《柏林脈動》(The Berlin Pulse) 今天出刊了。這是德國一年一度的外交及國際關係專刊。作者群包括學者、智庫專家、政府官員。
這一期談歐洲問題的作者有波蘭外長、Moldova 總理、德國國防部長等等等。
中國的全國人大外事委員會副主任委員傅瑩、日本眾議會議員Minora Kiuchi、巴黎的中國問題專家Francois Godement、曾任澳洲駐華大使,現任外交及貿易秘書長的Frances Adamson,以及台灣的龍應台。
答案:贊成 76%
反對 19%
跟德國一樣,台灣對中國大陸和香港的貿易順差,在2018年是831億美元。百分之四十一的對外貿易針對中國,中國大陸市場對台灣的重要不言而喻。然而,隨著近年來台灣海峽兩岸的關係緊張,反對黨(國民黨) 憂慮市場的優勢無法持續,而執政黨(民進黨) 則選擇強化選民對北京的不信任來抵制中國的影響力。執政黨最近提出的國安新法可能將任何被認定為為中國宣傳者入罪。
和歐洲一樣,台灣人對中國的感受也是複雜的。 當中國代表的是活躍的經濟機會時,很多台灣人就容易所謂「親中」,當中國代表的是壓迫和可能的入侵時,很多台灣人就是所謂的「反中」。問題是,中國兩者兼備。後果就是,台灣內部的分歧遠遠超過了僅只是政治和經濟的層面。
23 Million People on a Canoe
—Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future
Lung Yingtai
On the day when the opposition party announced its presidential candidate for the 2020 election, I was sitting at a lunch table in Taipei listening to my intellectual friends uttering their concerns about the future of Taiwan. The pessimists phrased their pessimism in the form of questions such as “How many years do you think Taiwan has left?” The optimists expressed their optimism with dark humour, “Thank God they will be too busy with Hong Kong and the US for a while.”
Like Germany, Taiwan operates a trade surplus with mainland China and Hong Kong, amounting to $83.1 billion in 2018. With 41% of Taiwan’s exports going to China, Taipei’s economy depends on trade with the mainland. However, given the increasing tension across the Taiwan Strait, the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in particular has been worrying whether Taiwan will be able to sustain these figures. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party, on the other hand, is capitalizing on voters’ intense distrust of Beijing, stepping up measures to “contain” China’s influence. Taipei recently drafted a national security law that would make it a punishable offense to spread “political propaganda” for China.
As in Europe, Taiwanese feel highly ambivalent about mainland China: When China signifies economic opportunities, most Taiwanese are 23 Million People on a Canoe Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future “pro-China”; when China represents oppression and potential invasion, most Taiwanese are “anti-China”. The problem is that China resembles both. The result is a deep division among Taiwanese extending far beyond the political and economic spheres.
Given the circumstances under which Taiwan emerged and evolved, its evolution into an authentic democracy represents an extraordinary achievement. It was without a revolution that the KMT, which had ruled Taiwan for more than 40 years, put an end to martial law and, whether convinced or compelled to act, opened the country’s political system to sharing power. Without bloodshed, dissidents who had once sat in jails became legislators and political leaders. Since the lifting of martial law 1987, power has changed hands fairly and orderly, following the results of each election.
Taiwan has been a quiet democracy for more than thirty years, nearly as long as the four decades during which it has been isolated by the international community. The US does not formally recognize Taiwan but, as with Germany, acts as the country’s security guarantor. While Washington has indicated that arms sales to Taiwan will become more of a routine, China has devised a routine of its own by holding long-range combat drills and ordering its fighter jets to cross the maritime line.
However, the threat to Taiwanese democracy is twofold. The obvious one comes from China, and to a large extent lies beyond Taipei’s control. The less obvious threat is home-made, as the looming China threat tempts domestic politicians to mobilize the population’s collective fear to foment a tribal nationalism. Their success would pose a real danger to Taiwan’s democratic institutions.
Those who applaud Taiwanese democracy for the sole purpose of criticizing China make me nervous. Generations of Taiwanese fought and ultimately achieved a democracy – it is simply too precious for other people’s agendas, internal or external.
Germany has a unique history: its people have experienced first-hand how easily democratic institutions may fall apart when not meticulously guarded. Having received democracy as a gift following World War II and struggled to regain their freedom from Communist rule, Germans are in a unique position to understand both the predicament as well as the aspirations of the Taiwanese. Moral courage often comes from past sufferings. As a leading EU member state, Germany has a responsibility to maximize its own efforts as well as to influence others’ efforts for world peace.
But why should the world care about the future of Taiwan? First of all, save the Taiwan model, the world might have to accept the claim that democracy and Confucianism are incompatible, and that a communist China presents the only logical and inevitable path to modernity. Secondly, Taiwan deserves respect on its own merits. True, if China were an aircraft carrier, Taiwan would be a lone canoe. But standing on this canoe are 23 million people aspiring for a life with liberty and dignity. If it were an EU member, Taiwan would be the 7th largest of the Union’s 28 member-states (27 after Brexit), smaller than Poland but larger than the Netherlands or Belgium, with a developed economy ranking 22nd in the world by purchasing power parity. Do we really want to return to a world in which it is imaginable that countries such as Poland or the Netherlands should be deprived of their autonomy to determine their own way of life and political system?
