Creepy mummies in Taiwan?
TAIWAN's legendary metal band CHTHONIC releases new Podcast Episode! Terror, creepy statues, and a mummy, and how CHTHONIC blends all these materials as inspiration of its music. And more funny stories behind metal!
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同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅maviskuku 雞蛋妹,也在其Youtube影片中提到,訂閱NordVPN: 優惠碼:maviskuku 今個月有 NordVPN 生日大優惠~ 而家買NordVPN 2 年 plan 送1個月!仲再送一份驚喜禮物! 砌咗呢個 keyboard 咁耐,終於都剪好條片同大家分享啦!!呢條片算...
「mp materials」的推薦目錄:
mp materials 在 XiaoMa 小马 Facebook 八卦
5月26日新闻简述:(欢迎Share & Like)
1. 世卫组织暂时终止Hydroxychloroquine和Chloroquine的临床试验,因为有可能增加死亡风险。然而特朗普却大力吹捧有关药物能够避免被感染风险,称自己每天都有服用。
2. 东非国家赞比亚爆发一起反华事件,3名中国籍商人在中国公司仓库被暴徒杀死烧尸。
3. 环太平洋军事演习将在817至831于夏威夷海域举行,25国受邀参与,东南亚国家包括越南,文莱,印尼,马来西亚,新加坡和菲律宾。中国并不在受邀名单。自2018年起美国就把中国排除在名单外。
4. GOMBAK巫裔男子在住家与亲友群居宴客18人,被警方登门押返警局。
5. 大马驻新加坡最高专员署将协助在一名在新加坡担任巴士司机的大马妇女返回大马向其丈夫奔丧。
6. 日本首相宣布日本全面解禁,各地方政府恢复社会经济活动。
7. 台湾天团五月天将在531,晚上8点举办线上演唱会。
8. 卫生部总监强调妇女部发出的托儿所SOP没有歧视前线人员,根据指南,前线人员孩子也是属于高风险群,所以必须给他们更多的关注。
9. 根据APP STORE和Google Play Store报告,抖音TIKTOK在4月份营收首次超越YOUTUBE,获得金额7800万美元,主要收入来自中国占86.6%,美国则贡献8.2%收入。YOUTUBE获得近7600万美元。
10. 大马25日新增确诊172例,治愈34例。感染人数激增主要来自移民局3个扣留所。目前卫生部正在为所有扣留的外籍人士进行检测,相信这两三天还会有所增加。卫生部促请民众不要过于担忧,因为受感染人群已经在控制范围。
11. 新航一架飞往德国的客机SQ-326为避开飓风而飞越孟加拉领空,控制台与客机沟通错误,新航无法出示防空许可ADC编号,惊动孟加拉出动战斗机拦截。
12. 美国SpaceX载人飞船将在27日,当地时间下午4时33分从佛罗里达州肯尼迪太空中心升空。这也是史上第一次民营太空公司执行载2名资深宇航员前往太空站,预计飞行19小时后抵达太空站。
13. 我国3个移民局扣留营共1万3929名非法外劳,已经检测了4342人后,证实207人确诊。当中110人已经送往沙登“方舱医院”治疗。该中心将作为外劳治疗处,有关单位将架设铁蒺藜以防逃跑。
14. 印度西孟加拉州加尔各答市185名护士集体离职,原因是他们长相像中国人而遭歧视。
15. 英国首相宣布英格兰地区非必要商品的商店从615开始恢复营业。
16. 前往西班牙旅游的游客,7月起免除入境隔离2星期的规定。
17. 美国国防部暂停资助美国稀土矿MP Materils和澳洲LYNAS在德州和加州的稀土加工设施建设。因为MP Materials有少数股份由中国公司持有。
18. 英国Virgin Orbit经过5年准备,利用改装的747客机首次发送火箭到地球轨道任务失败。
19. 美国制药公司NOVAVAX生产的Matrix-M将进行第一次人体试验,预计将会招募130人接受研究,7月将公布试验结果。
20. 孟加拉的罗兴亚难民营感染者增加至29人,目前有1万5000人难民被隔离。
感谢 半粒糖 的整理
mp materials 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 八卦
跌了幾十趴的個股還要繼續抱下去嗎? 去年飆漲的SPAC, 今年還漲的回來嗎?(可以跟下篇一起看).
