整筆清付的付款.
#26. lump sum - 英語 - 海词词典
lump sum 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: a complete payment consisting of a single sum of money ...
#27. Lump sum - Wikipedia
A lump sum is a single payment of money, as opposed to a series of payments made over time (such as an annuity). The United States Department of Housing and ...
#28. pay a lump sum 中文英語口語 - IHTF
pay a lump sum 中文英語口語:pay ... Look up the English to German translation of lump sum in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb ...
#29. 一次給付英文,Lump sum payment中文- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 一次給付 Lump‑sum Payment 【社會工作與福利名詞】 一次給付 Lump sum payment 【經濟學】 金額一次總付 lump‑sum 【造船工程名詞】
#30. a lump sum – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
a lump sum · 技术 · 一次总付金额; 一笔整数. a lump sum: 5 短语, 4 学科. 商业, 1. 展览, 1. 纺织工业, 2. 经济, 1. 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言选择诀窍.
#31. Pensions Manual – Chapter 07 - Lump Sum Benefits and ...
Please refer to Pensions Manual Chapter 25: Limit on Tax Relieved Pension Funds, as the payment of a lump sum benefit in excess of a specified monetary amount ...
#32. 專論Focus ‧ 工程合約中一式計價項目相關爭議‧Controversies ...
In construction practices, there are so-called lump sum priced items, which are special work items whose prices can hardly be estimated before a contract is ...
#33. Lump sum payments - Inland Revenue
If your employee uses an M SL or ME SL tax code and earns more than $390 a week. You must deduct student loan repayments from the lump sum ...
#34. 整筆撥款制度的迷思(2018年1月7日)
在2001年之前,社署的四種資助制度,分別為Modified Standard Cost, Model Cost, Unit Rate, 及lump sum grant (註:是用英文的細草,有異於現時用大草的 ...
#35. Topic No. 412 Lump-Sum Distributions - Internal Revenue ...
Mandatory income tax withholding of 20% applies to most taxable distributions paid directly to you in a lump sum from employer retirement plans ...
#36. Lump Sum Cash Assistance and TANF/SFA-Related Medical
Sharon received a $6,000 lump sum payment of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in April. Sharon's award letter indicated that her disability was ...
#37. Key tips to consider if choosing a lump-sum pension payout
A lump -sum payout can give you the flexibility of choosing where to invest or save your money, and when and how much money to withdraw.
#38. The Option of a Lump-Sum Payment as an alternative to the ...
The Option of a Lump-Sum Payment as an alternative to the traditional shipment entitlements of Staff: An overview of selected United Nations system ...
#39. Lump Sum Option | MIT Human Resources
To ensure flexibility in how the annual merit pool is distributed among staff, managers and administrative officers may provide a lump sum merit payment in ...
#40. Present Value of a Lump Sum - YouTube
#41. firm lump sum 中文 - Nicolago
Net present value. 说明双击或选中下面任意单词,将显示该词的音标、读音、翻译等;选中中文或多个词,将显示翻译。 您的位置首页-> 词典-> [管]固定工程总价合同1 ...
#42. Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment - Services Australia
Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment is a lump sum payment to help you during the time you can't work and earn income because you have to:.
#43. payment 一次付清英文lump-sum - Hitcvr
主要翻譯英語中文lump-sum adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun–for example, “a tall girl,” “an interesting book,” “a big house.” (payment: one-off) ...
#44. How should I invest my lump sum? | UBS Global
Investment strategy insights How should I invest my lump sum? · 1. Liquidity—to provide cash flow for short-term expenses · 2. Longevity—for ...
#45. lump sum (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"lump sum" 相關課程教材. One person wrote: “life in Canada summed up in one picture.” 其中一個人寫道:「加拿大人的生活都總結在這張照片中了。」.
#46. pay a lump sum 中文– lump sum vs monthly payment - Netsdeer
Full and final settlement means that you ask your creditors to let you pay a lump sum instead of the full balance you owe on the debt, In return for having ...
#47. 请教报税中的Lump Sum啥意思- 生活百科 - FreeOZ论坛
请教报税中的Lump Sum啥意思?Gross Salary 是税前总收入吧?Tax Withheld 是公司扣交部分?Lump Sum A 和Lump Sum B是啥意思呢?交SUPER的钱?
#48. The strange and terrible saga of Nancy Pelosi and SF's rocket ...
The French toilet engineers landed in San Francisco a little over a ... “There is no benefit to taking monthly payments over a lump sum at ...
#49. 10 pitfalls when using an EOR in Germany | Employment law
Our Lawyers for emloyment law sum up the 10 pitfalls when ... In German law, there is no concept of a co- or dual employment relationship.
#50. Paying the remaining tax in a lump sum within a deadline ...
The National Taxation Bureau of the Northern Area, Ministry of Finance (NTBNA) states that, in one case, a taxpayer in the area under its administration applied ...
#51. Lump sum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of LUMP SUM is an amount of money that is paid at one time : a single sum of money. How to use lump sum in a sentence.
#52. "in a lump sum"の意味・使い方|英辞郎 on the WEB
in a lump sum 〔代金の支払いなどが〕一括して、まとめて - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
#53. Lump sum funding works in practice – assessment of the pilot ...
The objective is a massive reduction in errors and administration of R&I grants, and a stronger focus on content. The new approach was tested ...
#54. Lump-sum Meaning - YourDictionary
What does lump-sum mean? A single sum of money that serves as complete payment. (noun)
#55. lump sum - Longman Dictionary
lump sum meaning, definition, what is lump sum: an amount of money given in a single pay...: Learn more.
#56. Veterans' benefits veterans have mixed views on a lump sum ...
This ratio was borne out among supporters of offering a lump sum choice—56 percent indicated they would have been interested in a lump sum payment, ...
#57. Administrative Law - 第 135 頁 - Google 圖書結果
After all, the very point of a lump-sum appropriation is to give an agency the capacity to adapt to changing circumstances and meet its statutory ...
#58. Current Housing Reports: American housing survey for the ...
One of the homeequity loan questions was if the home - equity loan was a lump - sum line - of - credit . In 2001 , separate counts of lump - sum home ...
#59. European Union Law: Cases and Materials
The lump sum is a single one-off sanction that penalises the state for its non-compliance between the date of the original judgment given under Article 258 ...
#60. The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America
1 ( iv ) If the household executes a repayment agreement , the State agency ... State agencies shall collect payments from households in one lump sum if the ...
#61. Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals - 第 97 頁 - Google 圖書結果
You may be able to elect optional methods of figuring the tax on lump - sum distributions you receive from a qualified retirement plan ( an employer's ...
#62. Your Federal Income Tax for Individuals - 第 83 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Include the full amount of any lump - sum benefit payments received in 2011 , for 2011 and earlier years . ( If you received more than one form , combine ...
#63. Lump Sum Investment: Access Your Needs, Explore the ...
When a pension is drawn , it is taxed as income but in most cases some 25 % of the pension fund can be withdrawn as a tax - free lump sum .
#64. Pensions Act 2004: Chapter 35, Explanatory Notes
Paragraph 14 provides for when lump sum compensation can be paid . Where the member has been entitled to a lump sum he will receive 90 % of the accrued ...
#65. Subcommittee Hearing on H.R. 5921, to Terminate Lump-sum ...
SPEAKER : There is enclosed a draft of a bill to terminate lump - sum benefits provided by law to certain Reserve officers of the Navy and Air Force , which ...
one lump sum中文 在 Present Value of a Lump Sum - YouTube 的八卦
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