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Happy Valentine's Day
There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. Love your WIFE means you love your life heart emoticon Do you know what wife & husband means?
If you want to have a special Valentine’s Day, it’s important to persuade your spouse that he or she is special to you every day, not just on Valentine’s Day. Do this by “talking forward.” Take charge and make a thoughtful plan for the future. On Valentine’s Day, say, “I’d like to make a special plan for us. Let’s go to __________. [Fill-in with something your spouse enjoys, such as a museum, the theatre, shopping, a road trip, etc.]? What do you think?
You will spark love and romance this Valentine’s Day (and the year through) by showering your sweetheart with the priceless gift of words.
#1 Clasp hands when you’re crossing a street or walking through a crowd. Wrap your arms around your lover when you’re standing close to each other, and don’t keep more than a feet’s distance between each other unless you have no choice!
#2 Write little love notes and slip it into your lover’s pocket even if it’s just a little ‘I love you’. These notes don’t have to be elaborate. Even a little lipstick mark on a piece of paper will bring the same smile! [Read: What to write in a love note]
#3 Record a love message on your partner’s phone. Set an alarm for a time when you’re not around them with a message saying “check your whatsapp or we chat”.
#4 Surprise your partner by taking her out to a nearby favorite picnic spot late in the night while she’s still in her night suit. Spread a blanket on the ground and have an impromptu getaway with champagne and strawberries. Or plan a surprise weekend getaway to a nearby place.
#5 Sit on his lap and behave like a mischievous minx when both of you are relaxing at home. Don’t let your woman walk around the house for a few hours. Carry her around the house no matter where she wants to go. WARNING: below 100 KG
#6 Help your partner prepare dinner and clean the dishes. Think of something innovative to do while you’re at it, like cooking while wearing nothing but aprons or a little food fight.
#7 Fill the tub with hot water when your partner returns from a business trip or a long day at work. Get in together and give your partner a backrub and a massage. Get naughty if the mood feels right.
#8 Look into your partner’s eyes and say “I love you”. Say it like you mean it without trying to be funny or sounding corny. [Read: How to stay happy in a relationship all the time]
#9 Spend time with your partner now and then when they’re enjoying their favorite hobby, even if it’s something that doesn’t interest you much.
#10 Dedicate a song and sing it out in a karaoke bar for your partner. A few glasses of booze can give you the courage you need. But if you’re too shy for that, sing it over the phone.
#11 Plan a flash mob dance along with friends on your partner’s special day.
#12 Whisper a message in your partner’s voicemail or whatsapp and say something naughty in the middle of the day.
#13 Give your partner a foot massage when both of you are relaxing on the couch. Hold your partner’s hand and waltz while humming your lover’s favorite tune. Look for little ways to bring a smile on your lover’s face.
#14 Stop on your way back home and pick up your partner’s favorite dessert for a late night treat.
#15 If your partner isn’t enjoying their food at a restaurant, switch plates and give them your better dish.
#16 Slip into bed naked and surprise your partner with your impromptu nudity. Tie a little ribbon around your waist or any strategic locations if you want to be their gift for the night.
#17 Take a picture of yourself wearing your partner’s clothes and sext it to “the best partner in the world!”
#18 Give him a shave when he’s lazy. Help her brush her hair when she’s in a hurry.
#19 Give each other inexpensive well wrapped gifts every now and then. It could be chocolates, flowers, a game CD, or even a mobile phone. [Read: Things that perfect couples talk about]
#20 On the days that you forget to kiss your wife goodbye, drive back home and give her an intimate kiss and a bear hug *unless you’re in a hurry*. Or come back home now and then just to kiss your wife *because you missed her already!*
#21 Bring breakfast in bed with your sweetheart’s favorite breakfast menu. Try your best to prepare them yourself. And don’t forget the flowers!
#22 Perform an erotic dance. Even better if you have two left feet which leaves your partner in splits.
#23 Be your partner’s maid for a day. Treat your partner like royalty for a day or even a few hours if your partner doesn’t allow you to play the maid for an entire day. You can even wear a cosplay dress!
#24 Watch a romantic movie together once a month and order all the rich takeout food you’ve been craving for the entire month. Switch off your phones, cuddle up for the evening and don’t move out of each other’s sight.
#25 Give each other a happy ending massage!
