【 小英的哥大演講 】
前兩天蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統在哥倫比亞大學Columbia University in the City of New York 的演講感動了許多人,我也一直想要跟大家好好分享對這篇講稿的心得。想歸想,但卻沒時間動筆。
一直到昨天,BBC 中文網(繁體) 有篇談這場演講的報導(後面有一小段引用了對我的訪問),然後發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 跟我在臉書上聊這件事。我們兩個雖然都很想談談這篇講稿,但週末都忙著同一件事:帶小孩(他帶他的、我帶我的)。但再不寫大概就沒人想談了,所以只好趁現在小孩睡覺後開始寫。
前天我曾經在臉書上請大家好好讀這篇講稿,中文英文都要看。有關中文的部分,朱宥勳 已經有很精彩的寫作技巧分析,大家可以去看看。
很多人都知道小英總統是英國倫敦政經學院的博士(好吧,有些人到現在還在懷疑),小英講英文時也有很雋永的英國腔,但大家比較容易忽略的是,紐約(美國)才是她第一個異鄉求學的地方。她當時就讀康乃爾大學Cornell University ,位於紐約州的漂亮小城Ithaca。
小英在紐約的公開演講曾說:「這是她第一次以中華民國總統的身份造訪紐約」。從這個背景來看小英的英文講稿,不難發現,前四段事實上是給紐約客(New Yorker)的溫暖起手式:
✍️Receiving an invitation to speak here from such a vanguard of free speech and diversity is actually quite an honor.
✍️ I graduated from Cornell Law School in 1980, and I have to say, being back on a New York campus brings back many memories. Though I’m sure many of you would say that any campus outside of New York City is not really part of New York.
🐶這一段是insider joke,非紐約人可能看不懂,紐約人聽到應該笑呵呵。為什麼?前面已經說了,Cornell位於紐約州的Ithaca,但不是位於紐約市內,所以這個笑話是小英的自嘲:我知道我念的學校沒有位於紐約市(New York City)內,你們一定覺得那不能算是「紐約校園」。說白了,這有點像是天龍國笑話或是「天母是天龍中的天龍」之類的。
講到這,看看哥大的臉書名稱:Columbia University in the City of New York (位於紐約市的哥倫比亞大學),不覺得很幽默嗎?這是在開其他沒有位於紐約市(也許位於紐約州)大學的玩笑。(你能想像台大的臉書名稱說「位於台北的台大」嗎?)
✍️However, I actually lived in the city in the summer of 1979, when I was doing research work for a professor at the East Asia Institute of Columbia University. Later on, I passed the New York Bar examination here, and visited the city from time to time, sometimes on my way to Washington DC for trade negotiations.
✍️Life in New York in the 1980s was eye opening for a young law student from not quite democratized Taiwan. Diversity and different perspectives were the norm, and looking out across the lecture hall today, I am glad to see that has not changed.
所以好的幕僚真的很重要,也真的能讓你上天堂。幕僚寫稿的功力也在這裡,帶出個人情感(personal touch),讓老闆掌握演講節奏,這是需要專業訓練的。
✍️In the early days of our political transition, some said democracy could not survive in China’s shadow. And Taiwan is now home to a thriving democratic society and political system.
🐶我喜歡survive in China's shadow這個詞的用法,這可以提醒聽眾,今日許多國家,甚至包括美國,都還在擔憂中國的銳實力(sharp power)。西方國家對於要不要禁用華為爭論不休,也可以視為一種中國的陰影。
✍️Some said a resource-poor island of only 23 million people could not become a major economic player. Yet we are now the United States’ 11th largest trade partner.
✍️Some said progressive values could not take root in East Asian society. Yet I stand here before you as Taiwan’s first woman president, and this year we became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage.
✍️In short, Taiwan’s story is one of seemingly improbable success. Many call Taiwan a “democratic miracle,” but I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in the will of the people, and their vision for a better world.
🐶「奇蹟的信徒」在中文是個華麗的修辭,但英文用的是大家國中都學過的文法:believe 是相信,believe in 是信仰。有沒有 in 差很多。
✍️We are seeing this threat in action right now in Hong Kong. Faced with no channel to make their voices heard, young people are taking to the streets to fight for their democratic freedoms. And the people of Taiwan stand with them.
