受源自中國武漢的新冠肺炎疫情影響,全世界大多數地區的電影院都仍處於閉館狀態。美國目前僅部份州郡開放戶外汽車電影院,而義大利政府則宣佈其國內電影院將在 6/15 重新開張。英國則表示最早將會在七月來考慮重開戲院。
相比之下,台灣的疫情控制得當,人民也在保持個人衛生和安全社交距離的前提下,得以持續進戲院觀影。除了四月的 #金馬奇幻影展 因故取消,目前六月的 #台北電影節 和七月的 #金馬經典影展,都預計會如期展出,後者更會放映義大利大師費里尼的 24 部經典作品(大部分為 4K 修復版)。
大型院線片必須隨著全球發行計畫連動,因此諸如《007》和《玩命關頭》等大片都擇期再映。(影展口碑好片《從未很少有時總是》則直接提供 Amazon 串流租借服務,雖要價不斐(19.99美金)但台灣應該不會上映,有興趣的影迷仍可在線上觀賞)。
《海上鋼琴師》 The Legend of 1900 (1998)
《海上花》 Flowers of Shanghai (1998)
《在黑暗中漫舞》 Dancer in the Dark (2000)
《天氣之子》 Weathering With You (2019)
《亂世佳人》 Gone with the Wind (1939)
《咒怨》 Ju-on: The Grudge (2002)
《咒怨2》 Ju-on: The Grudge 2 (2003)
《亂》 Ran (1985)
《刺激1995》 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
《第六感生死戀》 Ghost (1990)
《鬼店》 The Shining (1980)
《羊男的迷宮》 Pan's Labyrinth (2006)
《霸王別姬》 Farewell My Concubine (1993)
《阿飛正傳》 Days of Being Wild (1990)
《情書》 Love Letter (1995)
《樂來越愛你》 La La Land (2016)
《一級玩家》 Ready Player One (2018)
《橫山家之味》 Still Walking (2008)
《比海還深》 After the Storm (2016)
《辛德勒的名單》 Schindler's List (1993)
《下女的誘惑》 The Handmaiden (2016)
《月光下的藍色男孩》 Moonlight (2016)
《咫尺天涯》 Faraway, So Close! (1993)
《欲望之翼》 Wings of Desire (1987)
《巴黎德州》 Paris, Texas (1984)
《殺人回憶》 Memories of Murder (2003)
《因為愛你》 Carol (2015)
《相愛相親》 Love Education (2017)
《終極追緝令》 Leon (1994)
《碧海藍天》 The Big Blue (1988)
《星際救援》 Ad Astra (2019)
《大象席地而坐》 An Elephant Sitting Still (2018)
《末代皇帝》 The Last Emperor (1987)
《白髮魔女傳》 The Bride With White Hair (1993)
《愛蜜莉的異想世界》 Amélie (2001)
《藍色情挑》 Three Colours: Blue (1993)
《白色情迷》 Three Colours: White (1994)
《紅色情深》 Three Colours: Red (1994)
《愛情,突如其來》 Over the Fence (2016)
《小偷家族》 Shoplifters (2018)
《現在,很想見你》 Be With You (2004)
《蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻》 Batman Begins (2005)
《黑暗騎士》 The Dark Knight (2008)
《黑暗騎士:黎明昇起》 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
《烈火情人》 Damage (1992)
《夜半歌聲 The Phantom Lover (1995)
《非常母親》 Mother (2009)
《北非諜影》 Casablanca (1942)
《銀翼殺手》 Blade Runner (1982)
《東邪西毒》 Ashes of Time (1994)
《射雕英雄傳之東成西就》 The Eagle Shooting Heroes (1993)
《大叔》 The Man from Nowhere (2010)
《我要復仇》 Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002)
《原罪犯》 Oldboy (2003)
《親切的金子》 Lady Vengeance (2005)
《海灘的一天》That Day, on the Beach (1983)
《恐怖分子》 The Terrorizers (1986)
《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》A Brighter Summer Day (1991)
《一一》 A One and a Two (2000)
《藍色恐懼》 Perfect Blue (1997)
《綠光》 The Green Ray (1986)
《慾望街車》 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
《萬花嬉春》 SIngin' in the Rain (1952)
《中央車站》 Central do Brasil (1998)
《里斯本的故事》 Lisbon Story (1994)
《燃燒女子的畫像》 Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019)
《新橋戀人》 Lovers on the Bridge (1991)
《沒有煙硝的愛情》 Cold War (2018)
「hair do for mother of the bride」的推薦目錄:
hair do for mother of the bride 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
【玳瑚師父玄學論】 《擇日的必要》
The Necessity of Auspicious Date Selection
(English version below)
- 新生嬰孩第一次的剃頭、
- 新生嬰孩的滿月喜酒、
- 孩童上契、
- 結婚、
- 幾點接新娘、
- 幾點敬茶、
- 新店開張、
- 宴客地點、
- 新官上任、
- 動土起基、
- 開戶口、
- 新居入伙、
- 動手術、
- 生產、
- 裝修房屋、
- 選購大型傢俱、
- 進廟稟明改名、
- 歌星出唱片、
- 歌星演唱會、
- 新戲登場、
- 記者會、
- 樓盤開市、
- 股票交易、
- 新年開工、
- 大年初一開門、
- 安床,
The common folks consult a Master for auspicious date selection mainly as a way of following traditions, or to feel more at ease with their decisions. That is completely understandable. However, the wrong understanding and intention will send out a certain brainwave energy to the Universe. This negativity will re-bounce back to you in a vicious cycle resulting in you meeting the wrong people, and missing out on good opportunities. Executing your tasks on an inauspicious day can lead to undesirable outcomes.
A lot of people get angry at us, the metaphysicists, as they are laymen and do not understand the fact that there is one element in Auspicious Date Selection that is beyond our control. The Heaven decide the energies ruling the days, not us. Therein lies the difficulty of date selection. Thus, Master Dai Hu sincerely advises my beloved readers, please complete the planned task within the day and time period which I have painstakingly selected for you.
Should you ask me what activities require auspicious date selection, my answer is: many! They include the following:
- First hair shave for newborn
- First month celebration for newborn
- Acknowledgement of Deity as a child's God Father or God Mother
- Marriage
- Fetching the Bride
- Offering of tea by the Bride and Groom
- Official opening of a new business
- Venue of reception for your celebratory event
- First day of new job posting
- First day of building construction
- Opening of a bank account
- Moving into a new residence
- Medical operation
- Renovation of the house
- Purchase of big-sized furniture
- Visiting the temple to report a change of name
- Official launch of a new music record (for singers)
- Official premiere of a new movie
- Official press interview
- Official launch of a property sale
- Official launch of a stock counter on the Stock Exchange
- Trade transaction
- First day of work in a new year
- Door opening on the first day of Chinese New Year
- Placement of bed
Auspicious date selection entails capturing the angle of the auspicious heavenly stars, harnessing their energies and evading the inauspicious ones. In this way, you can be assured of success in completing your activity with minimal effort. Among the auspicious stars are the God of Happiness, God of Nobility, God of Fortune, God of Prosperity, God of Wealth, etc. With this new knowledge, you should now realize the necessity of date selection!