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#2021GQ肉食節 #無肉不歡 #SayYouLoveMeat
#即日起到9月30日 #即買即送95折
meat love菜單 在 歪嘴雞的中風食堂 Facebook 八卦
另二間為meat love 、 banco
meat love菜單 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 八卦
Mumokuteki Cafe在京都市錦市場附近,一樓是賣服飾的,二樓才是咖啡館,地方非常無敵大,還劃分了一區為「家庭間」。除了吃,還寄賣了一些健康食品。
這家店有一道料理必點 ─ 蔬菜豆漿拉麵〈豬骨風味〉,拉麵湯底非常濃郁,喝了兩口,被嚇到了,因為真的太像豬骨湯,一度懷疑我是不是吃到肉了,真沒有誇大喔~
還有一個我很愛的 ─ 豆漿咖啡冰沙,到現在還是很想念裡面的豆漿奶油,它使整杯冰沙非常順滑!我其實還點了意大利燴飯、炸薯條、蒲公英咖啡等,但是我和旅伴都爭著要吃豬骨拉麵和冰沙 🤣
Mumokuteki Cafe雖被稱為「蔬食」咖啡館,但我也提醒過大家,不同國家對蔬食的定義皆不同,在日本,有些店家認為「魚」也是素〈個人而言,魚是有感覺的物種,是生命〉,這家咖啡館有些料理是含有魚湯、魚精、魚露等。但店家很貼心地在菜單裡都標示清楚,而且分別有中文和英文菜單呢!
Dandelion Coffee ¥430
Expresso Frappe ¥520
Veg Soya Milk Ramen ¥810
Mushroom and Komatsu Cabbage Risotto ¥910
Fried Potato Chips ¥360
Mumokuteki Cafe is located near the Nishiki Market in Kyoto City Center. The first floor is for selling clothes and accessories. The second floor is a cafe. The place is extremely big. It even divided a "family room" in the middle of the cafe. Besides having food in the cafe, they sell some health products too.
This cafe has a must-eat dish -Veg Soya Milk Ramen Noodles in Soup (pork bone flavor), the ramen soup is very rich, after drinking a bit, I was scared, because it tastes like real pork bone soup too much, I was wondering if I had eaten meat~
There is also a Expresso Frappe that I love very much. I still miss the soya milk whipped cream inside, it makes the whole drink very smooth! I actually ordered Risotto, French Fries, Dandelion Coffee, etc., but my companions and I are vying to eat pork bone ramen and Expresso Frappe.
Although Mumokuteki Cafe is known as the "veg" cafe, I have been reminded everyone that the definition of veg/vegan/vegetarian is different in different countries. In Japan, some people think that "FISH" is also a veg food. (For me, FISH is a species that has feelings, it is live) Some dishes in this cafe contain fish soup, fish essence, fish sauce and so on. But the owner is very attentive that marked in the menu, and there are also both Chinese and English menus!
Name: Mumokuteki Cafe & Foods
Address: 京都府京都市中京区御幸町通六角下ル伊勢屋町351
Open: 1130am-10pm (Last Order 9pm)
Closed: Not Specified
meat love菜單 在 Meat Love 橡木炭火韓國烤肉 的相關結果
道地的韓國料理” 王室器皿,頂級享受,橡木炭紅外線炭火燒肉。正宗韓式炭火燒肉餐廳MEATLOVE火熱登台。沒有必要非得去韓國。 信義區信義路4段468號1·2樓, Taipei, ... ... <看更多>
meat love菜單 在 [台北中山區]就是要吃肉Meat Love橡木炭火韓國烤肉 的相關結果
觀望很久的Meat Love今天終於衝了!自從去了一趟韓國就對韓式烤肉情有獨鍾,來Meat Love你只需要動口,會有專人在桌邊為你烤肉, ... 來看看菜單~. ... <看更多>
meat love菜單 在 Meat Love橡木炭火韓國烤肉- 頂級牛肋、五花肉,專人燒烤服務 的相關結果
Meat Love 橡木炭火韓國烤肉- 頂級牛肋、五花肉,專人燒烤服務,道地韓式風味,台北信義美食推薦 · 菜單 · 餐具 · 辣拌冷麵: $350 · 韓式冷麵: $350 · 牛胸肉大 ... ... <看更多>