Pregnancy Diaries:
第一/二個月:正常飲食, 正常運動, 正常生活,正常睡眠(什麼是正常睡眠。問得好。 有個3歲小孩後,能睡就是正常吧。哈哈)
Month 1-2: Normal diet, normal exercise, normal sleep (for a regular mom with a 3 year old toddler)
第3個月: 可以讓我睡覺嗎? 我就躺一下就好。 喔喔喔!蛋糕!可以邊吃邊睡嗎?好吧。 睡~~~~~~~
Month 3: Can I just sleep please...OOOOOOH Cheesecake! No, sleeeeeeeep….
第4-5個月: 辣椒!!!給我給我給我給我! 辣椒!重口味的東西!印度咖喱,韓國泡菜,麻辣火鍋,剝皮辣椒雞湯, 辣~~~~~~~~~
Month 4-5: OMGOMGOMGOMG. GIVE ME CHILI! Spices! Salt! Strong flavors! Indian curry! Korean kimchi, spicy hot pot, spicy anything, SPICY EVERYTHING!!
第6個月: 哇。我好像吃太多了。
Month 6: Oops. I think I ate too much.
第7個月: 我想吃。。。。。喔喔喔。 等一下。 我的肚子跑去哪裡啊? 這麼怎麼那麼小? 喔。 找到了。 現在是寶寶的出氣筒。 喔!不好意思喔。 我先尿個尿。。。。
Month 7: I want to eat… oh. Where did my belly go? Did it shrink? Ah yes, it’s now the baby punching bag. Oh! Gotta go pee….
孕期已經慢慢接近尾聲,醫生建議我吃綜合維他命(為了我跟寶寶),葉酸(有助於體內好的物質合成), 歐美加脂肪酸 Omega-3 (為了發育思緒健康), 鈣/鎂 (如果你跟我一樣,會突然抽動不舒服。 為什麼一定要是半夜睡覺的時候呢?為什麼? )其他媽媽們可能會需要補充的有:鐵,維他命 B12, 維他命D, 等。
My doctor has recommended prenatal vitamins (just good in general), folic acid (for development of baby), omega 3s (for baby mental health), and calcium/magnesium (if you are starting to get uncomfortablelike me… Excuse me… WHY oh WHY do you always come in the middle of the night?!). Other supplements may also include iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D…
Obviously, ask your doctor what’s best for YOUR personal pregnancy journey.
我會補充益生菌,幫助我維持體內的平衡。 不管是全職媽媽或一邊工作都是非常有挑戰性的,有時候你只需要多一點的正能量,或者可以讓媽媽跟嬰兒增加DHA,或是來一些蔓越莓、洛神花,或許可以讓你感覺更是個女人。
I also supplement with InSeed probiotics to help me maintain an overall balanced life. Being a working mom OR a stay-at-home mom are both very challenging and sometimes you just need a little extra energy (extra Vitamin B anyone?), or perhaps a boost of DHA for mom and baby, or maybe some roselle and cranberries extract to make you feel more like a woman.
懷孕真的是一個很神奇的東西, 然後你的身體能接受各種奇奇怪怪的變化真的是很強!我一直以來都是以“聽”我的身體需求為主的概念。我會儘量吃多一點蔬菜水果, 喝多一點水。我本來就蠻喜歡吃健康食物的人。 當然我也是會“滿足我的口慾 give into my cravings” (像是甜點(冰淇淋!!!),炸食物,餅乾,等)但如果是少量我覺得也許也是我的身體在告訴我缺少維生素minerals/vitamins/等。 或是單純就是因為。。。你。就。給。我。 就。 對。 了!(不好意思喔)
Pregnancy is quite an amazing thing and it does quite a crazy thing to your body. I’ve been trying to “listen” to what my body has been telling me since day one and in general, try and stay healthy with lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and healthy meats/seafood. Of course, I will give into some cravings (like spice, occasionally sweet desserts, and yes, even unhealthier things like fried foods) because I feel like it’s my body telling me it needs something I may not be aware of. Or because, JUST GIVE IT TO ME ALREADY… (yes,... hormones).
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InSeed 益喜氏.機能益生菌
may day意思 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 八卦
實際發生的情況 VS 外人所看到的情況。
*跳躍高度是根據h = 1 / 2gt ^ 2,t = 1.154s + -0.004s(240fps)從跳躍頂點確定的
What really happens VS what people see.
Yesterday I posted this which seemed to rile people up. Many people think posting like this is inciting dangerous behavior. "Bad Demonstration. Ignorant people will follow this and die". Why is it always other people who are behaving irresponsibly. No ever ever comments "I might try to repeat this and die" Why is there so much distrust of other people? What makes your judgement so much better than everyone else's?
People aren't at risk from watching a video and then trying to repeat it. If you believed people like that existed then the "fast and the furious "movies would make you too scared to leave the house for fear of reckless drivers.