Hong Kong’s experience under “one country, two systems” has shown the world once and for all that authoritarianism and democracy cannot coexist.
✍️You begin to censor your own speech, your own thoughts. You no longer discuss current events with your friends, for fear of being overheard. You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future.
🐶我喜歡這一段的節奏。也因為這一段,我猜測這篇講稿應該是「以英文寫成,再翻譯成中文」,而非「以中文寫成,再翻譯成英文」。為什麼?因為You spend more time looking over your shoulder than you spend looking towards the future. 用了前面跟後面的修辭。
✍️Our story is one of perseverance, of a commitment to democracy against all odds.
Ours is a story of why values do still matter. The cultural and political differences across the Taiwan Strait only grow wider by the day; and each day that Taiwan chooses freedom of speech, human rights, the rule of law, is a day that we drift farther from the influences of authoritarianism.
🐶Against all odds 強調台灣民主及經濟發展難能可貴。
A story of why values do still matter. 強調台灣跟中國最大的差異:價值。
✍️Authoritarian governments seek to exploit press freedoms unique to democratic societies to sow dissent among us. They hope to make us question our political systems and lose faith in democracy.
Taiwan has been on the frontlines of this battle for years, and we have a great deal of experiences to offer to the world.
✍️But democracy faces other challenges as well, especially in the form of economic enticements with hidden strings attached.
🐶這在講什麼?包括中國對台灣的統戰,也包括中國對其他國家的一帶一路及所帶來的債權陷阱(debt trap)。
✍️So to all the people who ask me how to make the choice between democracy and economic growth, I say the choice is clear: the two are inseparable.
History tells us that democracies are strongest when united, and weakest when divided.
🐶這邊改寫了英文寫作常用的名言錦句:United we stand, divided we fall。寫得很漂亮,沒話說。
我只挑了一些段落跟大家分享,希望大家喜歡,也算是完成發達資本主義時代的打油詩人 交代給我的任務。
忘了說,哥大的黎安友(Andrew Nathan)教授是小英這次訪紐約的靈魂人物,他是友台派中國通的祖師爺級人物,台灣許多教授及政治人物都上過他的課。我在清大就讀中國研究碩士時,Andy(我們都這麼稱呼他)也來清大上過短期講座,現在回想起來,當時能在新竹上他的課真的太幸福了(畢竟清大不在紐約市,學費也不能跟長春藤盟校相比😂)。
Ps. 本篇文章謝謝打油詩人給我一些靈感,但如果有寫錯的地方,文責當然自負。
護台胖犬 劉仕傑
Instagram: old_dog_chasing_ball (老狗追球)
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Hak Me,也在其Youtube影片中提到,之前同大家喺Instagram Live傾計,大家都問我自從有玫瑰痤瘡之後,每朝嘅護膚程序。其實我朝早用嘅產品都好簡單,有玫瑰痤瘡之後就更家簡單,既然大家都有興趣知道,咁我就分享一下。另外,大家都好想睇多啲關於黑咪店既化妝品上面效果,趁我都要化妝,就用佢哋上面比大家睇下用法同效果。咁當然唔少得整靚整...
not sure用法 在 黃浩銘 Raphael Wong Facebook 八卦
毋忘五大訴求 公民抗命有理
(案件編號:DCCC 535/2020)
在整個反修例運動如火如荼之際,我正承擔另一宗公民抗命案件的刑責。雖然身在獄中,但仍然心繫手足。我在獄中電視機前見證6月9日、6月16日及8月18日三次百萬港人大遊行,幾多熱愛和平的港人冒天雨冒彈雨走上街頭,抗議不義惡法,今日關於10月20日的案件,亦是如此。可能有人會問,政府已在6月暫緩修例,更在9月正式撤回修例,我等仍然繼續示威,豈非無理取鬧?我相信法官閣下肯定聽過「遲來的正義並非正義」(Justice delayed is justice denied)這句格言。當過百萬群眾走上街頭,和平表達不滿的時候,林鄭政府沒有理睬,反而獨行獨斷,粗暴踐踏港人的意願,結果製造出後來連綿不絕的爭拗,甚至你死我活的對抗。經歷眾多衝突痛苦之後,所謂暫緩撤回,已經微不足道,我們只是更加清楚:沒有民主,就連基本人權都不會擁有!
