Lost in Translation,是一個翻譯家無法訴說的遺憾。原文含蓄百轉千迴,話中有話,意外別有洞天,他十分清楚,但翻譯的搜索枯腸,確實找不到心心相印的字眼。此中有真意,欲說已無言,翻譯家常常有這樣的痛苦,不是不精通外文,而是翻譯時多方尋覓還是無法搭得上電線。
例如:中文一句:「捨不得啊」,怎樣英譯呢? Cannot afford?太冰硬了。 Miss it very much?也不是這個意思。中文的「依依不捨」,一硬譯成英文,原文的那股纏綿繾綣的意思就失落了,這就叫 Lost in translation。
還是英文和法文之間比較易溝通。大量的法語詞彙,直接入侵英文,像 Deja-vu,乾脆用法文原文入英,市場不干預 Laissez-faire,法文最先發明,今天已無國界。連開演唱會,最後一句 Encore,也必定由千萬歌迷狂呼高喊才有地動山搖的震撼,用英語叫 Again,或者 Once more,不行,這就叫 Lost in Translation。
人世間的溝通,常有百詞莫辯的時候。一個詞彙的精緻,一碟小菜的美味,還有一個女人的溫柔,該怎樣來傳遞而表達呢?花能解語,但語不可詮花,一切的美感都凝聚在舌尖, Lost in Translation,是一種酥在骨子裡的痛苦。惟有經歷過這樣的折磨,才明白這世界,不止翻譯是徒勞,有時溝通也是白費,真情幻意的妙諦,盡在意會之中。
clip #39 的主題為翻譯文學,以下摘錄自海明威作品《老人與海》的原文選段,並引張愛玲、藍婷和楊照的譯本,希望收集讀者對各譯本的評語,由編輯部整理後刊於專題。
Original text by Ernest Hemingway:
“You better be fearless and confident yourself, old man,” he said. “You’re holding him again but you cannot get line. But soon he has to circle.”
The old man held him with his left hand and his shoulders now and stooped down and scooped up water in his right hand to get the crushed dolphin flesh off of his face. He was afraid that it might nauseate him and he would vomit and lose his strength. When his face was cleaned he washed his right hand in the water over the side and then let it stay in the salt water while he watched the first light come before the sunrise. He’s headed almost east, he thought. That means he is tired and going with the current. Soon he will have to circle. Then our true work begins.
After he judged that his right hand had been in the water long enough he took it out and looked at it.
“It is not bad,” he said. “And pain does not matter to a man.”
He took hold of the line carefully so that it did not fit into any of the fresh line cuts and shifted his weight so that he could put his left hand into the sea on the other side of the skiff.
“You did not do so badly for something worthless,” he said to his left hand. “But there was a moment when I could not find you.”
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#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #豬年回顧 #正向篇
🐽Food Idioms 美國生活用語:Pork 更多豬肉
1⃣ live (or eat) high on/off the hog
2⃣ go whole hog
3⃣go hog wild
4⃣ hog heaven
5⃣road hog
Speaking of pigs, did you know that “hog” is another word for pig? Specifically, a hog is a large pig bred to be eaten. And people eat a lot of pork, so naturally there are lots of hog-related idioms.
首先,你知道 hog 是豬的別稱嗎?具體來說,hog「肉豬」是指專門飼養來吃的豬。因為大家愛吃豬肉,所以當然有許多跟 hog 有關的生活用語。
One of the most interesting is 1⃣“live (or eat) high on/off the hog,” which means to live a luxurious, comfortable life. Why does it have this meaning? Because the most expensive cuts of meat come from high on the hog. Ex: Kevin has been living high on the hog since he won the lottery.
首先,一個最饒富趣味的諺語是 live/eat high on/off the hog,指過著奢華舒適的生活。為什麼會有這個意思呢?因為最貴的豬肉肉品剛好都來自於豬的上半身。如:Kevin has been living high on the hog since he won the lottery.(凱文中樂透之後,就一直過著奢華闊氣的生活。)
Lots of people enjoy pork, but what if you eat the whole hog? 2⃣ “Go whole hog” means to do something in a very thorough or enthusiastic way. Ex: We decided to go whole hog and stay in the presidential suite. 3⃣You can also “go hog wild,” which means to behave in an uncontrolled and excited manner. Ex: The kids went hog wild while their parents were away on vacation.
很多人愛吃豬肉,不過若是要你吃下整頭豬呢?go whole hog 指「豁出去做某事;徹底把某件事做完」如:We decided to go whole hog and stay in the presidential suite.(我們決定豁出去住總統套房。)類似用法還有go hog wild,指「興奮過度做過頭」,如:The kids went hog wild while their parents were away on vacation.(爸媽放假出門時,小孩在家裡玩瘋了。)
We all know about heaven, 4⃣but what is “hog heaven”? It’s a state of idle bliss and contentment. Ex: Sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching the game, Mike was in hog heaven. And finally, 5⃣there are “road hogs.” Since hogs are known for their greedy behavior, a road hog is someone who “hogs” the road. Ex: I hope the cops give that road hog a ticket.
我們都知道天堂,但什麼是hog heaven「豬天堂」?就是形容相當愉快滿足的狀態,如:Sitting on the sofa drinking beer and watching the game, Mike was in hog heaven.(坐在沙發上喝啤酒看球賽,麥可就像身處極樂之地一樣。)最後是road hog,豬一向以貪心著稱,所以road hog指的是開車亂搶路的人,如:I hope the cops give that road hog a ticket. (真希望警察給那搶路的駕駛人一張紅單。)
1. win the lottery「中樂透」
2. thorough「徹底的」
3. idle「閒閒無事的」
4. bliss「幸福」
5. contentment「滿足」:為名詞,形容詞 content「滿足的」。
6. give sb. a ticket「開罰單」:ticket 在這裡當「罰單」。
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