Platform 9 3/4 Fine Dining & Cellar 为他们家的菜单添上了新生儿。除了在单点菜单上有了新成员,他们也加入了全新的 Omakase 套餐的选择。Omakase 词源自于日本,直译意思就是”拜托了“,如果用于餐点上就是“厨师包办”的意思。顾名思义,他们家利用新鲜食材和厨师的大胆创新为饕客们奉上创意之作,给你与众不同的用餐体验。
而 Duo Philosophy 系列菜单分别有番茄,蘑菇,西兰花的选择。他们家利用了传统与现代的元素为这三种蔬菜做出两道特色料理,呈现了六种菜色供大家品尝。
前菜则是名为 Scallop,使用了肥美的北海道带子,配上自制的 Carpaccio 酱,Sake Granite,还有梨搅成的 Pear Dashi,咸味和甜味的搭配把带子的鲜味提升,吃起来更加鲜美。
再来则是 Foie Gras,很明确的名字就告诉你它是鹅肝哦!煎得香气扑鼻的鹅肝配上香甜的 Lime Meringue, 搭上 Apple Caviar 还有 Dehydrated Tomato,酸酸甜甜的味道的确开胃。在另一边一颗颗的 Apple Caviar 口感 Q 弹清新,实在特别。
而主菜则名为 Salmon,煎得刚刚好的三文鱼皮又脆又香,搭配上 Tandoori Spices 提升了味道,而在一旁的则有 Compound Butter Yogurt,Ikura,Chives 还有 Potato Cream。 Tandoori Spices 为三文鱼添上了本地风味,搭配着各种食材一起吃,每一口都是惊喜。
如果你不喜欢三文鱼,你也可以加上 RM30 并选择 Cod Fish,值得称赞的是他们家的鳕鱼真的很新鲜,搭配上特制的 Smoked Capsicum Puree 真是一绝。店家建议把所有食材一起吃,才能体会这道菜的精髓。
之后就到了甜品 Cheesecake,以柠檬为基底的 Cheesecake,配着守候在旁的其他食材如:Microwave Sponge,Caramelized Sugar,Fruits Berries,和 Berries。那么丰富的搭配,吃起来一点都不腻。
Omakase Bespoke Dining Experience RM 300/pax
Chef Tasting Summer Menu RM 168/pax
Chef Tasting Menu RM 250/pax
Platform 9&3 Quarter Fine Dining and Cellar
61, Jalan Magazine,
10300 George Town, Pulau Pinang
6pm to 11pm
017 414 5945
microwave意思 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 八卦
[貓說: 美國是個很有意思的國家]
[美國的月亮比較大, 但不會比較圓]
大家看我常常把小鎮&後院的風景照曬出來, 可能以為美國是天堂.
我住在鄉下, 能曬出來的, 都是我生活上僅有幾樣能夠拿出來說嘴的事情了😂目的也不是在炫耀, 而是跟大家分享這邊的生活點滴(就像是, 我也喜歡看股友貼出的台灣風景&美食照一樣.)
為了讓大家體會到美國生活的"多樣化", 從今開始, 我也來分享一些美國生活的奇觀好了, 讓大家看看, 美國的月亮比較大, 但不會比較圓.
昨天看到的新聞. 一位住在科羅拉多州(Colorado)的婦女, 疑似把測試懷孕的尿液放入7-11店裡的微波爐來加熱....... 🤔
microwave意思 在 EC Bakes 小意思 Facebook 八卦
朱古力食譜 (三) --- 手作松露朱古力
Chocolate recipes (3) -- Handmade chocolate truffles
若想給朋友準備一份特别的禮物, 為什麼不給他送上自己親手製作的松露朱古力? 松露朱古力質地柔軟、香濃幼滑、入口即溶, 一般只在高級朱古力店有售, 價格更不便宜. 但你知道, 只要你不怕被朱古力弄污一雙玉手, 它其實是很容易做的嗎? 松露朱古力是甘納許(ganache)的一種, 最普遍的製法, 就是混合朱古力與淡忌廉(有時會加入牛油增加幼滑口感), 加味, 雪硬後搓成小球再沾上裝飾. 很簡單吧. 我們開始喔~
If you are looking for an unique gift for friends on a special occasion, why not surprise them with homemade chocolate truffles that are made with your own two hands? Truffles! Those treats that are smooth, silky, and melt-in-your-mouth! Those that are usually sold in high end chocolate stores at an unreasonably high price! But do you know that they are actually quite simple and fun to make? Well...yes, fun, if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty and full of chocolate smell... To make truffles, all you need is to create a ganache by combining chocolate and cream (and sometimes butter for a smoother mouthfeel), stir in optional flavorings, pop it into the fridge to let it firm up, shape it into balls, then roll the balls in cocoa powder or other garnishes. It’s just that easy so let’s get started!
EC的基本松露朱古力配方口訣是“1-2-10”, 意思是一份淡忌廉、兩份黑朱古力, 和10%朱古力重量的淡牛油. 例如75 g淡忌廉、150 g黑朱古力、15 g淡牛油或5安士淡忌廉、10安士黑朱古力、1安士淡牛油等. 有了這個容易記的公式, 你可以按需要做不同份量的松露朱古力了. 因為家中有小朋友, 所以EC的甜品甚少用酒. 今天介紹給大家是不含酒精成份的香橙味松露朱古力, 愛酒的可用君度橙酒代替橙油, 邊加邊試味至滿意為止!