法官閣下,我對於當日的所作所為,不感羞恥,毫無悔意。我能夠在出獄後與群眾同行一路,與戰友同繫一獄,實是莫大榮幸。若法治失去民主基石,將使法庭無奈地接受專制政權所訂立解釋的法律限制,隨時變成政治工具掃除異見,因此爭取民主普選,建設真正法治,追求公平正義,仍然是我的理想。在這條路上,如有必要,我仍然會公民抗命,正如終審法院海外非常任法官賀輔明(Lord Hoffmann)所言,發自良知的公民抗命有悠久及光榮的傳統,歷史將證明我們是正確的。我期望,曾與我一起遊行抗命的手足戰友要堅持信念,在艱難歲月裡毋忘初衷,活在愛和真實之中。
最後,如9年前一樣,我想借用美國民權領袖馬丁路德金牧師的一番話對我們的反對者說:「我們將以自己忍受苦難的能力,來較量你們製造苦難的能力。我們將用我們靈魂的力量,來抵禦你們物質的暴力。對我們做你們想做的事吧,我們仍然愛你們。我們不能憑良心服從你們不公正的法律,因為拒惡與為善一樣是道德責任。將我們送入監獄吧,我們仍然愛你們。」(We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail and we shall still love you.)
Lest we forget the five demands: civil disobedience is morally justified
- Statement on 10‧20 Kowloon Rally
(Case No.: DCCC 535/2020)
Your Honour Judge Woodcock
In 2012, I stood before the court and admitted to violating the "Public Security Evil Law". I expressed my hope for universal suffrage, criticized the evil law as unjust, and willingly accepted the penalty for civil disobedience. Back then, I said that if the small-circle election had not been abolished and the draconian law had not disappeared, I would still be as determined as I was, and I believe that more students and citizens would join this movement. Today, universal suffrage is still a long way off, and I have been brought before the court again for trial. But in just seven years, hundreds of thousands of people have already risen up in civil disobedience against tyranny. Today, I plead guilty to "unauthorised assembly" under an unapproved evil law enacted by an unauthorised government. I do not intend to seek the court's mercy, but please allow me to take up a little time in court to present my case so that the court can consider all aspects before sentencing me.
The roots of violence
At the time when the whole anti-extradition law movement was in full-swing, I was taking responsibility for another civil disobedience case. Although I was in prison, my heart was still with the people. I witnessed the three million-person rallies on 9 June, 16 June and 18 August on television in prison, when many peace-loving people took to the streets despite the rain and bullets, to protest against unjust laws. Some people may ask, "The Government has already suspended the legislative amendments in June and formally withdrew the bill in September, but we are still demonstrating, are we not being unreasonable?" I am sure your Honour has heard of the adage "Justice delayed is justice denied". When more than a million people took to the streets to express their discontent peacefully, the Lam administration ignored them and instead acted arbitrarily, brutally trampling on the wishes of the people of Hong Kong, resulting in endless arguments and even confrontations. After so many conflicts and painful experiences, the so-called moratorium is no longer meaningful. We only know better: without democracy, we cannot even have basic human rights!
In this case, although we did not instigate or commit acts of violence, I believe that in the eyes of the prosecution and the court, the violence on the day of the incident can still be counted against us, based on the August 18 and October 1 case. And now I must ask - If Hong Kong had a fair and just universal election, and the public could directly veto laws they did not approve of at the Legislative Council, then how could the violent clashes of 2019 have come about? If the violence we see is so heinous, how do we feel about the institutional violence that insists on the imposition of draconian laws even after millions of people have taken to the streets? If we cannot accept violent rebellion, how can we remain silent in the face of even greater and more oppressive institutional violence? The true and frequent violence is the kind of violence that ignores people's demands, that tramples on their opinions, that deprives them of their right to express themselves. People who truly hate violence and abhor it cannot accuse violent resistance on the one hand and tolerate institutional violence on the other. If I have to bear the criminal responsibility for the violence caused by the peaceful demonstration, then who should bear the criminal responsibility for the social unrest caused by failed administration?
