(The English version is down below!!!)
想問一下 大家認識璃雅是因為璃雅出什麼角呢😳還有最喜歡是璃雅出什麼??
近期想要重出一下以前出過的角 但又想不到要出那個(._.) (雖然有幾個心水 但有嚴重的選擇困難症w)
I want to ask you guys, What character was I cosplaying when you know me?😳 Also, what character do you want me to cos the most? Recently I want to re-cos some characters, but I can't think of any.(._.)(Even though I have some favourites, but my Decidophobia is getting me)
近期我都一直在翻舊照w(゚Д゚)w 在找一些以前沒發但又漂亮的照片發文 但是感覺把舊照重發反應很差很差欸(つД`)ノ
然後 有時看到以前的作品都覺得很差ww
啊 好傷心欸 難道我就不能更好嗎(°_°)
好啦 其實我真的超級無敵的自卑好嗎 所以我很討厭跟別人比較
錯字很多 有沒有人理解到XDXD
謝謝你看到這裹 你又能認識我多一點了XD
Recently I was going through some old photos.w(゚Д゚)w I found some good photos that I kept from posting, but I feel like posting old photos will have fewer reactions.(つД`)ノ Also, sometimes the old cosplay photos are quite terrible.ww (sigh) I'm sad, can't I get better?(°_°) Alright, actually my self-esteem is super low, so I hate comparing with other people. Thank you for coming here, hope you've known me better today.XD
Photo by ❥ King
#cosplay #ACG #紗霧 #sagiri
✢Twitch❥璃雅 (Niyagerda)
✢World cosplay❥254062 (Niya)
「old world巴哈」的推薦目錄:
old world巴哈 在 Niya.Gerda-璃雅 Facebook 八卦
(。・ω・。)ノ璃雅現在多少歲?? 快來猜猜!!
Time to give you guys another update!((flop//
I am still in the summer holiday mood.ww
(sigh)Even in today I still can't wake up early⋯(More like never
Let's have a quiz with no prize!!
(。・ω・。)ノHow old is Niya right now?? Come and guess now!!
I will tell you the answer tonight~~
#cosplay #ACG #刀劍神域 #西莉卡
Photo by: Roy Cosplay Photo
✢World cosplay❥254062 (Niya)
old world巴哈 在 Chet Lam 林一峰 Facebook 八卦
new MV available!
林一峰與國家地理頻道於世界地球日一同呼籲港人愛護海洋: 主題歌曲《Ocean》MV將於明天全面播放 為世界地球日發聲
國家地理頻道最近邀請林一峰擔任《2010世界地球日》的環保大使,一峰親自為國家地理頻道《2010世界地球日》創作主題曲《Ocean》,同時亦於本月初在香港海洋公園拍攝該主題曲的Music Video!而一峰的海洋保育宣傳片亦將於明天世界地球日(4月22日)於國家地理頻道播出,向全港觀眾宣揚保護海洋的重要性。
國家地理頻道香港區總經理Sonia Jackson表示:「我們很高興可與林一峰先生共同宣傳保育海洋的重要性。海洋中擁有保持原狀的水底城市、遠古動物、世界的遺骸、遺跡,以及最奇特的動物,是地球的一大寶庫。然而世上有百分之二十的珊瑚礁巳逐漸消失,大型海洋掠食動物也因為遭到過度捕獵,其數量已減少百分之九十。我們希望可以藉著一峰的海洋保育宣傳片、Music Video以及由一峰代言的《2010世界地球日》特備節目帶領觀眾深入海底世界,讓世人認識保護海洋的重要性。
鯊魚伊甸園 Shark Eden
Premieres Thu, 22 Apr @ 8pm
National Geographic Channel
國家地理駐會探險家麥克費(Mike Fay),加入了由安立克薩拉博士(Dr. Enric Sala)所率領的科學家團隊,一行人遠離文明,深入無垠大海裡搜尋古老的祕密和活生生的寶藏。這一趟規模盛大的調查之行,讓科學家發現了獨一無二的隱密世界,那裡充滿了珊瑚、魚類,鯊魚的數量尤其驚人,掠食動物的勢力遠勝獵物。他們的發現有可能永遠改變世人對珊瑚礁的瞭解。請看薩拉博士如何與研究團隊,一起在鮮為人知的動物天堂,尋找拯救珊瑚礁的關鍵。
Far from civilization, a team of scientists, led by Dr. Enric Sala and joined by Explorer-in-Residence Mike Fay, search in a wilderness of waves for ancient secrets and living treasures. In the most comprehensive survey ever attempted, our scientists discover a hidden world found no where else on earth. Full of coral, fish, and, especially, sharks - this is a world where predators outnumber prey. What they find could change our understanding of coral reefs forever. Enric Sala and his team search for the key to save our planet's reefs - in a hidden paradise called Shark Eden.
