臺灣從1949年宣布戒嚴,到1987年解嚴,前後38年。1985年,前美軍顧問團團長、經國先生的好友戚烈拉(Richard G. Ciccolella)將軍來函,建議解除臺灣戒嚴,因為戒嚴在西方是國家遭遇危急情勢時才採取的措施,臺灣並沒到那種程度,何不解除戒嚴,丟掉這個有損國家形象的大包袱?不久,經國先生找我去問:「戒嚴」這個字的英文是什麼?我說是martial law,他要我查報西方社會對戒嚴的看法。我查了大英、大美百科全書,以及布萊克法律辭典、韋氏大辭典等書後回報他,martial law在英文的意思是military control(軍事管制)或no law at all(無法無天),他聽了不以為然地說:「臺灣哪有軍事管制,也沒有無法無天啊!」
一年後,1986年10月7日,經國先生接見美國華盛頓郵報發行人葛蘭姆(Katherine Graham)女士,被問到戒嚴時主動表示:「我國將在制定國家安全法令後解除戒嚴並開放組黨。」當時在現場擔任翻譯的我,彷彿遭電流通過般震撼,心想臺灣的歷史將就此改寫了。印象所及,當時包括駐美代表錢復、旅美教授丘宏達在內的有識之士,也曾作出同樣建議。
同時也有39部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過64萬的網紅Hot Emma,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【Music V log】 Green Island, also known by other names, is a small volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean about 33 km (21 mi) off the eastern coast of Ta...
martial law 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
Statement on the Passing of Former President Lee Teng-hui
AIT expresses its deepest condolences upon the passing of Lee Teng-hui, former president, reformer, partner, and friend of the United States. Taiwan’s astonishing transition from martial law to full democratization in a little over a decade took place under President Lee’s leadership, and forms the foundation of the U.S.-Taiwan partnership that has brought so much benefit to the Indo-Pacific region and the world. An alumnus of Iowa State University and Cornell University, President Lee also epitomized the strong people-to-people ties which bind the United States and Taiwan. President Lee’s success in transforming Taiwan into a beacon of freedom and democracy and in cementing the U.S.-Taiwan friendship will be felt by many future generations.
See the statement: https://www.ait.org.tw/statement-on-the-passing-of-former-president-lee-teng-hui/
*Caption: In June, 1995, President Lee Teng-hui visited New York and delivered his famous “Always in My Heart” address at his alma mater, Cornell University. President Lee received a warm welcome from students and the public. (Photo credit: Academia Historica)
martial law 在 宋楚瑜找朋友 Facebook 八卦
「Members of International Press Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
Welcome to Taiwan to witness the Presidential Election of the Republic of China. I thank you for your participation in this press conference, and hope that because of your report, Taiwan’s vigorous democracy can be well perceived internationally.
People of Taiwan cherish freedom and our democratic system. This right to vote, this government of the people, by the people and for the people, is the fruit of a long fight for democracy in the past decades. I am proud, of myself and my party, People First Party, for being a part of such transition. We are gratified that the forthcoming election is a great manifestation of our democracy in action.
Over the past thirty years, Taiwan has lifted martial law and moved toward a truly democratic country. During that period, I am privileged and honored to have played a key role in making Taiwan’s democracy a reality. Today, I am running for the President of the Republic of China, and hope to devote myself again to further enhancing the well-being of our people.
As you have already known, we are now facing the rise of China and our ever closer ties in all aspects. Every citizen in this country realizes that the President’s prime responsibility is to manage stable Cross-Strait relations to foster mutually beneficial economic and cultural interflows. Under the framework of the R.O.C. Constitution, maintaining status quo is and will continue to be the governing principle of Taiwan’s future interactions with Mainland China. We will continue to follow the peaceful development strategy, while at the same time, bringing in transparency, all-party consultation, participation and public deliberation, as well as rigorous parliamentary scrutiny into our China policy making process.
I would also like to take this opportunity to convey to the world and to the people of Mainland China that the differences between the two sides of Taiwan Strait rest on the different social, economic and political systems. The existence of the government of Republic of China on Taiwan is a reality. It is an undeniable fact. We, the people of Taiwan, have every right to choose our way of life and shall never give up our rights to freedom and democracy.
