Including a lot of the “normal” kid things we do like play with legos, draw, puzzles, read books, etc… here are a couple things we’ve been doing to keep busy and sane at home.
小孩很喜歡假裝煮飯,也很喜歡在廚房玩,所以就真的讓他們 (在你的注意力底下) 跟你們一起下廚玩。我會讓Egan幫忙洗菜、洗水果,然後在旁邊陪我切菜、炒菜,我們也會讓他醃食材,因為鹽巴多一點點少一點點其實沒有太大的關係,所以我會真的讓Egan拿他要的調味料放進去一個大碗裡面,然後他會用手指或是湯匙來攪拌均勻,最後我們會把肉或是海鮮放進去碗裡面讓他去按摩,把他的’’特製醬料’’全部都按摩進去食材裡面。
Cooking 101.
Kids love to play in the kitchen, so I will let Egan wash all of our veggies and fruits while I do the more adult stuff like chopping and frying. We also let him marinate our meats and seafood. Since it is OK if there is a little less or more salt/pepper/spices/oil, we let him actually shake the contents into a big bowl and then mix it up with his fingers or a spoon. And then we put the meat into his mixture (you may need to help a bit) and he can massage the seasoning into our meats.
Note: Make sure to constantly remind them that they can’t touch anything while they’re dealing with raw meats. And definitely no taste testing yet!
煮好放上桌的時候, 也可以大聲的宣布這道菜是小孩一起幫忙做的。他們會很驕傲也會很有成就感。
Bonus: When the food is actually cooked, tell everybody that your toddler is the sous-chef and helped with the cooking. It teaches them about their contributions and small achievements.
Drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Oh sorry - that’s not something to do with the kids. That’s just for the parents to keep our sanity.
mixture意思 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 八卦
📮 俐媽英文教室:常見字尾
💛 名詞篇:
1️⃣ -aire/ -ian/ -ant/ -ate/ -ent/ -ee/ -en/ -eer/ -er/ -eur/ -or/ -ar/- ier/ -ess/ -ician/ -ist:與"人"有關 (e.g. billionaire, applicant, candidate, employee, engineer, citizen, entrepreneur, waitress, musician...)
2️⃣ -age:行為 (e.g. courage, passage...)
3️⃣ -al/ -ance/ -ancy/ -ence/ -ency:動作 (e.g. disposal, hindrance, excellence...)
4️⃣ -cy:狀態 (e.g. intimacy, bankruptcy...)
5️⃣ -et/ -ette:小(e.g. cabinet, islet, novelette, tablet, cigarette...)
6️⃣ -hood:關係、時期、年紀 (e.g. childhood, sisterhood, livelihood...)
7️⃣ -ice:狀態 (e.g. justice, cowardice...)
8️⃣ -tion/ -sion:動作、過程 (e.g. abortion, exaggeration, protection...)
9️⃣ -ism:信念,主義 (e.g. criticism, materialism, capitalism, enthusiasm...)
🔟 -itude:度量,狀態 (e.g. attitude, altitude, fortitude...)
1️⃣1️⃣ -ity:抽象 (e.g. curiosity...)
1️⃣2️⃣ -ment/ -mony:行為,工具 (e.g. compliment, instrument, judgment, ceremony...)
1️⃣3️⃣ -ness:狀態 (e.g. consciousness, emptiness, politeness...)
1️⃣4️⃣ -ry:總稱 (e.g. poetry, jewelry...)
1️⃣5️⃣ -ship:狀態,關係 (e.g. championship, relationship, citizenship, scholarship...)
1️⃣6️⃣ -th:性質 (e.g. depth, warmth, length...)
1️⃣7️⃣ -ty:狀態(e.g. certainty, hostility, anxiety, tranquility...)
1️⃣8️⃣ -ure:結果 (e.g. mixture, failure, seizure...)
1️⃣9️⃣-y/ -ty:狀態 (e.g. loyalty, modesty, jealousy...)
2️⃣0️⃣ -ure:狀態 (e.g. departure, pressure...)
