明明提醒你地班國際「黃媒黑記」報導香港嗰時諗下廢國啲警察會點("questioned how the UK police would react to a similar situation"),仲講咗幾千次新疆係「再教育營」唔係「集中營」。竟然曲線話人地"Fake News" attack?
仲攞蘇聯外交語法"Whataboutism"去比喻官方外交部嘅Tweet。唔好以為用懶深嘅術語"Whataboutism"大家就唔明喎,「話人地嗰時就咁叻,如果發生(What about)响你地國家又點呀?」,即係笑人無邏輯啦!
//So while President Xi Jinping may not have an itchy Twitter finger like Donald Trump's, tens of Chinese diplomats are now tweeting out his thoughts, or what they believe to be his thoughts, to the world.//
itchy意思 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 八卦
明明提醒你地班國際「黃媒黑記」報導香港嗰時諗下廢國啲警察會點("questioned how the UK police would react to a similar situation"),仲講咗幾千次新疆係「再教育營」唔係「集中營」。竟然曲線話人地"Fake News" attack?
仲攞蘇聯外交語法"Whataboutism"去比喻官方外交部嘅Tweet。唔好以為用懶深嘅術語"Whataboutism"大家就唔明喎,「話人地嗰時就咁叻,如果發生(What about)响你地國家又點呀?」,即係笑人無邏輯啦!
//So while President Xi Jinping may not have an itchy Twitter finger like Donald Trump's, tens of Chinese diplomats are now tweeting out his thoughts, or what they believe to be his thoughts, to the world.//
itchy意思 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 八卦
Understanding damp-heat ingredients
“Mango is in season now. But some say mango is damp-heat fruit? What does that mean?”
CheckCheckCin: You always hear that some ingredients are damp or damp-heat natured. Let's figure out what "dampness" is first.
“Dampness” and “ heat" only refers to the cause of symptoms in Chinese medicine, for example, common sayings such as “the weather is humid”, “dampness and heat in the digestive system” all refer to that. If you have difficulty circulating fluids leading to symptoms such as itchy skin, fatigue, abdominal pain, loose and sticky stool that stuck to the toilet after eating certain ingredients, you may have “dampness” or “damp-heat”. That is why people say that these kinds of ingredients are "damp heat" or "damp" natured. These sayings refer to the body reflection of those with specific body conditions after eating certain ingredients, but do not mean the nature of ingredients are “damp”.
Mango is hot in nature. It can relieve vomiting and dizziness, relieve thirst and promote diuresis. Dizziness caused by motion could be relieved by eating mango. It is suitable for those with weak body conditions. However, those with damp-heat and yin deficiency body condition should eat less to prevent worsening heat-related symptoms. Mango is an ingredient that activates wind, so it is not suitable for those with sensitive body types such as eczema and skin allergy. Otherwise, it may lead to allergic reactions or make symptoms worse. Mango's wind activating characteristic and heat-related nature is why people refer to it as "damp-heat", which is actually the reflection of the body mentioned above after eating it.
#男 #女 #長者 #小童 #我疲憊 #我煩躁 #濕熱 #痰濕 #水腫 #肥胖
itchy意思 在 這部影片中的配樂- YouTube說明 的八卦
「這部影片中的配樂」可能包含音樂影片或其他官方內容的連結,讓你發掘從未接觸過的歌曲和藝人。 常見問題. 「授權YouTube 的內容擁有者」是什麼意思? ... <看更多>
itchy意思 在 【英語維基】貪心/手癢Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers/空中英語教室 的八卦
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