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2008-12-08 16:27:04 有 71,179,683 人看過 有 185,567 人喜歡#1. 一次總付稅 - MBA智库百科
一次總付稅(Lump Sum Taxes)一次總付稅是一種征收數量固定的稅。這種稅的特性是納稅人採取任何行動(除了移居國外或自殺)都不能改變他的納稅義務。
#2. 总额税_百度百科
总额税(lump sum tax)又称“一次总付的税”,是根据税收理论中“绝对公平”原则设想的一种税,它只产生收入效应而不带来替代效应。 ... 这种税向个人或企业征收,不论其所得和 ...
#3. lump sum tax - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"lump sum tax" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
lump sum tax中文 ::一次總繳的人頭稅…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋lump sum tax的中文翻譯,lump sum tax的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#5. 105年最新→「財政學(三等、四等)」 - 考前命題
第一部分 申論題:. 七、何謂租稅的超額負擔(excess burden)?一般認為定額稅(lump sum tax)不會產生超額負擔 ...
#6. 15 對消費者課徵總額稅(Lump-sum Tax)不會產生超額負擔
15 對消費者課徵總額稅(Lump-sum Tax)不會產生超額負擔,是因為下列何種原因? (A)消費總量不變 (B)滿足程度不變 (C)實質所得維持不變 (D)財貨相對價格不受影響.
#7. 定額稅英文,Lump-sum tax中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 定額稅 lump‑sum tax 【行政學名詞】 定額稅 Lump‑sum tax 【經濟學】 定額樣本 quota sample 【資訊與通信術語辭典】
#8. 为什么总量税(lump sum tax)是最糟糕的税收方式(没有之一 ...
学过经济学的都知道广大的经济学家认为总量税(lump sum tax)没有扭曲效果,不产生激励问题,被安利为最好的税收方式,没有之一。
lump sum tax 中文 意思是什麼 · n 1 塊,團。2 皰,腫瘤,癤子。3 〈俚、方〉一大堆,許多。 · sum: SUM =surface to underwater missile 艦對水下導彈[飛彈]。n 1 總數, ...
#10. lump sum tax中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
lump sum tax中文 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。15 對消費者課徵總額稅(Lump-sum Tax)不會產生超額負擔,是因為下列何種原因? (A)消費總量不變(B)滿足程度不變(C)實質所得 ...
#11. lump sum中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
lump sum 的例句. lump sum. Concerns that lump sum tax credits may reduce efficient exit of firms from the industry by raising their profits ...
#12. Lump sum tax - Oxford Reference
A tax whose amount is not affected by the taxpayer's actions. If the lump-sum tax is the same for all taxpayers, it is called a poll tax. Lump-sum taxes can ...
#13. lump-sum tax在線翻譯 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供lump-sum tax的在線翻譯,lump-sum tax是什麼意思,lump-sum tax的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#14. Lump-sum tax - Wikipedia
A lump-sum tax is a special way of taxation, based on a fixed amount, rather than on the real circumstance of the taxed entity. In this, the entity cannot ...
#15. lump sum TVC - 中銀保誠
#16. lump sum tax 中文全球最大中文互動問答平臺 - XXjexy
全球最大中文互動問答平臺 payment是付款的意2113 思。 你這里lump sum payment應該結5261 合上下文,如4102 果指的是退休金,1653 企業年金,保險等內,付款方是國家 ...
#17. Topic No. 412 Lump-Sum Distributions - IRS
Mandatory income tax withholding of 20% applies to most taxable distributions paid directly to you in a lump sum from employer retirement plans ...
#18. Pensions Manual – Chapter 07 - Lump Sum Benefits and ...
Please refer to Pensions Manual Chapter 25: Limit on Tax Relieved Pension Funds, as the payment of a lump sum benefit in excess of a specified monetary amount ...
#19. 'lump sum' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
They were given a tax-free lump sum at retirement age. 美式英语: lump sum /ˈlʌmp sʌm/; 巴西葡萄牙语: montante único; 简体中文: 一次付清的大笔钱款 ...
#20. Lump sum payments - Inland Revenue
gratuities (tips); back pay; back paid holiday pay; lump sum holiday pay; employee share scheme benefits – if you choose to deduct tax. Overtime ...
