Aftermath. Just a tip of the iceberg.
Some reflection over the weekend.
I saw my family members off to work this morning.
I wish the city could’ve taken some more time to recover.
Why make people rush to work, the morning right after the biggest storm hammered our islands, when you already know that transportation services are only partially opened?
I’m not upset at the transportation operators. Trees are uprooted and collapsed everywhere, service suspensions are reasonable. I understand, one simply can’t’ undo the destruction ripped by a super typhoon overnight.
I just wish more employers at private institutions could’ve been more understanding and called this a day off (or work remote), or government authorities could’ve done more to influence employers to do so. Don’t give me that “capitalist society” speech. If government has no power to meddle with the contracts between employers and employees in our so-called “capitalist society”, then please stop meddling with our land prices and education curriculums(and many more) with your rich best friends& other governments.
I’m also taking this time to contemplate our relationship with mother earth.
I am thankful that we are mostly, safe. Lots of recovery work and damage control to do, but at least we’re all here.
Meanwhile, dozens have been killed by the same typhoon in the Philippines. Hundreds and thousands of people seeking refuge.
In the US, historical levels of rain has been dumped on both North and South Carolina by Hurricane Florence(Downgraded to Tropical Depression right now). Catastrophic flooding continues as of this moment.
Let’s not forget the deadly Tyhoon Jebi wrecked havoc in Osaka a few weeks ago.
And Puerto Rico is still mending the mess from Hurricane Maria.
It is not un-alarming, with rising sea levels and warmer waters, we have been seeing increased typhoon intensity over the past 40 years, and it is not gonna back down, and I fear for our coastal populations.
Now I’m not exactly a climatologist nor a politician.
But I care because I am a human being and I love living, and I hope you do too because I love you.❤️