外交部吳部長首次接受 #科威特智庫「偵查研究」專訪,說明 #中國威脅、#台美關係、#台灣與中東國家合作的機遇。吳部長特別指出,中東地理位置及能源供給角色對台灣至關重要,台灣也積極推動與中東各國政府合作, #讓台灣的聲音被世界聽見。
在全球氣候變遷之下,台灣近年持續發展 #再生能源 及 #綠能科技 來做因應,而科威特也推出「科威特2035願景」(Kuwait’s 2035 Vision),吳部長表示台科雙方可以針對綠能科技發展合作,期望共同達成 #聯合國永續發展目標。
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In a recently published interview with Arab Times Kuwait Founding President Abdulaziz Mohammed Al-Anjeri, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu talked on a range of issues, including the recent wave of support for #Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, the disinformation and military threats from China and Taiwan’s relations with #Kuwait and the larger #MiddleEast region.
With regard to attempts to silence Taiwan, Minister Wu said, "Taiwan will make its voice heard around the world."
He pointed to new opportunities for cooperation in the #GreenEnergy, #PublicHealth and #SmartHealthcare sectors, building on existing trade ties--Taiwan-Kuwait bilateral trade totalled US$2.64 billion in 2020. He also mentioned the strengthening of people-to-people and civil society exchanges between our countries, from think-tanks to academics and cooperation in joint humanitarian assistance projects targeting Syrian refugees.
You can read the entire interview at the link in the comments section below!
humanitarian organizations 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 八卦
前兩天小編才分享3個友邦在 #世界衛生組織 🌐執委會中為 #台灣 發聲,沒~想~到~
#瓜地馬拉、#尼加拉瓜、#美國、#日本 跟 #索羅門群島 也主動加入 #挺台行列😍!一定是聽見廣大外粉們的願力啦🤞~ 快看影片🎬
#Gracias #ThankYou #ありがとう 💕
#正義之聲 🦸♀️🦸♂️
#SDG3 #GoodHealthAndWellBeing
We recently shared some of the words our allies had to say on our behalf at the executive board session of the World Health Organization! Since then, #Guatemala, #Nicaragua, the #US, #Japan and the #SolomonIslands all showed their support for #Taiwan in turn! Check out the transcript below to see what they had to say!
🇬🇹瓜地馬拉駐團一等秘書Luis Erick GUDIEL PINEDA:「容我藉此機會感謝台灣政府在擴大 #產婦健康照護 及 #藥品普及 等領域與瓜地馬拉的密切合作,使瓜國得以加速實現強化醫療系統、監測急難應變機制,以及因應傳染病與非傳染病策略等目標,謝謝。」
First Secretary of Guatemala's Mission to the UN and other organizations, Luis Erick Gudiel Pineda, gave thanks to the government of Taiwan for their collaboration on the expansion of maternal #healthcare coverage in the country, as well as in the provision of medicine, which, he said, has helped the country reach its goals of fortifying the health system, improving readiness in the face of emergencies and in coming up with strategies to address communicable and non-communicable diseases.
🇳🇮尼加拉瓜駐團常代 Carlos Ernesto MORALES DÁVILA大使:「因此台灣的缺席,等同2,358萬人民的缺席,這些兄弟姐妹們也必須獲得優質的健康保障。另一方面,我們必須承認,新時代的 #全球化 帶來負面的影響,其中之一即是傳染病的 #跨境傳播。有鑑於此,若有一個地區在全球衛生網路中缺席,便是全球醫衛上的風險漏洞。」
Ambassador Carlos Ernesto Morales Dávila from Nicaragua stated that the absence of Taiwan from the meeting represents the absence of 23.58 million people, who he referred to as his brothers and sisters, and who he said should also be guaranteed quality healthcare. He also drew attention to the negative effects of #globalization in the modern era, including the increase in #CrossBorder transmission of contagious diseases. Given this, he added, a region's absence from the global health network poses a risk to the entire world.
🇺🇸美國衛生部全球事務處副處長Colin McIff:「在WHO領導全球因應緊急衛生災害之際,包括現正在剛果民主共和國發生的 #伊波拉 疫情,得以納入所有具意願各方的技術專業及財政資源允為關鍵。因此,美國樂見去年台灣提出願貢獻一百萬美元以因應伊波拉疫情,惟為WHO迄未能尋求接受此一捐款之方法感到失望。#台灣參與WHO 相關技術工作,對各方均屬有益。」
Deputy Director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Global Affairs, Colin McIff stated, "As WHO leads the global response to health emergencies, including the ongoing outbreak of #Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is critical that the organization be able to engage the technical expertise and financial resources from all interested parties. The United States was pleased therefore when Taiwan offered to #contribution US$1 million to the Ebola response last year, and disappointed that, so far, WHO has not found a way to accept the contribution. #ParticipationOfTaiwan in relevant technical work of WHO is beneficial to all."
🇯🇵日本厚生勞動省大臣官房國際課國際保健資深企劃官 堀 裕行:「傳染性疾病跨境傳播之風險已隨全球化而提高,我們 #不應該遺漏 特定區域,而造成(防疫)地圖之空白。」
Senior Coordinator for Global Health at Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Hiroyuki Hori stated, "Lastly, as the world has become more globalized and the threat of infectious diseases that may spread beyond borders has been increasing, we assumed that we should not make #GeographicalBlank by leaving a specific region behind."