To know more about Shark Eden:
水底迷宮大探索Diving The Labyrinth
Premieres Thu, 22 Apr @ 10pm
National Geographic Channel
巴哈馬(Bahamas)的藍洞是水底迷宮,長1500公里,內有冰期形成的隧道和洞穴。深入世上最危險的新領域之一,每年平均有20人死於洞穴潛水。科學家直到最近才擁有科技和相關知識,得以安全探索這些被水覆蓋的死亡陷阱。在本集節目中,由經驗洞穴潛水員和世界級科學家組成的夢幻小組,探索巴哈馬藍洞(Blue Holes),帶回豐富的科學資料,包括1200年前首批巴哈馬居民的頭骨、絕種超過1千年的爬蟲動物骨骼、以及地球最原始生物的單細胞後代。
The Blue Holes of the Bahamas - an underwater labyrinth of more than 1500 unexplored kilometers of tunnels and caves formed during the ice age. Cave diving is one of the Earth's last and most lethal frontiers. On average 20 people per year die cave diving. Until recently scientists didn't have the technology, or the know-how, to explore these flooded mantraps and come back alive. In this one-hour special, a dream team of extreme cave divers teams up with world class scientists to explore the Bahamas Blue Holes and return with an unbelievably rich scientific mother load: 1200-year old-skulls of the Bahamas first human settlers, skeletons of reptiles extinct for over a thousand years, and single-celled creatures descended from the first life on Earth. Join Diving the Labyrinth to discover the secret of the time capsule at the heart of every Blue Hole - a deep water zone that preserves fossils.
To know more about Diving The Labyrinth:
海洋綠洲 Underwater Oasis
Premieres Thu, 22 Apr @ 11pm
National Geographic Channel
南非的阿里瓦沙洲(Aliwal Shoal)是鯊魚群集、魚群海底成群悠游的美麗地方。全球數量最多的鯊魚和魟魚(rays)都在此聚首,包括錐齒鯊(ragged-toothed sharks)、沙鯊(sand sharks)和虎鯊(tiger sharks)。上百條沙鯊齊聚一堂的壯觀景象前所未見,我們即將揭露牠們的祕密世界及行為模式。阿里瓦沙洲真的是觀鯊的好地方:水中洞穴大得像教堂,提供避開海流的庇護所,讓鯊魚得以在此休息及養精蓄銳,並在此求偶及交配。這個位於印度洋的特殊景觀點,同時也是其他形形色色小型魚類及珊瑚溫暖的家。
The Aliwal Shoal is a place where sharks congregate and where fish walk on the bottom of the ocean. It sees the greatest congregation of sharks and rays anywhere on Earth including ragged-toothed sharks, sand sharks and tiger sharks. The spectacle of hundreds of sand sharks has never-been-seen before and we will reveal their secret world and their behaviour. The Aliwal Shoal is a truly spectacular area - underwater caves which look like cathedrals provide sanctuary from the currents and allow the sharks to rest and replenish themselves - and to court and mate. Situated in the Indian Ocean, this strange landscape has also become home to a huge variety of smaller fish and corals.
To know more about Underwater Oasis:
old world巴哈 在 《我們之後After Us》 闖蕩超現實末日世界的拯救眾生之旅 的八卦
巴哈 姆特電玩瘋Lite New 32 views ... Green Greens - Running Through the New World - Kirby 30th Anniversary Music Fest. ... <看更多>
old world巴哈 在 [心得] 舊世界old world 四不像的4x - steam - PTT遊戲區 的八卦
5 F →redsgm: 好玩程度每人口味不同但是old world 一定比較累而且挫05/23 21:04 ... 29 Re: [閒聊] 巴哈河洛群俠傳豪華典藏版又特價囉. ... <看更多>
old world巴哈 在 【心得】時與永遠(閃光組VS去死去死團的JRPG) - 巴哈姆特 的八卦
【心得】時與永遠(閃光組VS去死去死團的JRPG) - 巴哈姆特. 之前法米通就一直在封面放時 ... Map-O-Monsters [mapit 67.1] Old World Maps, Old Maps,. Map-O-Monsters ... ... <看更多>