You don't know what is #TaiwanMassacre228 ! ! !
你所不知道的 台灣 #228大屠殺 ! ! !
#台灣共識 #臺灣成真 #FormosaTaiwanUnion #FreeHugs
#周玉蔻粉絲團 #彭文正李晶玉 #轉型正義聯盟 #黃國昌粉絲團
#只要還有一口氣 #都要對得起自己 #WorldCountryTaiwan
1️⃣ 二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part1
被出賣的台灣 FormosaBetrayed #美麗島事件 短輯
2️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part2
日本 NHK 報導2017 2/28
3️⃣ 二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part4
民視 #228屠殺 專訪, 公視 #228走過七十年
4️⃣#被出賣的台灣 #裏切られた台湾 #FormosaBetrayed
作者 George Henry Kerr 電影完整HD版
5️⃣Formosa Calling
1947年紐西蘭籍,當時在台灣擔任聯合國救災及重建署官員的謝克頓Allen J. Shackleton,另中文名為 薛禮同 的著作 #福爾摩沙的呼喚 #FormosaCalling,為 #目前全球僅見的兩本親身見證228大屠殺重要英文著作。 版權開放in English官網
6️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part6
1947年紐約時報對 二二八 大屠殺的報導 March 29, 1947 - New York Times by Tillman Durdin
purchase this article individually for 💵$3.95 and download a high-resolution PDF. 以下全文 #FreeHugs 翻譯 ,如需全原始報紙照片等請自行到官網付費下戴。 NewYorkTimes
以下是1947年3月29日,#紐約時報 對發生在台灣的大屠殺事件的報導。
Foreigners say the Chinese slaughtered demonstrators without provocation Nanking, March 28, Foreigners who have just returned to China from Formosa corroborate reports of wholesale slaughter by Chinese troops and police during anti-Government demonstrations a month ago.
These witnesses estimate that 10,000 Formosan were killed by the Chinese armed forces. The killings were described as "completely unjustified" in view of the nature of the demonstrations.
The anti-Government demonstrations were said to have been by unarmed persons whose intentions were peaceful. Every foreign report to Nanking denies charges that Communists or Japanese inspired or organized the parades.參與反政府示威的是一群手無寸鐵,以和平為意念的百姓,所有外電報導都否認有共產黨或日本人鼓動或組織示威遊行。
Foreigners who left Formosa a few days ago say that an uneasy peace had been established almost everywhere, but executions and arrests continued. Many Formosan were said to have fled to the hills fearing they would be killed if they returned to their homes.幾天前剛離開福爾摩沙的外國人士表示,各地已經確立緊張的表面平靜,但是槍決與逮捕仍然持續進行。許多福爾摩沙人已經逃到山中,他們擔心一旦回到家中就會遭到殺害。
An American who had just arrived in China from Taihoku said that troops from the mainland arrived there March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead. There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped, the American said.
Two foreign women, who were near at Pingtung near Takao, called the actions of the Chinese soldiers there a "massacre." They said unarmed Formosan took over the administration of the town peacefully on March 4 and used the local radio station to caution against violence.
Chinese were well received and invited to lunch with the Formosan leaders. Later a bigger group of soldiers came and launched a sweep through the streets. The people were machine gunned. Groups were rounded up and executed. The man who had served as the town's spokesman was killed. His body was left for a day in a park and no one was permitted to remove it. 中國人被善待還被邀請到福爾摩沙人領袖的家中共進午餐,但是稍後,更大群的軍人到達,用機關槍對街上人民掃射,許多人被集合起來集體槍決,鎮上的發言人被殺害,他的屍體被丟棄在公園中一整天不准收屍。
A Briton described similar events at Takao, where unarmed Formosans had taken over the running of the city. He said that after several days Chinese soldiers from an outlying fort deployed through the streets killing hundreds with machine-guns and rifles and raping and looting. Formosan leaders were thrown into prison, many bound with thin wire that cut deep into the flesh.
The foreign witnesses reported that leaflets signed with the name of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek promising leniency, and urging all who had fled to return, were dropped from airplanes. As a result many came back to be imprisoned or executed. "There seemed to be a policy of killing off all the best people," one foreigner asserted. The foreigners' stories are fully supported by reports of every important foreign embassy or legation in Nanking.