I am sure all of you have noticed a recent, subtle yet important development from the meeting of leaders from both sides of the Strait in Singapore. It was the first time since 1949 that a Chinese Communist leader ever publicly acknowledged that Taiwan and Mainland China have been “under different executive administrations.” If elected, I will continue the dialogues with Mainland China with mutual respect and pragmatism.
In past years, I have been recognized as the person trusted in handling Cross-Strait relations. My assumption of President’s office assures the world that peace and stability in this region will be securely maintained.
My previous position as the Provincial Governor of Taiwan has firmly earned me the reputation of a competent and accountable man of the people. If elected, I will organize an efficient grand coalition government to serve the needs of our people and put aside the decade-long inter-party fight between the so-called blue and green camps. Together, I will lead the government and people rebuild the pride and prosperity people of Taiwan deserve.
The Republic of China is devoted to playing the role of a strategic buffer in East Asia, both in geopolitical and temporal senses. Taiwan will firmly uphold the essential obligations in maintaining peace and stability of East Asia, thereby promoting positive interactions amongst the United States, Mainland China, Japan and Taiwan. We shall not undertake any unilateral or provocative actions to compromise the stability of Cross-Strait relations, for we believe that this might result in unnecessary confrontation between the United States and China, consequently jeopardizing the peace and security in the region.
Taiwan will continue to maintain balanced economic relations with our trading partners such as the United States, China, Japan, European Union and ASEAN countries. In our economic and trade exchanges with Mainland China, Taiwan will abide by the principles of benefit-sharing and reciprocity because the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are crucial for Taiwan’s prosperity and economic growth. Furthermore, as a member of the global community, we are dedicated to promoting “low-carbon economy” and ensuring sustainable development of the world environment.
In closing, let me emphasize again, that Taiwan’s democracy and economic livelihood is the fruit of decades of collaborate efforts of the people of Taiwan. I will make every effort to defend such way of life and stand by our people for years to come.
Thank you again and I wish you all the best in the year of the Monkey.」
我相信大家都已經注意到兩岸領導人在新加坡會面這個微妙但卻重要的發展。從1949 年以來,這是第一次中國共產黨的領導人公開承認,「兩岸分治」的事實。如果我當選,我將繼續與中國大陸在相互尊重的基礎上,以務實的態度來進行和平對談。
martial law 在 Hot Emma Youtube 的評價
【Music V log】
Green Island, also known by other names, is a small volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean about 33 km (21 mi) off the eastern coast of Taiwan. It is 15.092 km2 (5.83 sq mi) at high tide and 17.329 km2 (6.69 sq mi) at low tide, making it the Republic of China's seventh-largest island. The island is administered as Lyudao Township,[1][2] a rural township of Taitung County and one of the county's two offshore areas (the other being Orchid Island). The island once served as a penal colony for political prisoners during Taiwan's period of martial law, although today it is primarily known as a tourist hotspot.

martial law 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的評價
The lone teenager, the ominous campus, the unbearable truth.
Set in 1960's Taiwan under martial law. Detention, with unique and appealing graphics and OST. Invites you to unlock the spine-chilling mysteries.
以一九六零年代的台灣為原型的架空劇情, 獨特的插畫拼貼風格,以及精心編製的原創音樂. 在令人屏息的緊張感中, 解開一個又一個秘密,
孤獨的學生, 殘酷的校園, 以及讓人無力面對的真相.
LIKE & SHARE 如果你還想看老吳玩下去哦;DD
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martial law 在 Laowu老吳 Youtube 的評價
The lone teenager, the ominous campus, the unbearable truth.
Set in 1960's Taiwan under martial law. Detention, with unique and appealing graphics and OST. Invites you to unlock the spine-chilling mysteries.
以一九六零年代的台灣為原型的架空劇情, 獨特的插畫拼貼風格,以及精心編製的原創音樂. 在令人屏息的緊張感中, 解開一個又一個秘密,
孤獨的學生, 殘酷的校園, 以及讓人無力面對的真相.
LIKE & SHARE 如果你還想看老吳玩下去哦;DD
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關注老吳Facebook個人帳號 : http://goo.gl/c0a2DW
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martial law 在 Can the president impose martial law in his final week in office? 的八卦
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