Shadows House ED Full - NaiNai / Instruments
ReoNa カラオケ&ピアノ リスト / Instruments &Piano List
【カラオケ 男性キー キー下げー2】
SAO War of Underworld S2 OP full Instruments for Karaoke / ソードアートオンライン
ReoNa カラオケ&ピアノ リスト
【カラオケガイドメロディあり キー上げ+2】
【カラオケ キー下げ-2】
【カラオケ キー下げ-2 オフボーカル】
【カラオケ 男性キー キー下げー3】
【カラオケ 男性キー キー下げ-5 (キー上げ+7)】
役に立った、面白かったと思いましたら高評価&チャンネル登録&コメントしていただけると嬉しいです(^_^)v 見にくい部分はお許し下さい。
It is forbidden to reprint the video or audio, use the video, use the audio without comment such as "Thank you for your audio", or use the audio without a link to my youtube video.
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nainai歌詞 在 [問題] 請問有沒有久保田利伸Messengers' Rhym … - 精華區lyrics 的八卦
※ 引述《motokare ( fool. )》之銘言:
: 我想找久保田利伸 Messengers' Rhyme 這首歌的羅馬拼音歌詞
: 不知道有沒有人有的??
: 很久很久以前有在網路上找到過一次 結果電腦重灌就沒了 再也找不到了...orz
: 收錄在 The Baddest III 這張專輯中
: 是電影"東京快遞" Tokyo Express 的片尾曲
: 不知道有沒有人知道??
: 麻煩了m(_ _)m
Ah murina koto nante aryashinai
akirameru no wa mada hayai
mazu wa GYUNGYUN nekoze de MUCHAshite
yaoya OBACHAN (what's up!)
BUNBUN SACCHAN (off the hook!)
kado no chuuzai san (wariinee~!)
machi ga daisuki hito mo daidai suki
dakara waratte yurushite
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing! (No Doubt!)
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing!
No sweat!(Say what!)
Ain't no sweat!(Say what!)
dakara shinpai NAINAI makasenasai
sun oil(NA~!)
hada mo chanto sarashite mataeru mono
ame ga futtemo chotto yuretemo
A HE! HE! HE! HE! So what's!
dakedo ano musume ni POITto saretara
zitsu wa chotto dake PATAPATA! FURAFURA
No e-mail! No KETAI!
No HAIOKU! No Air plane!
sonna benrinamon nante benrizyanai
kara dato soul de chiwa~!!
toki ga sukitemo Old school demo
ikina iki kata kimi to itsumademo
kara wa antoki wakataishou
koi wa itsudemo It's show Show!
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing! (No Doubt!)
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing!
Ah! DAIAMONDO nante mottenai
nizyuuyon KARATTO no NORI dakesa
rakushou! nando mo nando mo AOreba
ramanya eiga mitai ni (PA-PA-PAH!)
kyou mo BYUBYU tobashiteru
ashita ni mukatte tobashiteru
ore ga kietara kono Funky Town
odoru ni otoranai
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing! (No Doubt!)
Nothing is Funny! rakushou rakushou Nothing is beyond me! (It's my Show!)
Nothing is crazy! Baby,it's A nothing!
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!!)
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! let's get it on!!)
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!!)
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! let's get it on!!)
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!!)
Party! (rakushou rakushou! it's my Show!)
It's A Party! (rakushou rakushou! let's get it on!!…)
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