The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO) signed a Framework to Strengthen Infrastructure Finance and Market Building Cooperation on behalf of the United States and Taiwan to facilitate technical exchanges and information sharing which will support and catalyze investments in infrastructure.
This Framework will support the development of quality infrastructure in emerging markets. Areas of cooperation will include infrastructure finance and market building and joint collaboration to facilitate infrastructure investment in third countries, which will also help secure supply chains of the future.
The Framework establishes a Working Group, led by the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Taiwan’s Ministry of Finance. This Framework builds on the strong people-to-people ties shared by the United States and Taiwan. The United States welcomes Taiwan’s important contributions to infrastructure development in the Indo-Pacific region and its broader promotion of a free and open Indo-Pacific.
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indo-pacific economic framework 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
印太地區 #婦女生計債券計畫 (第三期) 正式啟動
今年國際經濟被 #武漢肺炎 打得歪七扭八
台美兩國政府、 TaiwanICDF財團法人國際合作發展基金會 及美國的 #國際開發金融公司
透過「婦女生計債券」(Women’s Livelihood Bond)的計畫
JW 部長🇹🇼說
這次合作除了拓展 #新南向政策 與 #印太戰略 的具體合作項目
美國在台協會 AIT酈英傑處長🇺🇸表示
很驕傲能與台灣和其他理念相近夥伴一起增進 #婦女經濟賦權
是的 📝
🌎2019年在巴拉圭🇵🇾推動 #微中小型企業暨婦女融資合作計畫
🌎今年9月,台美共同簽署了 #臺美基礎建設融資及市場建立合作架構
相信未來會越來越好 ❤️
If you were wondering what the live stream on our page was all about, we’ve got you covered! #Women are one of the groups in the #IndoPacific region that has been hit the hardest during the #COVID19 pandemic in terms of their ability to make a living. To help break them out of the #PovertyCycle, Taiwan’s International Cooperation and Development Fund (#ICDF) is teaming up with the #US International Development Finance Cooperation (#DFC) on the Women’s Livelihood Bond project, which will offer support to women in the Indo-Pacific through loans with favorable terms and debt securities.
This follows on from a joint Taiwan-US micro and small enterprises re-lending project launched in #Paraguay last year, which targeted women-led businesses among others. Taiwan’s #NewSouthboundPolicy has a common goal with the US Indo-Pacific Strategy in the economic empowerment of women in the region, in line with the AIT-TECRO Infrastructure Financing Framework.
#SDG5 #GenderEquality #WomensEmpowerment #LikeMindedPartners #SharedValues #RealFriends #RealProgress #SDG17 #PartnershipForTheGoals
indo-pacific economic framework 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 八卦
“The Digital Economy Forum is the high-level strategic policy framework for bringing the U.S.-Taiwan economic relationship into the digital age. Launched in 2015, the DEF has established the policy priorities and guided our technology cooperation for the last four years. Today, we once again reaffirm the central importance of the digital economy to our economic relationship with Taiwan, and of Taiwan to our larger vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific.” – AIT Director Brent Christensen at the Opening of the 3rd Digital Economy Forum.
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