警政署有沒有進行資安管理呢? 警政署目前已訂定 《警察機關資通安全實施規定》、《警用行動電腦使用管理要點》、《警政日誌管理系統作業規定》、《雲端影像調閱系統作業規定》,但令人驚訝的是,這些規範中,員警濫查個資的懲處標準過輕,幾乎都只有申誡處分。
「m police濫用」的推薦目錄:
- 關於m police濫用 在 管碧玲 (kuanbiling) Facebook
- 關於m police濫用 在 我的紫袍夢-3年9月的檢察官日誌 Facebook
- 關於m police濫用 在 Dr. Ray 的急症室迎送生涯 Facebook
- 關於m police濫用 在 [新聞] 想知BMW是不是他的!女警用M-Police查個資 - PTT 的評價
- 關於m police濫用 在 [新聞] M-Police兩大功能下線前警官透露:有人拿去亂來 - Mo PTT 的評價
- 關於m police濫用 在 [新聞] 用M-Police打賭嘻鬧猜女子年齡高雄4警被 的評價
- 關於m police濫用 在 [問卦] 有沒有M Police 人臉辨識系統的八卦? - PTT Web 的評價
- 關於m police濫用 在 M-Police人臉辨識侵權之虞? 警政署停用|華視新聞20211227 的評價
m police濫用 在 我的紫袍夢-3年9月的檢察官日誌 Facebook 八卦
感謝高雄這位 #五年記了1500支嘉獎 的大巡佐,
1. 人別詢問:派出所內對賭,#賭報案人年齡,還差點賭三圍
2. 全程錄音錄影:以綜藝節目方式錄影,#上傳警察群組
3. 警用資訊查詢系統使用方式:遞交 #警用行動電腦 M-Police供民眾自行輸入個資,藉此來揭曉對賭輸贏
4. 在民眾與影片前自誇「#巡佐不是幹假的,#閱人無數。」
m police濫用 在 Dr. Ray 的急症室迎送生涯 Facebook 八卦
連署連結: https://forms.gle/teMGNCiZPMYatVbh8
據多份醫學期刊綜述──如《刺針》(Lancet)[1] 及英國醫學期刊(BMJ (Open))[2],橡膠子彈乃可致命武器。同時,橡膠子彈不易操控,準確性低,有引致重傷,乃至死亡之風險。多份期刊不約而同指出,橡膠子彈不適宜用於密集人群之管制。
人權醫療組織(Physicians for Human Rights)醫生哈爾(Dr Rohini Haar)在接受紐約時報訪問時指出,警方對市民使用不成比例的武力,實有濫用武力之嫌。早在二零一四年,潘冬平教授[3]亦對香港警察使用催淚氣體情況深表關注,擔心催淚氣體損害市民呼吸系統。可見,催淚彈、橡膠子彈及豆袋彈等武器危害不輕,對香港市民公眾健康的損害不容置疑。
Dear Professor Leung and Professor Chan,
We are a group of healthcare professionals, some of us being also graduates from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. We are writing to express our gravest concerns over the persistent and serious threats to the health of members of the public posed by weapons deployed in crowd control by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) on 12 June, 2 July and 21 July. We hereby urge the Deans of the sole Faculties of Medicine in Hong Kong to take actions in censuring the HKPF and the Hong Kong Government against the serious health risks in their crowd-control tactics.
On 12 June, as reported by multiple local and international news agencies, the HKPF fired multiple rounds of tear gas, rubber bullets and bean-bag rounds to disperse protesters in Admiralty. Over 150 canisters of tear gas, 20 bean-bag rounds and several rubber bullets have admittedly been directed at protestors which resulted in at least 72 injuries. As evident in the live reports from various media sources, a teacher suffered traumatic ocular injury causing significant vision loss when his eye was hit by a rubber bullet; hundreds of citizens suffered various degrees of injuries and respiratory distress consequential upon the numerous tear gas canisters shot at Citic Tower in Admiralty where protesters were trapped in a life-threatening space filled with tear gas; an unarmed man sustained injury in his lower abdomen when a rubber bullet was directed at him in a short distance.