「middle splits」的推薦目錄:
- 關於middle splits 在 喬寶寶 Qbobo Facebook
- 關於middle splits 在 空姐發夢日記 A daydreamer's diary Facebook
- 關於middle splits 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook
- 關於middle splits 在 Best Middle Split Stretches to get the Middle Splits Fast! 的評價
- 關於middle splits 在 Get the Middle Splits Fast! 5 Best Middle Split Stretches 的評價
- 關於middle splits 在 Intense middle split stretching routine - YouTube 的評價
- 關於middle splits 在 How To Middle Split Step By Step Instructions And Benefits 的評價
- 關於middle splits 在 Better middle splits in seconds! [📽️ checkout this YouTube ... 的評價
middle splits 在 空姐發夢日記 A daydreamer's diary Facebook 八卦
Another heart breaking song on Sunday afternoon,I hope you will like my choice :)
First, you think the worst is a broken heart
剛開始 你以為最慘的是你破碎的心
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little.
(No, no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)
You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too,
Anyone throwin an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards
Gems and stones,
Believing all that shit is gon'na heal ya soul.
We'll it's not, No
Your doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh ohhh,
Your going through six degrees of separation.
middle splits 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 八卦
1) Go-to(頼りになる)
What is your go-to YouTube channel for cooking?
This place is my go-to ramen shop. It’s cheap and delicious.
Hapa Eikaiwa is my go-to podcast to learn English.
2) Call someone out(指摘する)
call someone outは相手の失礼な言動を指摘したり、不適切な発言をとがめることを意味します。例えば、新入社員に対して横柄な態度をとっている同僚を批判したり、いつも遅れてくる友達を非難するような状況で使われますが、この表現には、特に大勢の前で相手の良くない行為を指摘するニュアンスが含まれます。
My boss called out the new employee for being late.
Tom was making excuses again so I called him out in front of everyone.
I don’t think he’s aware of his rude behavior. We need to call him out on it.
3) Boils down to(結局のところ〜)
boils down to は本来、シチューなどを「長時間煮詰める」ことを表しますが、日常会話では意見が出尽くし議論が煮詰まるような状況で、「要するに〜である」や「結局のところ〜ということになる」といった意味で使われます。話や問題の本質的な部分に迫るニュアンスがあり、例えばある問題について色々と議論をしたが「結局のところはお金だ」と言いたい場合は、“It boils down to money.” のように表します。
This issue boils down to trust.
Becoming a good English speaker boils down to your willingness to speak.
Success boils down to grit and resilience.
4) (Be) On Messenger(メッセンジャーをしている)
知り合いにインスタやツイッターなど、SNSを利用しているかどうかを尋ねるときに使われる定番の質問が、“Are you on ____?”です。例えば、「ツイッターやってる?」は“Are you on Twitter?”、「ツイッターやってるよ」は“I’m on Twitter.”という具合に言います。be onの代わりにuseを使って、“Do you use Twitter?”と言うこともできます。
Are you on Twitter or Instagram?
I’m on LINE. I’ll send you my QR code.
I’m on Facebook Messenger. I use WhatsApp too.
5) Split down the middle(均等に分かれる)
splitは「割る」、down the middleは「真ん中」を意味することから、split down the middleは真っ二つに割ることを意味します。今日の会話でサラは“It splits down the middle nicely.”と言いましたが、これはメッセンジャーを使うアメリカ人の友達と、LINEを使う日本人の友達が半々であることを意味します。
また、split down the middleは「割り勘」を表す時にもよく使われます。レストランで会計をするときに“Let’s split the check/bill down the middle.”と言うだけで、「割り勘にしよう」という意味になります。日常会話では、会計を意味するcheckやbillをitに置き換えて、シンプルに“Let’s split it down the middle.”と表現してもOKです。
Some of my friends eat bread for breakfast while others eat rice. It splits down the middle.
The bill is 50 bucks. Do you want to split it down the middle?
Let’s split the check down the middle. It’ll be 20 dollars each.
本日ご紹介したフレーズは、iTunes Japanの「ベストポッドキャスト」に2017から4年連続選出されたHapa英会話の人気コンテンツPodcast第355回「メッセージアプリ」の内容の一部です。Podcastの全内容をご覧になりたい方は、Hapa英会話のブログをチェック!会話の全文、会話の要約、ピックアップしたフレーズ、ポッドキャストでは説明できなかった表現や言い回しが掲載されています。
middle splits 在 Get the Middle Splits Fast! 5 Best Middle Split Stretches 的八卦

Follow along to these stretches to get the middle splits fast! The perfect stretching routine to get your splits and flexible hips ♡2 week ... ... <看更多>
middle splits 在 Intense middle split stretching routine - YouTube 的八卦

Get your middle splits fast with this routine I've created! It's intense but I know you can do it ; )☆ MORE STRETCHING VIDEOS: ... ... <看更多>
middle splits 在 Best Middle Split Stretches to get the Middle Splits Fast! 的八卦
Follow along to these stretches to get the middle splits fast! The perfect stretching routine to get your splits and flexible hips ♡ Warm ... ... <看更多>