開始玩成長股後, 我學到最難的一堂課是風險控制. 每個人對風險控制的觀念不一樣, 這跟每個人的心理素質也有關係.
風險管理, 也就是"留得青山在, 不怕沒柴燒".
🌻There Are Too Many Defenseless(無防禦性的) Stocks
(可以的話, 我希望您可以好好讀一下這篇文章. 我希望能夠幫您守住些財富, 減少些損失, 甚至創造些獲利. "Too many", 也就代表了股票沒有稀有性)
The underwriters just created too many stocks. There's too many new companies, too many companies that help you with analytics(分析), too many that offer video, too many data collectors and too many real-time analysis, and too many cybersecurity companies. There's been too many new electric vehicle derivatives, too many cannabis (大麻) plays and way too many new fintechs(金融科技).
The effect? We are now facing a bewildering number of companies that simply do the same things and can't be differentiated (無差異性的) and, frankly, are too hard to understand unless you are deeply involved in the transfer of data from on your premises to the cloud(雲端).
Why does this matter?
Because these stocks are defenseless. They are defenseless against inflation (通膨) because so many of them sell at a multiple to sales and any company that trades as a multiple to sales (指的是以P/S為估值方式, 非傳統的P/E. 軟體公司主要是用P/S) will see its value erode more quickly than any other in this stock market because the company has to graduate from a multiple to sales to a multiple of earnings, or just keep losing money. So many new investors have not experienced real inflation where these kinds of stocks can't be given away.
They are defenseless against an economic boom. I have been reading through countless software as a whatever with a go to market strategy and a huge TAM (total addressable market, 指的是市場大小) to land and expand(指的是雲端公司的商業模式), and my eyes glaze over. Who needs a company with all of those buzzwords that's growing at 27% and losing money when I have plenty of high quality industrials that are growing at 27% and spewing cash to the point the biggest issue is how much should be put to growth versus rewarding shareholders.
They are defenseless against older companies with a balanced policy toward dividends and buybacks, so that supply is mopped up while demand is bolstered by a yield. The land and expanders don't have anything backing them up which makes them vulnerable to sudden shocks down as we have seen.
They are defenseless against insider selling. If capital gains rates are going up, these are the companies with the most vulnerable stocks because so many of the people in these new companies have stocks that are still up substantially from when they got stock so a company with a stock down 30%-40% is vulnerable from scads of insider selling, including secondaries I am now expecting with increasing frequency.
They are defenseless against SPACs. While there are many good SPACs there are too many SPACs with too much stock sloshing around. I keep thinking about that MP Materials (MP) secondary offering in late March, where entities controlled by CEO James Litinsky sold 4.6 million shares of his company in a deal priced at $35. Now it is a small percentage of his holdings and many others involved with the company sold small amounts, too. That's not the point. It's more of a statement: this stock traded at $50. You might have been inclined to buy on the pullback but you would have been massacred as the stock is now at $27. If you have a so-called successful SPAC its success might be measured by how much money you took out of it before its stock fell by 50%. There are hundreds of things and when you consider all of the warrants out there, you know this market is going to be overwhelmed with this stuff.
You aren't going to see these kinds of secondaries at Deere (DE) or Caterpillar (CAT) , that's for certain.
Now there are people out there willing to buy the incredibly almost stupidly risky stocks, people like Cathie Wood, who demonstrated her unflappable conviction to her method of buying stocks that worked when there's scarcity value but there's anything but that now.
Maybe she can take down tens of billions of dollars worth and save the day. I wouldn't count on it. I am sorry to question her stock picking, lord knows she's been amazing. But unless others copy her, we know the stocks she is buying resemble what's not working at all. Maybe someday, but not now.
I try to figure out what the end game for these stocks might be if the economy keeps heating up and inflation accelerates. There's simply not enough money from young people or ETFs based on high growth or Cathie Wood to keep these stocks higher, and there's too much opportunity for the insiders to do what MP did, something that crunched the stock even as it reported a quarter ahead of expectations, which meant something at one point but means absolutely nothing now. Nothing at all.
mp materials 在 maviskuku 雞蛋妹 Youtube 的評價
今個月有 NordVPN 生日大優惠~ 而家買NordVPN 2 年 plan 送1個月!仲再送一份驚喜禮物!