The roots of society's problems
From a court's point of view, it may be that what happened in 2019 was just a series of social unrest, and that those who broke the law must be held personally accountable. What happened in 2019 was not something that I alone or the defendants could have made possible, and the crux of the social problem was not the 'criminals' but the 'causes of crime'. I understand the concept of " applying severe punishment to a troubled world", but if "decimation" was really the solution, there would not have been more violent rebellions in 2019 after the Mongkok "riot" in 2016 and the heavy sentences handed down to protesters by the Court of Appeal in 2017.
If we do not want social unrest, we must get to the root of the problem and implement the "five demands" step by step, so as to achieve fundamental reforms and win back the hearts of the people. 2019's anti-revision movement is indeed a continuation of 2014's Umbrella Movement, and even though the court may think that both movements are caused by a "perverse wind", I must clarify that the core of both movements is the pursuit of democracy and universal suffrage, and the people being the masters of their own house. In the District Council election on 24 November 2019, which is the closest thing to universal suffrage, nearly 3 million people voted, and the democratic camp won a huge victory, winning majority in 17 District Councils. As canaries in the monetary coal mine, we have repeatedly reminded the government to withdraw the extradition bill and fundamentally reform the system, and the march in Kowloon on 20 October was certainly an opportunity to reflect public opinion. Now, by imposing heavy penalties on us, the court is only punishing public opinion, trapping the canaries in a birdcage, or even stifling them in the palm of their hands, suffocating the freedom of expression.
The importance of persistence
As a result of the crackdown after the mass movement, we lost Apple Daily, the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union, and the Civil Human Rights Front. Many of our democratic leaders and comrades who had contributed to the movement were imprisoned, and many of our friends who had been passionately involved in the movement had been forced to lay low under the threat of the National Security Law. I still believe that the faith of Hong Kong people and the glory of humanity seen in 2019 will remain unchanged. I will never forget the millions of people who braved the rain and the heat to resist tyranny and evil laws, demonstrating our unity of purpose; I will never forget the crowds of people who gave way to ambulances, demonstrating our civility; I will never forget the young people who sacrificed their lives, demonstrating our courage and bravery; I will never forget the silver-haired who took to the streets to protect the youth, demonstrating our care for each other; I will never forget the "five demands" and the 2019 District Council election, demonstrating our rationality and decency.
Your Honour, I have nothing to be ashamed of and no remorse for what I did on that day. It is my great honour to be in prison with my comrades and to be able to walk with the public after my release. If the rule of law were to lose its democratic foundation, the courts would have no choice but to accept the legal restrictions set by the autocratic regime and become a political tool to eliminate dissent at any time. As Lord Hoffmann, a non-permanent overseas judge of the Court of Final Appeal, said, civil disobedience from the conscience has a long and honourable tradition, and history will prove us right. I hope that my comrades in arms who walked with me in protests will keep their faith and live in love and truth in the midst of this difficult time.
Finally, as I did nine years ago, I would like to say something to those who oppose us, borrowing the words of American civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King: "We shall match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering. We shall meet your physical force with soul force. Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you. We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good. Throw us in jail and we shall still love you."
Peace be with me and my family, with Your Honour, and with the people of Hong Kong. There are no thugs, only tyranny; five demands, not one less! To god be the glory and to people be the glory!
The Fifth Defendant
Wong Ho Ming
19 August 2021
not sure用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
#抽筆記術講義 #邁向道地英語
【Context 1】 在職場上,上司覺得有一件事情怪怪的需要調查一下,有兩個人各自這樣回答:
• No problem. I will conduct an investigation into it.
• Sure, I will look into it!
【Context 2】在LOUISA跟很熟的朋友聊天。朋友面到了一個新工作,不知道要不要去。有2種講法,選哪一種呢?
• It is advised that you not start a new job without contemplating it.
• You don't wanna dive into a new job without giving it a good think.
很明顯地,第一種雖然也是對的英文,但是聽起來就是太 formal。而這是在台灣學習英文的我們,很容易有的狀況。用起來老外聽得懂,但他們心中默默覺得我們用得「很可愛」。
所以在學習時,弄懂什麼很口語什麼很正式、什麼比較萬用,就特別重要了。用法的正式度,我這邊先粗分成3 種:「口語」、「一般」、和「學術」。
(Note: 當然會有些例子像英美的大學教授,有時在日常的用語就講得文鄒鄒。但此文先排除那些特例)
如以下文意相似 (not identical) 的句子:
【Comparison 1】
(口語) Politicians often beat around the bush (拐彎抹角, idiom) and don't give answers to questions.
