[時事英文] 美國阿札爾部長的「Tsai總統」發音!
Is this whole discussion really about diplomatic courtesy and English pronunciation, or is it just another ploy to attract media attention?
Probably all three? A better way to improve public image might be to invest more in community service, connect with the constituency, and cultivate new talents.
1. diplomatic courtesy 外交禮節
2. ploy 計謀、策略、手段
3. lift public image 提升形象
4. community service 社區服務
5. constituency 選區;選區的選民
6. new talents 新秀
也許以上皆是? 提升公眾形象更好的途徑可以是透過投入社區服務、增加與選民的互動以及培養有潛力的新秀。
Focus on issues that count, not make petty arguments.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar Statement on Meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (As Prepared for Delivery)
Thank you, President Tsai [ts-eye], for welcoming me to Taiwan today. It is a true honor to be here to convey a message of strong support and friendship from President Trump to Taiwan.
I would like to congratulate President Tsai on beginning her second term earlier this year. As Secretary Pompeo said in marking her inauguration in May, President Tsai’s courage and vision in leading Taiwan’s vibrant democracy are an inspiration to the region and the world.
7. convey a message of… 傳遞...的訊息
8. Secretary 國務卿
9. inauguration 就職
10. a vibrant democracy 有活力的民主
11. an inspiration to… 為…的表率
I also want to offer my condolences to everyone in Taiwan on the loss of your former President Lee Teng-hui, the father of Taiwan’s democracy and one of the great leaders of the 20th century’s movement toward democracy.
12. offer condolences 表達哀悼之情
13. the father of Taiwan’s democracy 台灣民主之父
14. movement 運動
Under President Trump, the United States has expressed our admiration for Taiwan’s democratic success in tangible ways. President Trump has signed legislation to strengthen the partnership between Taiwan and the United States, and in 2018, we opened a new American Institute in Taiwan, a brick-and-mortar commitment to our treasured friendship.
15. in a tangible way 切實地; 以確實的方式*
16. sign (v.) legislation to 簽署法案
17. partnership 夥伴關係
18. a brick-to-mortar commitment 堅定的承諾 (brick and mortar 指實體房屋,這裡指如磚牆般堅固的承諾)
*tangible: https://bit.ly/3fQPPZs
The particular focus of both my discussion with President Tsai and of our trip is highlighting Taiwan’s success on health, in combating COVID-19, and cooperating with the United States to prevent, detect, and respond to health threats.
19. the focus of... ...的焦點
20. highlight one’s success on… 強調在…的成功(這裡指台灣的防疫的成就)
21. cooperate with 與…的合作
22. detect (v.) 發現、察覺
23. health threats 健康的威脅(這裡指疫情)
Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 has been among the most successful in the world, and that is a tribute to the open, transparent, democratic nature of Taiwan’s society and culture. Taiwan had tremendous success in detecting COVID-19, managing the outbreak, and sharing this valuable information with other nations. Taiwan’s success in health and industry has allowed it to extend a helping hand to others, sending needed supplies around the world, including to the United States and Pacific Island nations.
24. be a tribute to sth/sb 是(優秀、強大或有效性)的明證
25. transparent 透明的
26. tremendous success 巨大的成功
27. manage outbreak控制(疫情的)爆發
28. extend a helping hand to others 向他人伸出援手
Again, I am grateful to President Tsai for welcoming us to Taiwan and I look forward to using this visit to convey our admiration for Taiwan and to learn about how our shared democratic values have driven success in health.
29. convey(v.) admiration 表達欽佩
30. shared democratic values 共享民主價值
31. have driven success in… 帶動…領域的成功
AIT 中英文演講稿:
https://bit.ly/3kzKCcg (英文)
https://bit.ly/3gNAjPg (中文)
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3fHD8Ac
完整影片: https://youtu.be/unB8N5d2Fm4
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Harley-Davidson(Harley-Davidson, NYSE:HOG) It is the motorcycle manufacturer of the United States of America establishing the headquarters in は, Stat...
loss pronunciation 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Human Biology and Health care
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/82yk91rhvzwswl2/HBH.mp3
老師這次花了很多時間幫大家整理了 human biology and health care 的單字,為了讓同學不會聽到睡著,老師融入了很多音效...但是建議不要晚上的時候聽,免得被嚇到喔!
