舉報信指,#機管局 批出填海工程合約 #3206 予「香港振華、中交建設、中交疏浚 聯營」(聯營),但海沙原供應商「中交建設」(CCCC)的海沙出口許可證已過期,因此必須另覓填海材料代替海砂。「聯營」最後與一家成立於2011年、規模僅有一名股東及兩名董事的 #金鋒海事工程有限公司 簽定合同,以「洗水石粉」取代海砂,急急「補鑊」。
在今日的立法會機三跑小組委員會上,政府和機管局照例乜都唔認,自己乜都冇問題,舉報信內容全錯。機管局項目執行總監Kevin Poole嘗試轉移視線,人地問佢啲砂係咪偷挖番黎,他就說採購發生的問題由承建商負責,人地問做乜之前一直說用海砂現在變了機砂,他就說無論海砂還是人造石粉,只要符合環境許可證中對細顆粒含量不多於10%的規定,就可以接受。
"The sand cost estimate has increased in view of market movements in the past few years. As per MP2030, this assumes that the sand will be procured from the PRD area which will require approvals from the PRC Government."段則提到:"HSBC notes the large scale of the project and understands that the procurement of fill materials required for the 3RS project is dependent of Hong Kong-Mainland governmental negotiations. HSBC notes the risk that these negotiations may take longer than expected or that the resultant price for materials may be higher than forecasted. If the PRC is unwilling to provide permits for any sand exports from its territory, the costs would be significantly higher for sand sources from other nearby Asian countries."
1) 金鋒海事工程有限公司是否三跑填海物料的分判商?
2) 舉報信附有的三張托運單據是偽造還是真副本?
3) 政府和機管局能否保證金鋒沒有偷挖海砂?
4) 在採購填海物料的合約中, 有沒有明文禁止分判商使用偷挖海砂?
今日小組委員會也通過了朱凱廸提出的議案, 要求機管局提供海砂和機砂的採購詳情。動議原文:
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2,810的網紅蔓蔓?蔓時尚 Slow Vashion,也在其Youtube影片中提到,以前讀大學和研究所時,都在服飾專櫃打工過,對於衣服材質的特性要略知一二,才能和客人解釋(自以為在寫104履歷🥺) 記得之前會回家科普櫃內的有機棉、聚酯纖維、天絲等等材質的外部環境成本,但當時遇到的客人普遍都比較在乎穿起來的舒適度😆 如今,社會上越來越多在意環保的人,而且呀,近幾年多了好多理念很棒的...
node require 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 八卦
ECG Diagnosis: Atrial tachycardia
Circulation ECG Challenge Response! Regarding the 25 year old woman with palpitations:
Diagnosis: Atrial tachycardia
The rhythm is regular, except for one long RR interval. The initial rate is 140 bpm and is followed by several complexes at a rate of 100 bpm. The QRS complex has a normal duration (0.08 sec) and morphology. The axis is normal between 0° and +90° (positive QRS complex in lead I and aVF). The QT/QTc intervals are normal (320/430 msec). There are no P waves before the first 10 QRS complexes and last 6 QRS complexes; there however P waves (+) noted after each of these QRS complexes with a long RP interval (└┘) and short PR interval (┌┐). The P waves are negative in leads II and aVF. This is a long RP tachycardia, There is a P wave before each of the next 4 QRS complexes (i.e. complexes 11-14) (*) with a stable PR interval (0.16 sec). This is a normal sinus rhythm. The etiologies for a long RP tachycardia include a sinus tachycardia (no the cause as the P waves are negative in leads II and aVF), an ectopic junctional tachycardia, atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter with 2:1 AV block or conduction, atypical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (i.e. fast-slow), or an atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia. The arrhythmia terminates abruptly without a P wave (↑). This is the way atrial arrhythmias terminate. Therefore this is most likely atrial tachycardia. As there is only one P wave seen this is not atrial flutter. The P wave is different from the sinus P wave and is negative in leads II and aVF) and this is not sinus tachycardia. Arrhythmias generated within or require the AV node terminate with a non conducted P wave.
