#TataYoung #ladeezpop
จำได้หรือไม่ ทาทา ยัง คือคนไทยคนแรกที่ได้ขึ้นปก Time Magazine ฉบับเดือนเมษายน ปี 2001 เนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับประเด็น Eurasian Invasion รวมลูกครึ่งเอเชียที่มาแรง ร่วมกับนักแสดงชาว Hong Kong Maggie Q สมัยสาวๆ และ Indian VJ Asha Gill
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Tata Young certainly knows how to let loose. Back in 1995, when she broke into Thailand's entertainment industry at the age of 15, the pert half-Thai, half-American singer was on the forefront of the Eurasian trend. Today, the majority of top Thai entertainers are luk kreung. Now 20, Young is the first Thai to sign a contract with a major U.S. label, Warner Brothers Records (owned by AOL Time Warner, parent company of Time), which she hopes will elevate her into the Britney Spears/Christina Aguilera pantheon. Back at home, Young has to contend with a gaggle of luk kreung clones who mimic her brand of bubble-gum pop. The hottest act now is a septet called, less-than-imaginatively, Seven, and three out of seven are of mixed race.
The luk kreung crowd tend to hang tight, dining, drinking and dating together. "We understand each other," says Nicole Terio, one of the group. "It comes from knowing what it means to grow up between two cultures." But the luk kreung's close-knit community and Western-stoked confidence sometimes elicits grumbles from other Thais, who also resent their stranglehold on the entertainment industry. The ultimate blow came a few years back when Thailand sent a blue-eyed woman to the Miss World competition. Sirinya Winsiri, also known as Cynthia Carmen Burbridge, beat out another half-Thai, half-American for the coveted Miss Thailand spot. "Luk kreung have made it very difficult for normal Thais to compete," gripes a Bangkok music mogul. "We should put more emphasis on developing real Thai talent." The Eurasians consider this unfair. "I was born in Bangkok," says Young. "I speak fluent Thai and I sing in Thai. When I meet Westerners, they say I'm more Thai than American." Channel V's Asha Gill senses the frustration: "A lot of Asians despise us because we get all the jobs, but if I've bothered to learn several languages and understand several cultures, why shouldn't I be employed for those skills?"
The jealous sniping angers many who suffered years of discrimination because of their mixed blood. Eurasian heritage once spoke not of a proud melding of two cultures but of a shameful confluence of colonizer and colonized, of marauding Western man and subjugated Eastern woman. Such was the case particularly in countries like the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, where American G.I.s left thousands of unwelcome offspring. In Vietnam, these children were dubbed bui doi, or the dust of life. "Being a bui doi means you are the child of a Vietnamese bar girl and an American soldier," says Henry Phan, an Amerasian tour guide in Ho Chi Minh City. "Here, in Vietnam, it is not a glamorous thing to be mixed." As a child in Bangkok during the early 1990s, Nicole Terio fended off rumors that her mother was a prostitute, even though her parents had met at a university in California. "I constantly have to defend them," she says, "and explain exactly where I come from."
Ever since Europe sailed to Asia in the 16th century, Eurasians have populated entrepots like Malacca, Macau and Goa. The white men who came in search of souls and spices left a generation of mixed-race offspring that, at the high point of empire building, was more than one-million strong. Today, in Malaysia's Strait of Malacca, 1,000 Eurasian fishermen, descendants of intrepid Portuguese traders, still speak an archaic dialect of Portuguese, practice the Catholic faith and carry surnames like De Silva and Da Costa. In Macau, 10,000 mixed-race Macanese serve as the backbone of the former colony's civil service and are known for their spicy fusion cuisine.