老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋,但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!
Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test! Further, like I said many times in class, you must learn in context! Do not just learn the vocabulary words and collocation. You must also construct sentences, read articles suitable for your level on the given topic, and then use the new words and phrases in writing. The accumulation of background knowledge is also essential. Always learn in meaningful context!!!
Human Biology and Health care
abdomen (n.) 腹部
absorb (v.) 吸收
abstain (v.) 避免
abuse (v.) 濫用
accident (n.) 意外
ache (n.) (持續性地)疼痛
admit (v.) 准許進入; (be admitted to a hospital 送入醫院 )
airway (n.) (肺的) 氣道、氣管
allergy (n.) 過敏
allergic (adj.) 過敏的
alternative medicine (n.) 另類醫療
ambulance (n.) 救護車
amputate (v.) 截斷; 截肢
anesthesia 麻醉
ankle (n.) 腳踝
antibiotics (n.) 抗生素(複數)
appendix (n.) 盲腸
artery (n.) 動脈
bacterium (n./pl.=bacteria) 細菌
balanced (a.) 均衡
bandage (n.) 繃帶
benign (a.) 良性的
beware (v.) 注意
biohazard (n.) 生物性危害
biological (a.) 生物的
biology (n.) 生物學
blood (n.) 血液
blood pressure (n.) 血壓
blood vessel (n.) 血管
body (n.) 身體
bowel (n.) 腸
breathe (v.) 呼吸
bruise (n.) 青腫
calorie (n.) 卡路里(熱量單位)
cancer (n.) 癌
carbohydrate (n.) 醣類
cardiovascular diseases (n.) 心臟血管疾病
care (n.) 照顧
carrier (n.) 帶茵者;病媒
cast (n.) 石膏
cell (n.) 細胞
cell division (phr.) 細胞分裂
chicken pox (n.) 水痘
chiropractor (n.) 脊骨神經醫師; 按摩醫生
cholesterol (n.) 膽固醇
circulation (n.) 循環
clinic (n.) 診所
clone (n. / v.) 複製
cold (n.) 感冒 (I caught a cold.)
colon (n.) 結腸
condition (n.) 狀況
conscious (adj.) 有意識的
contagious (a.) 有感染性的
cough (v./n.) 咳嗽
cough syrup (n.) 止咳糖漿
CPR (n.) 心肺復甦術
critical (a.) 關鍵的
crutches (n.) 柺杖,
cultivation of bacteria (phr.) 細菌培養
cure (v./n.) 治癒 ; 療法
deform (v.) 變形
dentist (n.) 牙醫
dermatology (n.) 皮膚科
deteriorate (v.) 惡化
diabetes (n.) 糖尿病
diabetic (a.) (患) 糖尿病 (n.) 指糖尿病患者
diet (n.) 飲食
diet (v.) (以治療、減肥為目的的) 節食
digestive system (n.) 消化系統
DNA (n.) 脫氧核糖核酸 drug (n.) 藥品;毒品 egg (n.) 蛋
embryo (n./adj.= embryonic) 胎兒
emergency medical kit (n.) 應急醫療包
emergency room (n.) 急診室
emotion (n.) 情感
excrete (v.) 排泄
fertilize (v.) 【生物】授精
fever (n.) 發燒
flu/influenza (n.) 流行性感冒
gene (n.) 基因
genetically engineered (phr.) 基因修改, 製造
genetically modified (phr.) 基因修改
glucose (n.) 葡萄糖
hallucination (n.) 幻覺
heal (v.) (傷口)癒合; 痊癒
health (n.) 保健
hemoglobin (n.) 血紅素
hereditary (a.) 遺傳的
high blood pressure (n.) 高血壓
hormone (n.) 荷爾蒙
hospital (n.) 醫院
hospitalized (a.) 住院的
ill (a.) 生病的
illness (n.) 生病; 疾病
immune (a.) 免疫的
immune system (n.) 免疫系統
immunity (n.) 免疫
infect (v.) 傳染(疾病)
infection (n.) 傳染;感染
infectious (a.) 有傳染性的
inflammation (n.) 發炎
injection (n.) 注射
injury (n.) 受傷
inorganic (n.) 無機