🇸🇧索羅門群島常代Barrett Salato大使:「索羅門群島希望提醒執委會成員關注台灣數以百萬計人民在遇有疾病爆發時之脆弱性,而該等疫情爆發之威脅也將影響其他國家的人民。 #獨立監督委員會 報告第21節中,表彰WHO在不同技術網路間伙伴關係與協調的模範工作成效。台灣是有意願的夥伴,因此我們呼籲WHO邀請台灣 #有意義參與 所有WHO相關會議及計畫,以分享其在全球衛生緊急應變及 #人道協助 之技術與專業。」
Ambassador Barrett Salato from the Solomon Islands stated, "The Solomon Islands wish to remind members of the Executive Board of the vulnerability of millions of people in Taiwan in the event of disease outbreak and the threat such outbreak can cause to people in other countries. In Paragraph 21 of the report the #IOAC commended WHO for its exemplary work on #partnership and coordination to different technical networks. Taiwan is a willing partner in this effort.
Therefore, we urge the WHO to invite Taiwan to participate meaningfully in all WHO meetings and programs in order to share its technical expertise and experience in global health emergency and #humanitarian efforts."
(影片節錄自WHO官網:https://www.who.int/news-ro…/…/executive-board-144th-session )
humanitarian organizations 在 時代力量 New Power Party Facebook 八卦
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I’m glad to have this opportunity to share some thoughts with you in Geneva. My name is Freddy Lim, I’m a parliamentarian from Taiwan, and I’m a member of the New Power Party which was founded only about one year ago. The NPP has a lot of support from the young people in Taiwan, and is currently the third largest party in the parliament and represents a new, rising political force. Here, we would like to express our voices to you, hoping that more people around the world would become strong partner and friends of Taiwan to support our efforts in join international organizations, so that we may contribute to the world.
Despite being a country that still has a hard time joining the UN, Taiwan is the 26th largest economy in the world by GDP, and it’s ranked the 16th in terms of total trade amount. We have our own territories, people, elected government, and president. Last Friday, we had our third rotation of power, showing that Taiwan’s democracy is both stable and reliable.
As an important trade partner around the world, Taiwan strives to establish closer business relations with the world under the WTO framework. We’re also actively boosting human rights standards domestically, by not only passing the two UN human rights covenants, but also providing information, skills, funding, and humanitarian aids to the international community with no reserves. Taiwan has a mature public health and national health insurance system, an outstanding biotech industry, as well as rich experiences in researching and developing medicines and vaccines. We believe that, through multilateral medical cooperation, participating in the global epidemic control and becoming an official member of the WHO, we will absolutely contribute in the global fight against diseases.
The complicated history of Taiwan surfaced with the rare mention of UN Resolution 2758 in the WHA invitation to Taiwan. After World War II, the Chiang Kai-shek regime who had nowhere to go after losing the Chinese Civil War was sent to Taiwan by the Allies, where it started a prolonged authoritarian rule. Along with the regime, the international community also threw the “one China” problem to Taiwan. In 1971, the UN passed resolution 2758 to expel the Chiang Kai-shek regime occupied the seat for China. However, Chiang’s regime was not only unrepresentative of China, it did not represent the people of Taiwan either. Taiwan has finally become a young democracy following decades of activism and reforms. Now that the Taiwanese people are extending their efforts to contribute to and participate in different aspects in the world, we sincerely hope that Taiwan would engage in more positive and respectable exchanges with the world as a normal country, to fulfill its obligations as a global citizen.
Like all of you, we firmly stands behind the universal values of freedom, democracy, and human rights, and continuously work for these values. I believe that, based on our shared values, and with your support, Taiwan would absolutely become a reliable and friendly partner. I would like to sincerely thank you for attending the press conference. Let’s stay closer to work for a better world.
Thank you for your time, have a good day.
各位先生、女士,大家好,很高興能夠在日內瓦跟各位分享一些看法。我的名字是Freddy Lim,是台灣的立法委員,屬於台灣僅成立一年的新政黨New Power Party。NPP在台灣獲得年輕人很大的支持,目前在國會是第三大黨,是台灣政治一股新興的力量。在此希望能傳達我們的心聲給各位,並期盼國際上更多友人做台灣堅強的夥伴,支持我們參與國際組織,為世界貢獻一己之力。
這次WHA的邀請函,罕見的提到2758決議文,讓台灣複雜的歷史再次浮上檯面。二戰後,在中國內戰敗退的蔣介石政權無處可去,被同盟國送來了台灣,進行獨裁統治。國際就這樣把「一個中國」的歷史問題丟給了台灣。到了1971年,聯合國做了2758決議,將佔據中國席位的蔣介石政權逐出聯合國。然而,蔣政權不只不能代表中國人民,其獨裁統治更無法代表台灣人民。台灣人民透過數十年的抗爭與改革,終於成為了一個年輕的民主政體。現在,如同台灣人民在國際的各行各業都力求貢獻、熱心參與,我們真誠的期盼,台灣,能以一個正常的國家身分,與世界進行更多正面以及有尊嚴(respect)的交流與合作,履行作為全球公民(Global citizen)一份子的義務與責任。
☞ 講稿全文:https://goo.gl/WwzqT1
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