#21. Uniform Pricing: Lump Sum Tax (單一訂價:定額稅) - YouTube
#22. Cantons weigh up value of lump sum tax - SWI
With lump sum taxation going to a nationwide vote in November, how much money do tax-friendly cantons stand to lose?
#23. Lump-Sum Taxation Activates Enterprise Liquidity - China ...
imported a batch of “silicone surfactants” and went through declaration formalities by means of lump-sum taxation. Since on-site tax payment ...
#24. Back Pay, Contract Gratuities, Deferred Pay and Arrears of Pay
Application to have a lump sum payment related back can be made when you file your tax return. The Inland Revenue Department will only relate back the lump sum ...
#25. Newborn Upfront Payment and Newborn Supplement - Services
A lump sum and an increase to your Family Tax Benefit Part A payment when you start caring for a baby or child that's recently come into your care.
#26. A Systematic Classification into Swiss Tax Law with Current ...
書名:Lump-Sum Taxation in Switzerland: A Systematic Classification into Swiss Tax Law with Current References,語言:英文,ISBN:9783744830096,頁數:288, ...
#27. Resident Credit Against Separate Tax on Lump-Sum ...
the ordinary income portion of a lump-sum distribution you received (for example, from your employer's pension, stock bonus, or profit-sharing ...
#28. Lump-Sum Payment Definition - Investopedia
A lump-sum payment is a large sum that is paid in one single payment ... Based on interest rates, tax situation, and penalties, an annuity may end up having ...
#29. 財政部北區國稅局
Paying the remaining tax in a lump sum within a deadline required by the National Taxation Bureau for taxpayers failing to make timely payment of any tax ...
#30. DOR Lump-Sum Contract Exemption vs. Construction ...
This article summarizes the tax treatment of the exemption. Lump-Sum Contract Exemption (applies to contracts entered into on October 1, ...
#31. lump sum tax 中文 - Davesies
lump sum pension. The taxable portion of the lump sum will be R600 000 16 ÷ 40 x R1,5 million, while the remaining R900 000 will be tax-free, ...
#32. TD Insurance | Insurance For Car, Home, Travel, Life & More
Our Insurance Products: · Life Insurance (Term life)**. Help protect the financial future of your family and loved ones with a lump sum tax-free payment to your ...
#33. Mortgage Payment Calculator | TD Canada Trust
Do you plan on making any lump-sum payments? ... your finances: Evaluate your total housing payments (eg. don't forget property taxes and utilities), ...
#34. 请教报税中的Lump Sum啥意思- 生活百科 - FreeOZ
请教报税中的Lump Sum啥意思?Gross Salary 是税前总收入吧?Tax Withheld 是公司扣交部分?Lump Sum A 和Lump Sum B是啥意思呢?交SUPER的钱?
#35. lump-sum taxの意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書
lump -sum taxの意味や使い方 定額税(ミクロ経済学者の多くは一括税と訳しています。財政学者は定額税と訳しています。) - 約1175万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。
#36. 下列有關定額稅(lump-sum tax)的敘述,何者錯誤? - 愛舉手
下列有關定額稅(lump-sum tax)的敘述,何者錯誤? (A)無論所得的高低,每人均負擔相同的稅額 (B)具有垂直公平的性質 (C)不會造成超額負擔(excess burden)
#37. DSE ECON 經濟科, profile picture - Facebook
[學生提問] Subsidy津貼+ Income distribution收入分配問:Lump-sum定額津貼與按收入比例津貼 ... 倒過來考tax稅收時,影響收入分配的邏輯是一樣的。
#38. Lump Sum Payments - IRAS
Taxable unless they are received from the following tax exempt pension schemes/funds:.
#39. lump-sum tax | English to Chinese | Finance (general)
Translation help and terminology resource for the English to Chinese term, lump-sum tax on the KudoZ™ translation network.
#40. Lump-sum Taxation – an interesting alternative -
Lump -sum Taxation August 2021. Private Clients. Non-Swiss citizens taking up residence in Switzerland can opt for taxation based on expenses.
#41. Lump sum payments in arrears tax offsets - Australian ...
Lump sum payments in arrears (LSPIA) are taxable in the income year you receive payment. You may be eligible for a tax offset to reduce your ...
lumpsumtax中文 在 Uniform Pricing: Lump Sum Tax (單一訂價:定額稅) - YouTube 的八卦
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