According to multiple studies and reviews from high impact factor medical journals, in particular the Lancet[1] and BMJ (Open)[2], rubber bullets can be lethal. Their notorious inaccuracy and risk of severe injury and death render them inappropriate and unsafe means of force in crowd control.
However, despite the known risks of these weapons, the HKPF tenaciously deployed them on citizens on 2 July and 21 July. On 21 July, 55 canisters of tear gas, 5 rubber bullet rounds and 24 sponge bullets were admittedly shot, some without immediate warning, at protestors and even at journalists notwithstanding the numerous residential buildings and citizens in the vicinity. The use of these weapons has left members of the public with at the very least, various types of injuries and further, burns, blunt force trauma and explosive injuries. 14 injuries have by far been reported where others did not present themselves to the hospital in fear of the risk of prosecution.
Dr Rohini Haar of Physicians for Human Rights had in a recent interview told the New York Times that the force used by the HKPF was disproportionate and excessive. In Hong Kong, Professor Ronnie Poon had as early as in 2014 expressed openly his earnest concern over both the short term and long term health risks in the use of tear gas in particular to one’s respiratory system when the HKPF first fired tear gas at Hong Kong citizens [3]. It is indisputable that these named weapons put the health of Hong Kong citizens at serious risks.
Doctors have striven to stand by the Hippocratic oath that they remain members of society, the identity of which comes before their profession, with special obligations to all fellow human beings. The two medical schools in Hong Kong have been established accordingly for the nurture of healthcare professionals to serve the public with benevolent hearts and minds. This is the time to honour our oath that human life should deserve the utmost respect and to maintain by all means such noble traditions of the medical profession.
We, as healthcare professionals, therefore implore the Deans of the only Faculties of Medicine in Hong Kong, in the service of humanity with conscience and dignity, to take the lead in safeguarding the public’s health and to issue a statement to urge the Hong Kong Police Force to:
(1) refrain from using tear gas and bullets in any form on protestors to prevent further bloodshed and severe non-reversible injuries; and
(2) exercise due restraint over the use of force when handling protests and at all times, put the safety of Hong Kong citizens at the highest priority.
A group of healthcare professionals
Healthcare professionals have a social responsibility to safeguard the health of members of the public. We believe that, as Deans of the faculties of medicine in Hong Kong, Professor Leung and Professor Chan bear a paramount obligation in this regard. We appeal to all healthcare professionals to join us in this petition to urge the deans to issue a statement to honour their obligation to defend the public from health risks.
Petition Link: https://forms.gle/teMGNCiZPMYatVbh8
[1] Mahajna, A., Aboud, N., Harbaji, I., Agbaria, A., Lankovsky, Z., Michaelson, M., . . . Krausz, M. M. (2002). Blunt and penetrating injuries caused by rubber bullets during the Israeli-Arab conflict in October, 2000: A retrospective study. The Lancet, 359(9320), 1795-1800. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)08708-1
[2] Haar, R. J., Iacopino, V., Ranadive, N., Dandu, M., & Weiser, S. D. (2017, December 01). Death, injury and disability from kinetic impact projectiles in crowd-control settings: A systematic review
[3] Professor Ronnie Poon Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/138599119760/posts/10152753050039761?s=1014598371&sfns=mo
m police濫用 在 [新聞] M-Police兩大功能下線前警官透露:有人拿去亂來 - Mo PTT 的八卦
前警官陳立說,因為今年4月間,高雄市有分局發生巡佐濫用「M-Police」的狀況,所以警政署修訂使用M-Police查詢身分證影像資料規定,其中在今年7月修正 ... ... <看更多>
m police濫用 在 [新聞] 用M-Police打賭嘻鬧猜女子年齡高雄4警被 的八卦
完整新聞標題:用M-Police打賭嘻鬧猜女子年齡高雄4警被記過、所長申誡4. ... 40 F 推SidMax: 不意外啦那台根本就是被濫用 05/12 09:20. ... <看更多>
m police濫用 在 [新聞] 想知BMW是不是他的!女警用M-Police查個資 - PTT 的八卦
社會中心/台北報導台北市21歲女警花遭網友指控介入感情,不僅一次和5個男生同時交往,還濫用公權力調查個資,引發外界軒然大波。事後警方調查,女警確實曾用M-Police ... <看更多>