#俐媽英文教室 #辣媽英文天后林俐Carol #林俐 #suffix #partofspeech #noun
mixture意思 在 米丘飛行日誌 Facebook 八卦
發現相簿天空的照片突然變少, 才想到Solo飛完了, 跟教官飛都不好意思問能不能拍照. 唯一一張PA44的天空照也是教官主動問我要不要拍才敢拿出相機哈哈!
這禮拜終於結束, CPL口試項目出乎意料的多, 還好有兩天的假日來讓自己準備. 預計八月底可以完成CPL考試, 拿取第二張證照. 加油!
今日學習進度: CPL模擬口試, 模擬飛行PA44 CPL科目.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: CPL 口試科目須更熟悉, Landing light on before rolling. YMAV report information code. Stall propeller pitch up below 80 knots.
今天下午做CPL模擬口試, 最近狂練飛,幾乎沒時間準備, 不過教官也能理解, 而且下禮拜天氣比較不好, 可以有更多時間整理資料. 又是一堆文件要讀囉!
晚上排夜航, 都要準備出發了卻在暖機的時候左引擎突然碰碰叫+震動, back-fire. 明顯有問題, 所以飛行取消.
今日學習進度: CPL模擬口試
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: CPL 口試科目須更熟悉
今天飛了一堂1.5小時的操作課程, 與一堂3.0小時的Navigation. 是開訓以來當天飛最多Dual 的一次. 飛完已經頭昏腦脹了, 但是很有成就感. 學了不少東西,也發現了許多小毛病. CPL飛考倒數2堂課, 總共11堂PA44的課程就要考CPL, 只能硬著頭皮接受挑戰了!
今日學習進度: 暫無
今日飛行進度: PA44,Genral handling, Navigation 2
Stall recovery: nose down>power>flaps>gear
Go-around: mixture,pitch,power up>climb>flaps up> gear up.
UA recovery: Level the wings>pull up
三個禮拜沒飛PA44, 但在家模擬飛行練習的成果超乎意料的好.
除了Asymmetric 的操作生疏了以外(實際操作跟模擬飛行差太多), Navigation跟基本的飛機姿態與程序都保持水準, 甚至有進步. 之前模擬飛行犯的錯誤也在今天實際飛行中成功避免. 雖然還是避免不了一些小失誤(100%完美的飛行應該真的太難了) 但整體來講自己算滿意, 繼續保持!
今日學習進度: 暫無
今日飛行進度: PA44 Navigation 1
需改進: TON-WBER短時間內需盡速完成ATIS/Radio call.
Mini checks: turn direction/track/altitude.
Base turn Engine Failure : remember power/feather. Need more rudder input.
沒有排飛, 只好在家埋頭苦練.
經過三天的模擬飛行練習, 今天終於飛出一個失誤比較少的Nav.
明天終於有排飛, 天氣稍微惡劣一點,包含強風, 希望可以飛到,來驗證這幾天來的練習!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無.
需改進: YMAV ETA..
今天排飛因為教官生病取消, 很可惜. 明天同學們幾乎都有排飛自己卻沒排, 之後天氣又要開始變糟糕. 這樣進度有點慘阿!
Cancel之後回家只好繼續用模擬飛行過過乾癮. 悶!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無.
需改進: climb/descend checklist. YMAV ETA/ATA. ML coastal route radio call.
放假在家, 早上起來花了三個小時用模擬飛行把明天要飛的Navigation從頭到尾練一次. 兩個月沒去CTA, 這次又是用新飛機去. 緊張興奮阿! 發現做不太好的東西也都是之前常犯的, 但常常顧此失彼,到現在每次還是要忘掉幾個程序. 只能繼續練習了!
今日學習進度: 模擬飛行PA44 Navigation.
今日飛行進度: 無
需改進: After landing checklist. YMAV ETA/ATA. Fuel check. Go-around remember gear-up. Throttle control at base: small.
mixture意思 在 Ep13-戀家紅透半邊天,南韓生活類YouTuber不可不看!(1) 的八卦
... infection a mixture of 包含…的混合物sentimental 多愁善感的 decluttering 做斷捨離這件事,clutter 這個字指的是雜物,de當作字首有去除的意思 ... ... <看更多>