My basic truffles formula is “1-2-10”, which translates to one part whipping cream, two parts dark chocolate, and unsalted butter that is 10% of the chocolate by weight. For instance, 75 g whipping cream, 150 g dark chocolate, 15 g unsalted butter or 5 oz. whipping cream, 10 oz. dark chocolate,1 oz unsalted butter. Once you remember this formula, you may make truffles in any quantity you wish. I usually exclude liqueur in my desserts as I have two young kids. You may replace orange oil with Cointreau for this recipe if you prefer. Just add and taste until you are happy with the flavor.
香橙松露朱古力 -- 無酒配方 (約22粒份量)
Non alcoholic orange dark chocolate truffles
(makes about 22)
材料 Ingredients:
優質黑朱古力(切細) Good quality dark chocolate, chopped 227 g
淡忌廉 Whipping cream 113 g
淡牛油 (切細) Unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 23 g
橙油 Orange oil 1 tsp
無糖可可粉、糖粉或其他裝飾 Unsweetened cocoa powder, powdered sugar, or coating of your choice
做法 Directions
1. 用磅量好材料. 朱古力(如用大磚)及牛油切碎備用
Weigh your ingredients, chop chocolate (if using the block type) and cut butter into small pieces and set aside.
2. 用微波爐將淡忌廉加熱至微滾(我家微波爐約需四十秒. 請自行調節時間. 用小鍋煮亦可). 將淡忌廉倒入朱古力碗中, 靜置兩分鐘待朱古力溶化
In a microwave-safe bowl, microwave whipping cream on high until it begins to bubble, about 30 to 40 seconds. Pour hot cream over chocolate pieces and let stand for 2 minutes until chocolate is melted.
3. 以橡皮刮刀拌勻淡忌廉及朱古力. 從中心點開始打小圈攪拌, 慢慢將淡忌廉及朱古力拌勻, 再將攪拌範圍向外擴大, 直至將所有淡忌廉融入朱古力. 若朱古力混合物尚有顆粒, 可將碗放入微波爐以中火(50%火力)每次加熱十五秒再攪拌, 直至朱古力完全溶掉
With a rubber spatula, gently stir cream and chocolate together in small circles. Begin at the center and work your way out in larger concentric circles. If you see chunks of chocolate, microwave the mixture on medium power in 15 second intervals then mix until chocolate is completely melted.
4. 加入牛油拌至順滑有光澤. 最後加入橙油拌勻. 基本甘納許(ganache)已完成
When mixture is smooth, stir in butter until shiny and smooth. Then stir in orange oil and mix well. This chocolate mixture is called a ganache.
用保鮮紙蓋着朱古力混合物表面, 放入雪櫃冷藏至凝固及半硬的狀態, 約2-3小時
Cover the mixture with plastic wrap and refrigerate until it is somewhat firm and scoopable, 2 to 3 hours.
5. 用小型雪糕勺或兩只湯匙將混合物舀出成為朱古力球, 放在墊了牛油紙的烤盤上. 再將朱古力球逐顆放在掌心快手滾圓. 朱古力的軟硬度是關鍵, 太軟會黏手(要放雪櫃再雪十分鐘), 太硬則難以搓成圓球(可放置室温五分鐘). 滾圓過程完成後, 若朱古力已開始變軟可先置雪櫃十分鐘.
***朱古力是會越搓越黏手的, 因手心的熱力會令朱古力溶化, 可以將手用凍水沖洗抹乾後才開始操作. EC不建議雙手沾可可粉防黏, 加入太多可可粉會影响朱古力本身的味道. EC寧可雙手多冲幾次凍水及花多點時間把朱古力放回雪櫃降温!
With a small ice-cream scoop or two spoons, spoon mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Roll mixture quickly into balls. Return truffles to the fridge again for 10 more minutes to let them firm up if they become too soft after you finish rolling. It is crucial to shape mixture when it is at the right consistency. Pop it back to the fridge for 10 minutes if it is too sticky and let it sit in room temperature for 5 minutes if it is too hard to shape. It takes me several times to shape the balls perfectly round as they will melt in your hand when you roll them. To avoid chocolate melting too fast, wash your hands with cold water and pat dry before operating. I don’t recommend coating hands in cocoa powder prior to rolling chocolate as adding too much cocoa powder will interfere with the chocolate’s genuine taste. I’d rather wash my hands more often and transfer chocolate in and out from the fridge.
6. 將裝飾(如無糖可可粉、糖粉、果仁碎、椰絲等)倒在小碟或碗中, 先把朱古力放在掌心搓幾秒, 再把朱古力均勻沾上一層薄薄的裝飾, 然後放入密實合置雪櫃下格保存. 食用時將松露朱古力從雪櫃取出, 放置室温約十五至二十分鐘後可供食用
Place coatings (sifted cocoa powder, powdered sugar, toasted nuts, shredded coconut, and etc) in shallow plates or bowls. Roll truffle in your hands for a few seconds to soften it, then roll it in coating. Keep truffles in an airtight container and store them in the fridge. Let stand at room temperature for 15 to 20 minutes before serving.
由於松露朱古力的主要成份是朱古力, 所以朱古力的品質直接決定了成品的味道. EC會建議大家使用能力範圍負擔得起的優質朱古力. EC用Lindt Piccoli 苦甜調温朱古力
Try using the best dark chocolate you can afford. Premium chocolate gives the best taste. I use Lindt Piccoli bittersweet couverture chocolate.
(圖片上至下)六款不同裝飾的手作松露朱古力 :無糖可可粉, 白朱古力碎, 好立克粉, 糖粉, 旺旺雪餅碎, 烤香腰果碎
Shown in picture: Handmade chocolate truffles in six different coatings: unsweetened cocoa powder, shaved white chocolate, Holick powder, powdered sugar, crushed rice crackers, roasted cashew pieces.
Recipe adapted from this video tutorial:
microwave意思 在 Microwave Oven微波爐英文版 - YouTube 的八卦
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