node require 在 緯育TibaMe Facebook 八卦
緯育強力募集 #JAVA軟體開發前端工程師(Front-end engineer}
1. 研究新技術與新服務並應用於數位培訓領域
2. 運用技術: HTML5、CSS、JavaScript、Gitlab、jquery、plsql
3. 前端技術: freemarker、YUI、backbone js、angular js、require js、node js
4. 具備軟體工程開發經驗 3年以上
5. 工作技能: 軟體系統開發、軟體整合測試
-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ 公司福利 -\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\
1. 完善的獎金制度
(1) 三節獎金
(2) 績效獎金(依公司營運績效而定)
(3) 業績獎金
2. 多元的假勤
(1) 彈性上下班
(2) 連假不補班
(3) 再給活力假~讓你活力滿滿
3. 體貼的辦公環境
(1) 健身中心
(2) 韻律教室
(3) 銀行代辦處
(4) 舒適交誼廳/會議室
(5) 集乳室
node require 在 蔓蔓?蔓時尚 Slow Vashion Youtube 的評價
如今,社會上越來越多在意環保的人,而且呀,近幾年多了好多理念很棒的永續品牌。最近看到某新品牌Veg and things在他們的的Ins帳號分享的限動,在每個小細節都燒腦研究以降低對環境的傷害,覺得超級感動。
(影片中提到關於快時尚的庫存浪費,可以參考這篇文章:https://www.google.com.tw/amp/s/www.thenewslens.com/amparticle/94586 )
00:00 讓大家傻眼的衣服污染數據
01:17 聚酯纖維的微塑膠污染
02:44 棉花「環保」嗎?
03:11 有機棉真的比棉花「環保」嗎?
05:00 看似環保的羊毛
05:38 蠶絲是怎麼來的?
06:07 環境友善的作物:麻
07:21 名字看起來很化學的嫘縈:天絲/萊塞爾/莫代爾
08:43 合成纖維的機能性才好?
08:59 關於寶特瓶回收衣
09:20 永續材質小Tips
12:04 使用永續材質的衣服品牌
🌱veg. & Things https://www.vegandthings.com
🌱冶綠 https://wildgreen.tw
🌱Hempable https://www.zeczec.com/projects/Hempable
🌱和諧生活 https://www.harmonylife.com.tw/categories/2020春夏設計師新品
🌱SiSSO https://www.sisso.com.tw/products/babyclothes/
📷Instagram: @slow_vashion
👩🏻Facebook: 蔓時尚 Slow Vashion
[1] 環保署109年統計年報
[2] 《為什麼你該花更多的錢,買更少的衣服?拯救地球,也拯救你衣櫃的新購衣哲學》 Lucy Siegle, 2015
[3] Athalye, A.Carbon footprint in textile processing, 2012
[4] Catherine, SalfinoStudies Show Performance Activewear Could be Harming Your Health, Sourcing Journal, 2017
[5] Frequency of Microplastics in Mesopelagic Fishes from the Northwest Atlantic
A. M. Wieczorek, L. Morrison1, P. L. Croot, A. L. Allcock, E. MacLoughlin, O. Savard4, H. Brownlow, T. K. Doyle Front. Mar. Sci., 2018
[6] A New California Bill Would Require Labe, Arthur Friedmanl 2018.2.26
[7] Carbon footprint of three different textile products during its life cycle Jungmichel, N., The Carbon Footprint of Textiles, Systain Consulting, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276193965_Carbon_Footprint_of_Textile_and_Clothing_Products (last accessed: Sep. 5 2020)
[8] 環境資訊中心 邪惡的白T Shirt
[9] Nations, U. Statistics: Graphs and Statistics. 2013, from UN
[10] Jungmichel, N., The Carbon Footprint of Textiles, Systain Consulting, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
[11] Textile Exchange, 2018
[12] A.Barber, G. Pellow. Life Cycle Assessment: New Zealand Merino. Industry – Merino Wool Total Energy Use and Carbon Dioxide.
[13] 羊毛的製程
[14] Is silk vegan?
[15] How sustainable is linen
[16] 夏日穿這最防曬
[17] 天絲、萊賽爾、木代爾、嫘縈有什麼不同?
[18] Rayon Man Made Fiber: Spinning-methods
[19] Bernie Thomas, Matt Fishwick, James Joyce, A Carbon Footprint for UK Clothing and Opportunities for Savings, Anton van Santen Environmental ResourcesManagement Limited (ERM)
[20] 紡織品資訊應用知識服務網 全球有機棉生產飆升56% http://monitor.textiles.org.tw/newsdetail.aspx?id=32992

node require 在 Nodejs的模块机制及require用法- 钰蛋 - 博客园 的八卦
一个node.js文件就是一个模块,但是这个文件可能是js代码,JSON或者编译过的C/C++拓展。 1.模块机制. Nodejs中提供了exports和require两个 ... ... <看更多>