The Berlin Pulse 2019
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過84萬的網紅超粒方,也在其Youtube影片中提到,迪士尼年底大公開! 讓你一次看懂漫威三大電視影劇! 團購企業家486先生當年以寫部落格起家,透過實際的使用、評測及分享,累積了大量的粉絲。從早期的開團銷售模式,成功轉型為電子商務平台。如今,486團購為台灣家電類網購平台領導品牌。 點進下面連結,陪我拜訪大哥吧! 「486先生」臉書粉絲團: ht...
made by人名 在 CUP 媒體 Facebook 八卦
Criminal Investigation into Allegation of Rape inside Tsuen Wan Police Station.
We represent Ms X, a young Hong Kong female who recently filed a criminal complaint alleging that she was raped by a number of police officers in Tsuen Wan Police Station.
Ms X made her complaint to police in the expectation that it would be investigated with impartiality, in strict confidence, and with respect for her privacy and dignity. She has made no public comment about the case and has not sought publicity in any way.
Unfortunately, the police investigating Ms X’s case appear to have systematically worked to discredit her and to undermine her complaint. Police have deliberately leaked supposed details of the case in a manner which any objective observer would be driven to conclude, were directed at publicly discrediting Ms X and diminishing any prospect of a successful prosecution.
In light of the recent leaks and statements by the police, Ms X wishes us to issue the following statement.
On a date in October 2019, Ms X took the courageous step of filing a report to police about her rape inside Tsuen Wan Police Station. She filed her report through the proper channels. She subsequently gave a detailed account of the events to police, answering extensive and highly invasive questions. As requested by police, she underwent a forensic medical examination. Ms X further underwent a termination of the ensuing pregnancy and has permitted the taking of a DNA sample from the aborted foetus to assist in identifying at least one of her assailants.
Throughout the investigation, Ms X has repeatedly asked police for updates on the case but the investigating team has refused to provide her with any details whatsoever.
On 4th November, 2019 Ms X learned that police had, without her knowledge or consent, obtained a search warrant to seize her private medical records, including those long pre-dating the allegations. The warrant also allowed police to seize CCTV footage from her private doctor’s clinic for a period of several days before and after the date of the alleged rape.
The Hong Kong Police Force Victims’ Charter guarantees that the privacy and dignity of criminal complainants will be respected at all times. To seek to obtain a rape complainant’s private medical records without their knowledge and consent is a gross invasion of privacy. Such action was an outrageous abuse of police power.
Ms X immediately went to court to challenge the search warrant. On the morning of 5th November 2019, the issuing magistrate, having been properly apprised of the facts, immediately suspended the search warrant. The Magistrate further granted an Anonymity Order, which prevents any person (including the press) from identifying Ms X, whether directly or indirectly. A breach of the Anonymity Order may amount to a contempt of Court.
Over the past few days, Ms X has been deeply distressed to see alleged details of her case leak onto the internet. The Police Public Relations Bureau and unidentified ‘police sources’ have selectively released supposed details of the investigation, along with adverse comment on the evidence, in a way which any objective observer would be driven to conclude, were directed at publicly discrediting Ms X and diminishing any prospect of a successful prosecution.
Ms X considers that any attempt by police to publicly discredit a rape victim and adversely comment on evidence in an on-going investigation is despicable and offensive. Such attempts should be condemned in the strongest terms.
Unsurprisingly, Ms X has formed the view that the Hong Kong police force cannot be trusted to impartially investigate her allegations or indeed any criminal complaints relating to police officers.
Ms X demands that the police immediately cease the unlawful and grossly unprofessional leaking of information and comment about her case. She asks for her privacy to be respected.
made by人名 在 Facebook 八卦
1、 官營媒體對司法機關毫無基礎的攻擊應當停止
在數位親建制人士及官方控制和營運的媒體 - 包括《文匯報》及《大公報》- 要求「司法改革」及嘲諷「黃官」的日益壓力下,出現上述評論文章,我們深表憂慮。我們注意到司法機構自今年9月以來,已就對其日趨激烈的攻擊發表了四份聲明。
2、 公平審訊及無罪假定
上述關注,反映國安法無法為被告人提供足夠的基本人權保障,並在法律上存在很多不確定性。正如英國最高法院院長賓漢(Lord Bingham)在其著作《The Rule of Law》中說明,法治的核心是在一個地方裡,所有不論屬公共或私人的個人和機構,都必須受法律的約束及保障,而法律必須是公開和預先頒佈,以及由法院公開執行。因此,我們促請有關當局嚴格遵守法治原則,自我約束,以及謹慎運用國安法賦予的權力。
【Statement on Continuous Attacks on the Judiciary and
Art. 55 of the National Security Law】
We note with grave concern that on 27 December 2020, l the People’s Daily published anr editorial piece criticizing a decision in respect of a bail application that is currently subject to an ongoing appeal. In attacking the judicial decisions in Apple Daily founder, Mr Jimmy Lai Chee-yin’s case, the People’s Daily has labelled him as a “notorious and extremely dangerous” and an “insurgent”. It added that the presumption against bail should be the norm in cases such as Lai’s and urged the judiciary to “make the right decision”. The commentary further claimed that there were sufficient grounds in Mr Lai’s case for invoking Article 55 of the National Security Law (NSL) - which allows certain cases to be transferred to Mainland China for trial. This type of commentary appearing in a newspaper run/controlled by the Central Government, when the Appeals Committee would soon be hearing the Hong Kong Government’s application for leave to appeal on 31 December 2020, is particularly worrying and borders on an attempt to interfere with the due administration of justice by Hong Kong’s independent judiciary.
