人月兩團圓🥰 Wishing you all a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness always 🥳 #中秋節 #midautumnfestival #love #greetings #happy #family #qbobo #qsoso #喬寶寶 #hongkong #scotland
mid-autumn festival greetings 在 Jerry.C 謝利 Facebook 八卦
Receiving an early mid-autumn festival greetings, I can feel the festive atmosphere while holding the mooncakes in my hands. What's more exciting is this is my favourite custard flavoured mooncake wrapped in a package of panda character.
「最快樂 就是一起快樂」
-旅食達人 謝利
奇華餅家 Kee Wah Bakery
mid-autumn festival greetings 在 麥東記 donmak & co. Facebook 八卦
【🏮 滙豐祝你中秋節快樂】
自1865年紮根香港以來,滙豐喺過去152年與香港同步成長。今個農曆八月十五,我哋同本地插畫家麥震東 (麥東記 donmak & co.) 攜手展現香港嘅特色中秋。
而家你只要留言(1) 答啱片中兔仔燈籠數目, (2) 分享你慶祝中秋節嘅好去處同 (3) tag一位朋友,就有機會贏取以片中場景為圖案嘅中秋手挽袋一個!我哋將會從留言隨機抽出五十位幸運兒。
【🏮 Mid-autumn festival greetings from HSBC】
Since 1865, HSBC has set its foundations in Hong Kong, and we have evolved with the city over the last 152 years. This Mid-autumn, we team up with renowned local illustrator Don Mak (麥東記 donmak & co.) to capture the festive spirit in this dynamic city.
To win a festive tote bag, simply leave us a comment and:
1. Tell us the number of rabbit-shaped lanterns in the video
2. Share with us your favourite Mid-autumn festival destination
3. Tag a friend
50 winners will be selected randomly.
End date: 9 October 2017 at 11:59 pm
Winners will be announced on 16 October in the comment section.
Terms and conditions: http://bit.ly/2hKpCnc
(按下此超連結前,請參閱本行使用條款及細則:http://grp.hsbc/61868sUko;對閣下使用此連結,本行並不承擔任何責任,且不在本行控制範圍之內。) (Please refer to our Terms and Conditions at http://grp.hsbc/61878sUkU before you click on this link, HSBC assumes no liability or control on your use of this link. )
mid-autumn festival greetings 在 Pin by Grace Jian on 節日祝福問候| Happy mid autumn ... 的八卦
Morning greetings by Grace Jian Good Morning Picture, Morning Pictures, Morning Wish, Good ... Winnie LeeMid Autumn Festival (Mooncake Festival) Greetings. ... <看更多>