(口語 / 一般) Politicians often skirt around the truth and don't give direct answers to questions.
(學術) Politicians often equivocate and don't give direct answers to questions.
【Comparison 2】
(口語) She gets most of her inspiration from art museums.
(口語 / 一般) Most of her inspiration comes from art museums.
(學術) She derives a wealth of inspiration from art museums.
如果你喜歡這樣的整理,下次在看 Netflix, 電影時聽到的 idioms, phrasal verbs 等等時,記得延伸學習想想看,那個用法你想不想得到另外不同正式程度的用法。例如,聽到 pack the job in,可以順便聯想、補充紀錄quit 和 tender one's resignation.
1️⃣ 按本文讚
2️⃣ 留言「我要索取王老師的英文筆記術講義!」並 tag一位想學英文的朋友
3️⃣ 完成以上2步驟,即可獲得抽獎資格喔
【活動時間】3/20~ 3/30
① 本活動獎項將由臉書內信寄出 ②本活動有不可抗力原因無法執行時,主辦單位有權決定取消、中止、修改或暫停本活動。
③ 本活動於3月31日於下方留言公佈得獎者
not sure用法 在 Hak Me Youtube 的評價
之前同大家喺Instagram Live傾計,大家都問我自從有玫瑰痤瘡之後,每朝嘅護膚程序。其實我朝早用嘅產品都好簡單,有玫瑰痤瘡之後就更家簡單,既然大家都有興趣知道,咁我就分享一下。另外,大家都好想睇多啲關於黑咪店既化妝品上面效果,趁我都要化妝,就用佢哋上面比大家睇下用法同效果。咁當然唔少得整靚整整齊嗰頭啦,我有示範埋我平日用直髪夾整頭set頭嘅程序,其實真係用好少時間,5至10分鐘就搞掂個頭喇! 希望呢條Morning Routine/ Get Ready With Me影片幫到大家啦,大家又睇得開心吖!
Hope you enjoy this #grwm so far and be sure to stayed tuned for more! I do two videos a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 9.00am (Hong Kong Time). Do subscribe as I'd love to see you again! Xoxo.
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Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/makeup-revolution/
+ theBalm Mr Write Eyeliner in Black HK$155
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/thebalm/
+ theBalm Scuba Water Resistant Black Mascara HK$175
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/thebalm/
+ Makeup Revolution Amazing Lipstick in Dazzle HK$18
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/makeup-revolution/
+ Abyssian Abyssinian Oil Hair Serum HK$280/60ml
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/abyssian/
+ WetBrush Sugar Skull - Purple Rose HK$115
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/wetbrush/
+ Zuanzhuan CErasilk Woven Ceramic Styling Iron HK$1480
Link: https://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop/brands/zuanzhuan/
What Am I Wearing:-
Top: Top from a Korean store
Accessories: Apple Watch + Dinh Van Bracelet + C+ artier Love Bracelet SM (Blog: http://tinyurl.com/mgs7o2c) + DPT Endless Diamonds Bracelet (Link: http://bit.ly/2BQz11h)
♡黑咪店地址: http://www.hakmebeauty.com/store-locations
♡黑咪店Online: http://www.hakmebeauty.com/shop
♡黑咪店Instagram: @hakmebeauty
Where To Find Me:-
♥ Blog: www.hakmebeauty.com
♥ Facebook: www.facebook.com/hakmebeauty
♥ Instagram: @iamhakme
♥ Snapchat: iamhakme
♥ Shop My Collection at Depop: @iamhakme
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♥ Weibo: www.weibo.com/iamhakme
Disclaimer: This video is created and edited by me. All the content are my own thoughts. As always, all opinions are based on my experience and honest. Products are either purchased by me or for those which are sent by PR are marked with an “*”. For any collaboration with brands which involves monetary payment, “#Ad” will be in the title of the video so that you are aware of the collaboration. Some of the links used above might be affiliate links and please be aware that I will earn a % of commission if you decide to buy through the affiliate links.

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