Formosans are reported to be seeking United Nations' action on their case. Some have approached foreign consuls to ask that Formosa be put under the jurisdiction of Allied Supreme Command or be made an American protectorate. Formosan hostility to the mainland Chinese has deepened. Two women who described events at Pingtung said that when Formosans assembled to take over the administration of the town they sang "The Star Spangled Banner."
繁體字翻譯 by #StevenHong #民主台灣神FreeHugs自由擁抱228Taiwan魂聯盟
7️⃣二二八Taiwan228Massacre Part7
🎼The end this video 望春風 Spring Breezes 台灣民謠 by 🇺🇸青年交響樂團 Baylor Orchestra
🇳🇫#Formosa #福爾摩沙 # Taiwan # 臺灣 # Tâioân # تايوان # Тайвань # 台湾 # 대만 # ताइवान # Ταϊβάν # Taïwan # ĐàiLoan # GinaWu
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅暗網仔出街,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Instagram: Facebook: 訂閱:
looting中文 在 暗網仔出街 Youtube 的評價
暗網? 陰謀論?:
破解Kate yup事件是假的! 不是綁架! 不要被騙! (Facebook上的證據):
美國警察跪頸殺死黑人令全國暴動 | 少數民族的感受
George Floyd
暗網仔出街的觀眾, 大家好!
我IG上這段時間很多朋友也post這張全黑的照片, 並加了這個Black lives matter的#. #blacklivesmatter.
其回應在美加, 特別美國, 多個州份也有示威甚至暴動.
Black lives matter是2013年成立的國際人權運動去對抗美國對黑人的種族暴力. 最近因爲minnesota州 (明尼蘇達州) 一位黑人被4個黑警在大家眼前殺死, 引起全北美州的暴動. 令到各界最震撼是這位警察垃圾用隻腿壓在這個男人脖子上殺死他這個畫面.
事源在5月25號警察收到商店cup foods的電話收到一張假的$20紙幣. 警察到場後發現一個喝醉了的黑人男子George Floyd. 警察他的槍然後拉了George Floyd出車拘捕了他. 之後另外兩位警察到場, 其中一位是殺死Floyd的那位警察. 這個時候George Floyd已經是醉到沒有力抵抗逮捕而且是協助他們的.
警察想拉George Floyd進入車內, 有密室恐懼症的George央求他們不要.
8:20分George Floyd被壓在地上, 那位警察就用腿跪在Floyd的頸上. 現時途人開始拍片. 影片中可以看到是4個武裝人員制伏一個醉了的人. 另外兩位警察分別壓在George Floyd上身和雙腿上.
8:20至8:25分期間George Floyd說了 “I can’t breathe” 我無法呼吸16次.
途人想幫忙卻被助止, 警察甚至掏出胡椒噴霧.
(George floyd screams for mama)
8:25分George失去知覺. 脈搏確認停了. 警察仍然不動. 8:27分救護車到達現場. 8:28警察才放開George. George Floyd的頸被壓了9分鐘. George送到醫院後證實死亡.
之後那位 “警察” 被控告三級謀殺. 其餘什麼也沒有做的警察也被捕.
外界之後對此事的反應極大. 由26號George Floyd死的那個位置設立紀念碑開始, 名 ‘George Floyd protests’ 的暴動開始擴散至minnesota州, 整個美國. 之後德國, 奧州和最近到了加拿大我現在住的城市, 多倫多.
這些照片是我家附近, 大概20分鐘就能到達的地方. 一些購物中心怕有一些人利用這個情況去做出looting的行為, 所以block了自己的窗. It’s disgusting that people are using this opportunity to self gain. 星期五我住的地方也發生了暴動.
[種族歧視] Racism
之前我也拍類似題材的影片, 但這件事core的問題是Racism. Blacklivesmatter存在因為太多黑人無估被警察, people that we count on to protect us. 殺死.
好多人在爭論George floyd的$20真的是假的. 他的確fan了法. 但你爲了$20去拿了他人的生命. 我不理這個人做了什麼. 殺人fan也好. 警察職權是protect the law. That’s it ! That’s where it ends. 之後那些, you are not allowed to do.
在美國對黑人真的差. 大家可以想像你的樣子定了你的罪. How would it be if every time you walked out the door you were afraid of being murdered that day. Afraid to get police to help you because they most likely see you as the bad guy. 一個黑人的心態就是這樣.
我覺得美加始終對我們黃種人的racism都不算太差. 我長大後跟白色社會的警察也是一般的interaction. 但我小時候有一次不好的經歷.
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