Despite their long traditions, though, Eurasians did not make the transition into the modern age easily. As colonies became nations, mixed-race children were inconvenient reminders of a Western-dominated past. So too were the next generation of Eurasians, the offspring of American soldiers in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, luk kreung were not allowed to become citizens until the early 1990s. In Hong Kong, many Eurasians have two names and shift their personalities to fit the color of the crowd in which they're mixing. Singer and actress Karen Mok, for example, grew up Karen Morris but used her Chinese name when she broke into the Canto-pop scene. "My Eurasian ancestors carried a lot of shame because they weren't one or the other," says Chinese-English performance artist Veronica Needa, whose play Face explores interracial issues. "Much of my legacy is that shame." Still, there's no question that Eurasians enjoy a higher profile today. "Every time I turn on the TV or look at an advertisement, there's a Eurasian," says Needa. "It's a validating experience to see people like me being celebrated."
But behind the billboards and the leading movie roles lurks a disturbing subtext. For Eurasians, acceptance is certainly welcome and long overdue. But what does it mean if Asia's role models actually look more Western than Eastern? How can the Orient emerge confident if what it glorifies is, in part, the Occident? "If you only looked at the media you would think we all looked indo except for the drivers, maids and comedians," says Dede Oetomo, an Indonesian sociologist at Airlangga University in Surabaya. "The media has created a new beauty standard."
Conforming to this new paradigm takes a lot of work. Lek, a pure Thai bar girl, charms the men at the Rainbow Bar in the sleaze quarters of Bangkok. Since arriving in the big city, she has methodically eradicated all connections to her rural Asian past. The first to go was her flat, northeastern nose. For $240, a doctor raised the bridge to give her a Western profile. Then, Lek laid out $1,200 for plumper, silicone-filled breasts. Now, the 22-year-old is saving to have her eyes made rounder. By the time she has finished her plastic surgery, Lek will have lost all traces of the classical Thai beauty that propelled her from a poor village to the brothels of Bangkok. But she is confident her new appearance will attract more customers. "I look more like a luk kreung, and that's more beautiful," she says.
A few blocks away from Rainbow Bar, a local pharmacy peddles eight brands of whitening cream, including Luk Kreung Snow White Skin. In Tokyo, where the Eurasian trend first kicked off more than three decades ago, loosening medical regulations have meant a proliferation of quick-fix surgery, like caucasian-style double eyelids and more pronounced noses. On Channel V and mtv, a whole host of veejays look ethnically mixed only because they've gone under the knife. "There's a real pressure here to look mixed," says one Asian veejay in Singapore. "Even though we're Asians broadcasting in Asia, we somehow still think that Western is better." That sentiment worries Asians and Eurasians. "More than anything, I'm proud to be Thai," says Willy McIntosh, a 30-year-old Thai-Scottish TV personality, who spent six months as a monk contemplating his role in society. "When I hear that people are dyeing their hair or putting in contacts to look like me, it scares me. The Thai tradition that I'm most proud of is disappearing."
In many Asian countries—Japan, Malaysia, Thailand—the Eurasian craze coincides with a resurgent nationalism. Those two seemingly contradictory trends are getting along just fine. "Face it, the West is never going to stop influencing Asia," says performance artist Needa. "But at the same time, the East will never cease to influence the West, either." In the 2000 U.S. census, nearly 7 million people identified themselves as multiracial, and 15% of births in California are of mixed heritage. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the Oscar-winning kung fu flick, was more popular in Middle America than it was in the Middle Kingdom. In Hollywood, where Eurasian actors once were relegated to buck-toothed Oriental roles, the likes of Keanu Reeves, Dean Cain and Phoebe Cates play leading men and women, not just the token Asian. East and West have met, and the simple boxes we use for human compartmentalization are overflowing, mixing, blending. Not all of us can win four consecutive major golf titles, but we are, indeed, more like Tiger Woods with every passing generation.
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- 關於keanu reeves young 在 Tata Young Fanclub - ทาทา ยัง แฟนคลับ Facebook
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- 關於keanu reeves young 在 Cinema Buff / 迷電影 Facebook
- 關於keanu reeves young 在 Bryan Wee Youtube
- 關於keanu reeves young 在 Travel Thirsty Youtube
- 關於keanu reeves young 在 スキマスイッチ - 「全力少年」Music Video : SUKIMASWITCH / ZENRYOKU SHOUNEN Music Video Youtube
- 關於keanu reeves young 在 540 Keanu reeves young ideas in 2021 - Pinterest 的評價
- 關於keanu reeves young 在 Keanu Reeves | From 1 To 52 Years Old - YouTube 的評價
keanu reeves young 在 Jun Kung 恭碩良 Facebook 八卦
The truth!!! Well said Mr.Reeves...