instant (a.) 立即的
insurance (n.) 保險
intestines (n.)腸子
intoxicated (a.) 中毒
irregular (a.) 不平均的
itch (n.) 癢
IV drip (n.) 靜脈滴注
kidney (n.) 腎臟
knee (n.) 膝,膝蓋
lap (n.) 膝部
latency period (n.) 潛伏期
latent (a.) 潛伏的
lens (n.) 晶體
limb (n.) 肢
liver (n.) 肝臟
long-term effects (n.) 長期影響
lung (n.) 肺
malignant (n.) 惡性的
malnutrition (n.) 營養不良
mature (a.) 成熟的
medical treatment (n.) 醫學治療
mental health (n.) 心理健康
metabolism (n./v.=metabolize) 代謝
mineral (n.) 礦物
muscle (n.) 肌肉
nerve (n.) 神經
nurse (n.) 護士
nursing home (n.) 養老院
nutrition (n.) 營養
nutritionist (n.) 營養師
olfactory (n.) 嗅覺
operate (v.) 動手術, 開刀
organ donation (n.) 器官捐贈
organic (n.) 有機
osteoporosis (n.) 骨質疏鬆
over-the-counter (a.) 成藥
pain (n.) 疼痛
palm (n.) 手掌
pancreas (n.) 胰臟
paralyzed (a.) 癱瘓的
patient (n.) 病患
pediatrician (n.) 小兒科醫師
perspiration (n./ v.=perspire) 汗
pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師
pharmacy (n.) 藥局
physician (n.) 醫師
physiological (a.) 生理學的
pill (n.) 藥丸
polio (n.) 小兒麻痺
prescription (n.) 處方籤
prevention (n.) 預防; 預防方法
protein (n.) 蛋白質
psychiatrist (n.) 精神病醫師
psychiatrist / shrink (n.) 心理醫生
psychologist (n.) 心理學家
psychology (n.) 心理學
rash (n.) 疹 ; 疹子
reaction (n.) 反應
recovery (n.) 復原
red blood cells (hemoglobin) (n.) 紅血細胞
relationship (n.) 關係
relaxed (a.) 冷靜
reproductive organs (n.) 生殖器官
revive (v.) 復原
runny nose (n.) 流鼻涕
sanitary (a.) 衛生的
scar (n.) 疤; 傷痕
scrape (n.) 擦傷
serum (n.) 血清
short-term effects (n.) 短期影響
sick bed (n.) 病床
sinus (n.) 靜脈竇
skin (n.) 皮膚
smallpox (n.) 天花
sneeze (v.) 打噴嚏
social health (n.) 社交健康
sore (a.) 痛的; 疼痛發炎的
spine (n.) 脊椎
starch (n.) 澱粉
stem cells(n.) 幹細胞
sterilize (v.) 消毒
stomach (n.) 胃
stuffy nose (n.) 塞住的鼻子
suffer from (phr.) 受...之苦; 受...困擾
surgeon (n.) 外科醫生
surgery (n.) 手術
symptom (n.) 症狀
syndrome (n.) 症候群
tablet (n.) 藥片
test (n.) 檢驗
thermometer (n.) 溫度計
throat (n.) 喉嚨
tissue (n.) (動植物的) 組織
touch (v.) 接觸、觸摸
toxic (a.) 有毒的
transplantation (n.) 移植
treatment (n.) 治療
trunk (n.) 軀幹
tuberculosis (n.) 結核病
tumor (n.) 腫瘤
unwholesome (a.) 不衛生的;不健康的;有害身心的
uterus (n.) 子宮
vaccinate (v.) 打預防針 (inoculate with a vaccine, vaccinate against…)
vaccine (n.) 疫苗
vein (n.) 靜脈
virus (n.) 病毒
vision (n.) 視覺/視覺/視力
vitamin (n.) 維他命、維生素
weight loss (n.) 體重減輕
well (a.) 健康的
wheelchair (n.) 輪椅
white blood cells (n.) 白血細胞
Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
英文單字學習 III: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsx6zx150c2q7so/vocabIII.pdf
Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56
loss pronunciation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
Harley-Davidson(Harley-Davidson, NYSE:HOG) It is the motorcycle manufacturer of the United States of America establishing the headquarters in は, State of Wisconsin Milwaukee City. Popular name Harley.