砌咗呢個 keyboard 咁耐,終於都剪好條片同大家分享啦!!呢條片算係一個簡單介紹,如果想睇多D有關自組 keyboard 嘅內容,可以留言話我知^^ 亦歡迎有玩自組 keyboard 嘅朋友係下面留言,一齊交流下
溫馨貼士:因為每個人嘅喜好都差好遠,所以買之前一定要做多 D 資料搜集啊!想入坑嘅朋友可以睇下面嘅資料,相信會有更多認識!
[多圖多字慎入] 前排老婆生日,於是我砌咗個機械鍵盤俾佢
:3ildcat YouTube Channel(我入坑嘅原因)
tinymakesthings:(好靚嘅 keycap)
我的自組鍵盤組件 :
ai03 Vega:
E-White 65% Universal plate
Plate materials: Polycarbonate
Marshmallow switches:
Nature: Linear
Spring: Thic Thock MP Series 68g
43 Studio JWK Stabilizer v1
GMK Noel:
Base + Hiragana Sublegends + Novelties
Lube:205g0+ LSD
00:00 開場白
01:00 NordVPN
02:15 介紹自組機械鍵盤+我買的組件
04:26 自組 keyboard 過程!
11:42 Typing sounds
12:40 感想+自組 keyboard 優缺點
15:06 彩蛋
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샛별-솜사탕 여행:
샛별 - 해가 지는 게 섭섭해 :
mp materials 在 C CHANNEL Art&Study DIY Crafts Handmade Youtube 的評價
· MP soap clear / white
·Heat resistant container
· Food coloring
· Disposable chopsticks
· Cookie mold 3 types
· Receiving tray
·Masking tape
· Cutting mat
1, Put MP soap clear in container and warm
2, Mix in food coloring
3, Paste masking tape on small cookie mold and pour the melted MP soap into it
4, Let cool and set
5, Remove from the mold, and cut into 8 equal parts
6, Cut the corner of the cut soap
※ At this time, if you scratch the side with a toothpick etc., the soap will stick together better
7, Paste masking tape on the medium sized cookie mold and arrange the cut soap
8, Put the MP soap white in a container and melt it
9, Pour the soap dissolved in 7 in and cool it
10, Take out from the mold, put masking tape on large cookie mold and put the soap that has been chilled in there
11, Melt MP soap white and food coloring in a container
12, Pour the soap dissolved into 10 and cool it
13, Remove from the mold, cut extra parts
・MPソープ クリア/ホワイト
・クッキー型 3種類
mp materials 在 C CHANNEL Art&Study DIY Crafts Handmade Youtube 的評價
· clear file folder
· Masking tape
· Silicone hair tie
· paper cup
· MP soap (transparent · white)
· Food coloring (yellow)
· toothpick
· Soft mold (hemisphere)
1. Place the adhesive side of the masking tape on the front and paste it on the clear file folder
2. Place the silicone hair tie on and press lightly so that there is no gap
3. Melt MP soap (white) and pour it into hair tie
4. Add food coloring (yellow) to the MP soap, mix well, make yolk in hemispherical mold
5. Place yolk on top of 3 and squeeze the melted MP soap (transparent) on
・ソフトモールド 半球
1. マスキングテープの粘着面を表にしてクリアファイルに貼る
2. シリコンヘアゴムを乗せ、隙間がないように軽く押さえる
3. MPソープ(白)を溶かしてゴムの中に流し込む
4. MPソープに食紅(黄色)を入れてよく混ぜ、半球のモールドで黄身を作る
5. 3の上に4の黄身を乗せ、溶かしたMPソープ(透明)を流して固まったら
mp materials 在 MP Materials Corp. (MP) Stock Price, News, Quote & History 的相關結果
Find the latest MP Materials Corp. (MP) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. ... <看更多>
mp materials 在 MP Materials Corporation - 市場| 美股| Anue鉅亨 的相關結果
MP Materials Corp. (MP). $21.670.05(0.23%). ... <看更多>
mp materials 在 MP Materials 的相關結果
We provide the world with a sustainable, low-cost supply chain of coveted materials that help power the modern economy. ... <看更多>