You are my idol....
Keanu Reeves writes.. "My friend's mom has eaten healthy all her life. Never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food, exercised every day, very limber, very active, took all supplements suggested by her doctor, never went in the sun without sunscreen and when she did it was for as short a period as possible- so pretty much she protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 76 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis.
My friend's father eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never and I mean never exercised, was out in the sun burnt to a crisp every summer, he basically took the approach to live life to his fullest and not as others suggest. He is 81 and the doctors says his health is that of a young person.
People you cannot hide from your poison. It's out there and it will find you so in the words of my friend's still living mother: " if I would have known my life would end this way I would have lived it more to the fullest enjoying everything I was told not to!"
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else."
keanu reeves young 在 Cinema Buff / 迷電影 Facebook 八卦
Bryan Cranston、Steve Carell、Laurence Fishburne有望主演《年少時代》導演新片,延續70年代經典《最後行動》
《愛在午夜希臘時》導演Richard Linklater今年甫以《我們的輕狂時代》回望20多年前的《年少輕狂》,現又準備啟動下一部作品《Last Flag Flying》,有意做為1973年喜劇《最後行動》某種性質上的續集。
據稱導演推敲這個計劃多年,目前正與影集《絕命毒師》Bryan Cranston、《暗黑冠軍隊》Steve Carell、《駭客任務》Laurence Fishburne洽談中,期望能在11月開拍。
《最後行動》改編自美國作家Darryl Ponicsan於1970年出版的同名小說,1973年由《哈洛與茂德》導演Hal Ashby翻攝成電影,Jack Nicholson、Otis Young、Randy Quaid主演,敘述兩位海軍受命押送違法的年輕士兵入獄,但在沿途上逐漸看到這個年輕人的好,而決定帶他在入監前嘗盡各種人生甜頭。
而《Last Flag Flying》是同一作者在2005年推出的續集,Richard Linklater導演第一次公開透露想改編的念頭是在2006年,當初還希望能網羅原本的卡司Jack Nicholson、Randy Quaid回歸演出,再找來Morgan Freeman遞補2001年逝世的Otis Young原本詮釋的角色。
《Last Flag Flying》同樣以上集的三位主角為主軸,時間推至美國歷經911事件後的年代,兩位海軍下士雖然已退役,又再度前來幫助當年那位囚犯,將其戰死於伊拉克的兒子遺體帶回家,也讓三人再次踏上當年走過的那段旅程。
據傳Amazon有意投資並取得發行權,若消息屬實,將成為導演首度與這家串流影音龍頭攜手,也是Amazon繼Woody Allen《咖啡·愛情》、Nicolas Winding Refn《霓虹惡魔》、Jim Jarmusch《派特森的幸福詩篇》等片,持續擴張與名導的合作關係。
Steve Carell在《暗黑冠軍路》展現不同以往的實力後,相繼接演《大賣空》、《咖啡·愛情》等作,接下來還有與Emma Stone重現70年代網壇性別大戰的《Battle of Sexes》預計明年問世。
Bryan Cranston則是連續與James Franco合作多部電影,除了聖誕節檔期的喜劇《惱爸偏頭痛》外,他也加入了翻拍《憤怒的葡萄》作者所寫的30年代農場工人抗爭《In Dubious Battle》、重現驚世爛片《The Room》的豪華卡司之作《The Masterpiece》,後兩部皆由James Franco執導。
Laurence Fishburne近期則有同樣瞄準年底上映的科幻題材《星際過客》,由Chris Pratt、Jennifer Lawrence擔綱演出,還加入了《捍衛任務》續集,再次與Keanu Reeves同台。
《Battle of Sexes》http://goo.gl/ogFjVQ
《The Masterpiece》http://goo.gl/rVH2m7
The Hollywood Reporter http://goo.gl/KKjLwM
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