It was established in 1903 by Arthur, David loss brothers and William Sylvester Harley of Walter.
Because, as for the name of the Harley coming earlier, William was in charge of an engine design.
In the past, there was an American motorcycle maker in the time only in one company of the Harley-Davidson.
The formula name in Japan is "Harley-Davidson", but the real pronunciation is near to "Harley デイヴィッセン".
The Harley-Davidson which started the establishment of a business in 1903 lets a model appear in the anniversary when I put the special paint and equipment in a year to become a turning point. 14 announced the model of the car model in 2008 to greet the 105th anniversary foundation. As for all models, the appeal degree becomes the specifications of the perfect score.
Even if the first difference with the normal model says anything; two-tone color of the カッパーパール & vivid black. All the 105th anniversary 14 memory model car models are unified by this color. A candy color with the depth which changes chic expression にと, 風合 いを if a day goes down under the direct rays of the sun loudly is a characteristic. An orange and a pinstripe of the gold enter and seemingly I am simple and am seen on a rain jacket and the black coating reason part, but am finished in the design which I devoted myself to very much.
A commemorative medallion and the plate which serial number was in of the cloisonne stick to a tank. Because there do not need to be 2 and the thing that there is it, the same cereal is a model satisfying the possessiveness of the owner more. A seat and an air cleaner and the timer cover which used the leather of the brown to coloring partially become specifications especially, besides.
In late years the Harley announced the commemorative model every five years. I release a motorcycle letting the degree feel premium value. The 105th anniversary memory car feeling heaviness of the history is right attention!
As for the lineup of the model commemorative for 105 years, a sportster is two car models of XL1200C and XL1200L. The touring family is FLHX, FLHRC, FLHTCU, FLTR, five car models of FLHTCU/SC and a full lineup. FLSTC and FXSTC, FLSTN and FLSTF appear in the dyna family from FXDL and FXDC, ソフテイル. All the 14 model who increased VRSCAW more. The precious memory model recommends early consultation in a shop so that number is limited. I am sure to get that I attract attention if I run with a characteristic machine

loss pronunciation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
お馴染みのMULTIMAX ともさんが、
ハーレーダビッドソン (Harley-Davidson、NYSE:HOG) は、ウィスコンシン州ミルウォーキー市に本部を置くアメリカ合衆国のオートバイ製造会社である。通称ハーレー。
ハーレーダビッドソン社製オートバイ最大の特徴は、大排気量空冷OHV、V型ツインエンジンがもたらす独特の鼓動感と外観であり、これに魅せられた多くのファンがいる。駆動はクランク運動をプライマリーケース内でチェインからベルトに変換され後輪へと伝えるベルトドライブである。国産メーカーの"アメリカン" と呼ばれるカテゴリーのほとんどは、OHC、V型ツインエンジンで、ドライブ以外の特徴を真似たスタイルとなっている。2001年、アメリカ本社最高経営責任者兼会長のブルーステイン氏は、「高級なハーレーからポピュラーなハーレーへ、誰でも乗れるハーレーを目指す」との考えを示している。
Is a wife and thank you seen for the greetings of the end of the year in tandem with MULTIMAX which is familiar in まいど ...
