Ask Boldly Like A Persistent Child
“You lust, and don’t have. You murder and covet, and can’t obtain. You fight and make war. You don’t have, because you don’t ask. You ask, and don’t receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it for your pleasures.” (James 4:2-3 WEB)
A child’s persistence is amazing. I know it firsthand. When my three year old daughter Maeleth asks me for something, she keeps asking and doesn’t give up until she gets an answer.
“Daddy, I want that. Can I have that please?”
She asks and waits for an answer. The answer may be yes, no or later, but she expects an answer.
All of us have desires for good things but some of us are afraid to ask God due to certain wrong beliefs.
God’s word says that you don’t have because you don’t ask God in prayer.
“What if I ask too much? I’m afraid that God will think I’m so greedy and selfish.”
“I don’t deserve it. My sins are too great. All I ask is for mercy to be saved.”
Dear brethren, as an earthly father I would give anything that my daughter wants as long as it’s within my means and if the thing she asks for is good/safe for her. I must also give it at the right time for her own good.
If imperfect fathers like me can have that kind of generosity and thoughtful consideration towards their children, what more our perfect Abba Father whose essence is Love?
““Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened. Or who is there among you, who, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, who will give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:7-11 WEB)
He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and His presence fills Heaven and earth which He owns. Nothing is too hard for Him to fulfill.
“...your Father knows what things you need, before you ask him.” (Matthew 6:8 WEB)
Before you even speak your prayer, God already knows what’s in your mind and heart.
Still, He wants you to ask Him so that He will grant you your heart’s desires.
He won’t force something you if you don’t ask or give consent—He honors your free will.
If your concern is that your sins disqualify you from receiving anything good from God, then look to the cross.
At the cross, Jesus was beaten, pierced and smitten by God’s fiery wrath for the sins of the world, so that all your sins have been completely punished in Jesus’ body.
Your sins are no longer standing in the way between you and God.
The wages of sin is death and those wages have already been righteously paid in full.
When God looks at your Book of Remembrance in Heaven, it’s spotlessly clean because all your sins were transferred to Jesus’ account—and Jesus paid for those sins by His shed blood and His death.
Your records show that you’re perfectly righteous, just like Jesus!
So ask boldly and persistently for all your needs and for the good things you desire, like a child who believes that God is most delighted to hear your voice and that He loves to answer your prayers.
That’s the kind of pure faith that pleases God.
You qualify to receive God’s blessings not because your behavior is good, but because you’re righteous in Christ thanks to Jesus’ finished work at the cross!
God will surely give you the good things you ask for in His own way and at the perfect time—have faith in Him. Till then, rest assured that your prayers are in the process of being fulfilled!
This year, you’ll need the entrance of God’s word to give you light to see. His word will be a lamp to your feet, showing you the way step by step.
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#Faith #Devotional
imperfect is perfect book 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 八卦
“Many others are also having the same problem. It’s normal, it’s ok.” This may be an excuse that the world uses, but not you child of God.
The Bible is full of characters who had problems but were delivered from them because of a faithful and gracious God!
Don’t identify with others to justify remaining in defeat. Instead, you can look at those who have a covenant relationship with God and expect the same blessings to be yours by the solid basis of covenant and not based something as shifting as feelings.
Abraham is our pattern for a blessed man. The Bible says that God had blessed him in all things. All means all.
Why was he blessed? It’s not because he was perfectly obedient to God. If you read his life story, he failed in major ways at times.
Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness. He became righteous through faith in Yahweh, just like us who became righteous through faith in Jesus Christ.
Abraham is a blessed man because he had the gift of righteousness, and because he believed in God’s promises, even if he wasn’t perfectly obedient all the time.
Hey, this sounds like you and I! If Abraham could have the testimony that he was blessed in all things, we can have that too if we just believe in a good God.
The Bible says that we are blessed together with believing Abraham. If you see defeat in any areas of your life, don’t use the commonness of this kind of defeat as an excuse to remain in it. Expect to be blessed in all things like Abraham was because you are righteous in Christ, and whoever is righteous is a blessed person who enjoys the favor of God!
“God Every Morning” tier and above patron on Patreon receive a Bible Study eBook I wrote called “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. In it, you will see how men and women who were imperfect in their behavior got blessed because they had a perfect, good, and faithful God who keeps His covenant.
This eBook will surely be a great blessing to you. It is essentially a study of the Book of Genesis from the point of Abraham being introduced as a character. Follow the epic story of our patriarch of faith and be encouraged that you are also blessed in all things. Become a patron on Patreon at this link:
imperfect is perfect book 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 八卦
I finally finished writing the last issue (72) of my Patreon Bible Study series called “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob”.
In the words of one of the patrons, “I am blessed and encouraged reading this series. It's my favourite, I must say!”
In the series, which is essentially a study of the Book of Genesis starting from Genesis chapter 12, we looked at how our patriarchs of faith, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were exemplary men in some ways, but inconsistent in their obedience.
The true source of their blessedness and success is God who remains faithful to them. He alone keeps the covenant that He established with them.
With a beautiful cast of other characters in the chapters, we see how a perfect God is gracious and merciful to imperfect humans, and how He restores and protects those who have faith in Him.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is your God too. The Bible says that we are blessed together with faithful Abraham, and that God had blessed Abraham in ALL things.
If you want to have this testimony of being blessed in all things, you must learn why it happened for Abraham, and about the God who did it for him.
Abraham was wealthy, there is no record he was ever sick, he lived a long life, he experienced youth renewal, he had a beautiful spouse, he was protected from harm, was blessed with many children, he experienced near-impossible victories, and more. If you want to be blessed like him, study his life and the covenant God made with him and his descendants.
Join as a “God Every Morning” tier or above patron to receive all 72 issues of “The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” in a downloadable eBook format.
I will be starting a new Patreon Bible Study series next week too called “God’s Appointed Time”. It’s sure to be good because the Holy Spirit has given many messages already. As a patron, you’ll receive that too.
Join as a patron here:
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