We, the undersigned, in our personal capacity and as lawyers committed to safeguarding the Rule of Law and the independence of judiciary, we feel duty bound to draw attention to the following matters:
(1) Unfounded attacks against the judiciary by state-run/controlled media should cease
The above-mentioned commentary was made amid intensifying calls for “judicial reform” and deriding “yellow judges” from various pro-establishment figures and state-run/controlled media, including Wen Wei Po and Tai Kung Po. To that end, we note that the judiciary has had to issue a total of four statements since September this year, in light of the intensifying attacks mounted against it.
Whilst members of the public have the right to discuss and comment on court rulings for reasons grounded on fact or law, such discussion should not cross into bare assertions, imputations of political bias, or attempts to put pressure on the Judiciary to decide specific cases in a particular manner. Otherwise, public confidence in the integrity, professionalism and independence of the judiciary would be seriously undermined. Notably, the commentary published by People’s Daily, could be perceived as putting pressure on the judiciary to decide a pending case in a particular manner, which breaches the sub judice rule and could prejudice the accused’s right to a fair trial. These attacks should cease immediately.
We also call on the Secretary of Justice to take action to defend the Judiciary against unwarranted accusations led by state-run/controlled media. As Judge Russell Coleman noted in his judgment, “it has been the traditional view that Judges and the Judiciary do not speak out in defence of their decisions or to defend themselves against unfair and inappropriate criticism [...] in common law jurisdictions like Hong Kong, it was the tradition that the minister responsible for the administration of justice has the duty of defending the Judiciary or individual Judges against wrong accusations”.
(2) Concerns about fair trial and presumption of innocence
The Hong Kong Government has the legal obligation to protect any Hong Kong residents, whose rendition is sought, from violation of his/her fundamental and non-derogable rights, including the right to fair trial. We question whether such rights can be guaranteed upon invoking of Article 55 of the NSL. The reason is two-folded. First, we question whether China has adequate protection on the right to fair trial during the criminal process, as mainland China has not ratified the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and has been long criticised on such. Second, the fact that the 12 Hong Kong residents who stood trial at Shenzhen Yantian People’s Court on 28 December 2020 were denied the right to open trial and the right to appoint lawyers of their choice, casts considerable doubt on whether the Hong Kong Government can fulfil its legal obligation.
These concerns reflect that the NSL lacks adequate protections to safeguard an accused’s fundamental human rights and lacks legal certainty. As Lord Bingham wrote in his book, The Rule of Law, at the core of the rule of law is the notion “that all persons and authorities within the state, whether public or private, should be bound by and entitled to the benefit of laws publicly and prospectively promulgated and publicly administered in the courts”. Accordingly, we urge the authorities to uphold strict adherence to the rule of law and exercise restraint and caution in invoking its power under the NSL.
Mark Daly
Michelle Tsoi Wing Tak
Kenneth Lam
Davyd Wong
Janet Pang Ho Yan
Dated this 30 December 2020
made by人名 在 超粒方 Youtube 的評價
迪士尼年底大公開! 讓你一次看懂漫威三大電視影劇!
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「486好物與開箱」臉書粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/MR486Communit
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諾蘭電影全解析: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv3pZ...
剪輯: Bruce Lu
腳本: Jason Liu
監製/編輯: 黃豪瑞 (Jasper)
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而洛基身旁站的白髮老頭是Mobius M Mobius,
(不知道這邊Owen Wilson還會不會說他的招牌: WOW)
可能是由Sophia Di Martino所飾演的女版洛基,或者是漫威最有名的斗篷人物-
你們想要黑寡婦回歸嗎? 我是覺得一直復活會讓漫威角色的死變得挺廉價的啦
飛機的這一幕致敬了有名的一個劫機事件,劫匪叫做Dan Cooper,
亦被稱為D.B. Cooper。

made by人名 在 为什么少年歌行抄袭那么多,却没人提? - YouTube 的八卦

哔哩哔哩动画Anime Made By Bilibili - 欢迎订阅- ... 杨超越怼 人名 场面:薛之谦的一生宿敌,郑恺竟被气的现场走人. 冷君电影. 冷君电影. ... <看更多>
made by人名 在 人名刺繡#tailormade #floral #embroidery - Pinterest 的八卦
DIY And Crafts. #人名刺繡#tailormade #floral #embroidery Floral Embroidery, Made, Instagram Profile. Canbroidery. 16 followers. More information ... ... <看更多>