Again as for the next year thanking you in advance,
A Japan's first ostrich food specialty store,
Riders cafe MACH Ⅲ
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The news of the shop holiday,
The every month first Harley-Davidson which the next day becomes on Tuesday on a shop holiday(Harley-Davidson, NYSE:HOG) It is the motorcycle manufacturer of the United States of America establishing the headquarters in は, State of Wisconsin Milwaukee City. Popular name Harley.
It was established in 1903 by Arthur, David loss brothers and William Sylvester Harley of Walter.
In the past, there was an American motorcycle maker in the time only in one company of the Harley-Davidson.
The Japanese name is Harley-Davidson, but the real pronunciation is "David loss".
The characteristic of a motorcycle maximum made in Harley-Davidson Corporation is unique feeling of beating and appearance that displacement volume air-cooling OHV, a V type twin-engine bring very much, and there are many fans charmed by this. Drive is belt drive it is converted crank movement into a belt in a primary case by a chain, and to introduce into the rear wheel. As for the most of the category to be called "American" of the domestic maker, it is it with the style that imitated a characteristic except the drive in OHC, a V type twin-engine. In 2001, Mr. blues theine of the U.S. headquarter CEO and Chairman shows a thought that I "aim at the Harley whom anyone can get on from high-quality Harley to popular Harley".

loss pronunciation 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
Harley-Davidson(Harley-Davidson, NYSE:HOG) It is the motorcycle manufacturer of the United States of America establishing the headquarters in は, State of Wisconsin Milwaukee City. Popular name Harley.
It was established in 1903 by Arthur, David loss brothers and William Sylvester Harley of Walter.
Because, as for the name of the Harley coming earlier, William was in charge of an engine design.
In the past, there was an American motorcycle maker in the time only in one company of the Harley-Davidson.
The formula name in Japan is "Harley-Davidson", but the real pronunciation is near to "Harley デイヴィッセン".
The Harley-Davidson which started the establishment of a business in 1903 lets a model appear in the anniversary when I put the special paint and equipment in a year to become a turning point. 14 announced the model of the car model in 2008 to greet the 105th anniversary foundation. As for all models, the appeal degree becomes the specifications of the perfect score.
Even if the first difference with the normal model says anything; two-tone color of the カッパーパール & vivid black. All the 105th anniversary 14 memory model car models are unified by this color. A candy color with the depth which changes chic expression にと, 風合 いを if a day goes down under the direct rays of the sun loudly is a characteristic. An orange and a pinstripe of the gold enter and seemingly I am simple and am seen on a rain jacket and the black coating reason part, but am finished in the design which I devoted myself to very much.
A commemorative medallion and the plate which serial number was in of the cloisonne stick to a tank. Because there do not need to be 2 and the thing that there is it, the same cereal is a model satisfying the possessiveness of the owner more. A seat and an air cleaner and the timer cover which used the leather of the brown to coloring partially become specifications especially, besides.
In late years the Harley announced the commemorative model every five years. I release a motorcycle letting the degree feel premium value. The 105th anniversary memory car feeling heaviness of the history is right attention!
As for the lineup of the model commemorative for 105 years, a sportster is two car models of XL1200C and XL1200L. The touring family is FLHX, FLHRC, FLHTCU, FLTR, five car models of FLHTCU/SC and a full lineup. FLSTC and FXSTC, FLSTN and FLSTF appear in the dyna family from FXDL and FXDC, ソフテイル. All the 14 model who increased VRSCAW more. The precious memory model recommends early consultation in a shop so that number is limited. I am sure to get that I attract attention if I run with a characteristic machine

loss pronunciation 在 pronunciation of loss by Macmillan Dictionary 的相關結果
loss Definitions and Synonyms . noun. /lɒs/.. Click to listen to the pronunciation of loss. Use our interactive phonemic chart to hear each symbol ... ... <看更多>
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Definition of loss noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and ... ... <看更多>
loss pronunciation 在 LOSS的英語發音 的相關結果
(loss在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典和劍橋學術詞典的英語發音, both sources © Cambridge University Press). loss的解釋是什麼? ... <看更多>