The video was filmed at a high frame rate (slow motion). Long airtime gives it the appearance of being a very high jump, but it's only 6.5 meters. While not particularly high, this is still high enough to be painful if you landed on your back or stomach. I know, because I'm not good at doing backflips, but I still try anyway. Landing on your stomach isn’t fatal, but it’s not fun either. That's why I recommend jumping feet first, hands in, as seen in the video. It's actually quite a good demonstration.
I always tell people to check water depth and ensure there are no obstructions before jumping. But when we say "look before you jump" what we really mean is "Think before you act".
Is it risky to climb up to the platform?
Is the platform I am jumping from stable?
Where is my planned landing zone?
Are there any people or objects in the landing zone?
Is the depth of the water suitable for jumping from this height?
What will I do in the air while jumping?
What is my planned body orientation for landing?
Can I swim in these conditions?
How will I exit the water after jumping?
Do I need any additional equipment such as gloves or a life jacket?
Are there people nearby? Do they know I am jumping?
None of these are complicated questions and none require any technical training. This is just basic common sense. Most people do this automatically, without even having to think about it.
The above isn't especially dangerous. People are generally safe and responsible when it comes to their personal safety with a few important exceptions. The real safety tips are down here:
1) Never consume alcohol while cliff jumping. You'd be surprised how many accidents in nature involve alcohol.
2) Never pressure anyone into attempting a stunt they are not comfortable with. If someone is scared, it's because they lack the requisite skill or experience. This increases risk. Teach. Don't tease .
3) Know your limits. Take baby steps. Don't attempt something far above your experience level without consulting someone with more experience. Ignore anyone who is pressuring you. They're not being good friends.
4) Don't do anything stupid to impress a girl. It's not worth it. 9 out of 10 women surveyed preferred men without head injuries.
Now go out to the river and have some fun. Go cliff jumping. Climb as high as you feel comfortable. And if at any time if you feel uncomfortable, just back down and jump from somewhere lower, or not at all. Go with friends that you trust, and watch out for each other. Check the weather first. Prepare equipment you need in advance. You may need a flotation device. If you realize you don’t have enough equipment later, you don’t need to attempt anything you are not prepared for. Just come back and play another day.
Follow these basic steps and you will soon realize that hysteria isn’t the proper approach to water safety. Knowledge and preparation is.
*jump height determined using h= 1/2gt^2, t=1.154s+-0.004s (240fps), from apex of jump
may day意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 八卦
Why are the Evil-Doers Rich, and Mr Good Guys Poor?
老師,不好意思,我想請問您 :那些惡人今世可以賺到不斐的財富,是因為前世他們累積了不可思議的福報導致。
那麼佛教有種說法,就是我們累世輪迴,這一世就是靈魂繼承上世的修行程度。你修的好的地方(善緣福報)你修的不好的地方(惡緣惡報)都會帶來這一世讓你繼續修,最終目的就是修到大圓滿 然後成佛。
可是我的問題是,那些惡人如果上世能夠累積到這麼多的福報,那麼本質上他的靈魂就一定是善的居多,怎麼這一世會偏差的這麼遠呢? 令人費解@@ 不好意思想請教老師...
When I uploaded this video on my Youtube channel 4 years ago, a viewer left a comment asking,
"Teacher, sorry but I wish to ask, those villiians can earn bountiful wealth because of the incredible good fortune they accumulated in their past lives.
In Buddhism, there is this theory: our souls in this lifetime is the product of our cultivation from past lives. Thus, for this life, you will continue to cultivate the areas you did well in (virtuous affinities & good fortune) and the areas you fail in (negative affinities & retribution).
The final goal is to accomplish Great Perfection and eventually, attain Buddhahood.
But my question is, if those villians accumulated so much good fortune in their past lives, then the essence of their souls should have more goodness in them. Why the vast difference in this life? This is perplexing. @@ Sorry I wish to ask Teacher ...”
My simple reply at that time:
Hi, a Bodhisattva will experience confusion between his past and current lives. When man is born, his nature is chaotic. He becomes virtuous when he meets virtuous conditions, and turns vile, when he meets malevolent affinities.
The problem is a person who has cultivated good fortune may not be a person who adheres to the five precepts. Because they may not have cultivated wisdom, they are still very prone to their habitual tendencies and lack the meditative strength to avoid committing sins.
For example, Jackie Chan enjoys enormous wealth and fame. This got to do with his fondness for doing charity. But he still committed sexual misconduct due to his lack of restraint. Thus his son, Jaycee Chan, was a drug abuser and let the family down. Jackie Chan was universally condemned and this is one retribution of his sexual misconduct.
A person doing virtuous deeds does not mean he is not doing bad deeds on the other hand. If there is no repentance after a bad deed is done, he will end up with a Destiny of good and bad interweaved in it.
But no matter how malevolent a villain may be, when his virtuous affinity approaches, there will come a day when he is willing to lay down the butcher's knife to become a Buddha, i.e. repent and be absolved of his past sins.
Just like Buddha's disciple, Angulimala.
On my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/m5l01u-mDIw
may day意思 在 MAYDAY五月天[ 因為你所以我Because of You ] Official Music ... 的八卦
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