CJ真的是很特別的家教,他在孩子還小的時候(7歲跟5歲),就給孩子注入了老靈魂,他會帶吉他來我們家彈披頭四的歌並且解釋歌詞中的詩意跟智慧給孩子,所以我在英文原文推薦信刻意置入一段speaking words of wisdom from the lyrics of let it be, 希望對方的文化水平可以看得懂我的幽默隱喻
而我們也是很特別的家長,因為我們回家時也常常看到他們三個窩在沙發上看netflix, 通常一般家長就會很火大付那麼錢是要你陪小孩看電視嗎? 但高智慧如我立刻就察覺他們在看的節目是有教育意義的像是二戰歷史,像是Rosa Park人權事件,像是女權主義。
我們因為太喜歡他的全方位教學,於是連續二年帶他一起去歐洲跟著我們全家去歐洲做生意。 當我們家長在各個城市做生意時,他並不只是個保姆,而是會刻意帶小孩們去大量的博物館跟藝廊,了解文藝復興這時期對於奠定歐洲在接下來五百年的科學超前其他地區的關鍵因素。
對我的小孩來說,CJ不只是個英文家教,而是人生導師,他會導讀動物農場並且跟他們解釋背後的含義。 會跟小孩在花神咖啡館一邊吃冰一邊解釋薩特在這間咖啡廳寫的《存在與虛無》這本偉大著作對於存在主義有多麼的重要。會在疫情時期跟他們分享卡繆的《瘟疫》裡的小人物的人性的光輝與醜陋,當時就跟現在一模一樣。會帶他們去諾曼第海灘,讓他們了解這個D day戰場對於現代世界的塑造有多麼重要。
My name is John Lee and I am the CEO of JOLA INTERNATIONAL. A group that also owns Timeless Truth Mask, an internationally recognized face mask brand.
I am writing this recommendation letter on behalf of Ching-Jen Sun, whom I have known for 5 years and we all call him CJ. Initially I hired him as the English tutor for both of my children. However, I soon started to realize CJ is more than just an English tutor, his diversified interests sparked my children’s curiosity in various aspects in life. One day he would bring a guitar and speaking words of wisdom from singing along Beatle’s lyrics of “let it be” to my children, another day he would watch World War II documentary film with my children and explained to them why they should learn history, so that the atrocity of Nazi and racism should never be repeated.
As I got to know him better, I started to trust him more by weighing more educative responsibility on his shoulder. For business purposes, each year I would take the entire family touring around Europe for more than a month and CJ would travel with us and help me to babysit my children while I work.
However, CJ far exceeded my expectation as a babysitter, whichever city we went, every afternoon he would take them to the museum and art galleries, his vast knowledge of art and literature in different era never ceases to amaze me.
To my children, CJ is not only an English tutor, but rather a mentor. Regardless of my children’s precocious ages (11 and 9), he would ask them to read George Orwell’s 《Animal Farm》 and explained to them the philosophical context beneath the surface of the story. He would explain to them the significance of existentialism of Jean Paul Sartre as they sat under the balcony hood of Cafe de Fleur in Paris. He would take the kids to Normandy beach and taught them that was the battle field that defined the modern world.
During Covid-19, he would read Albert Camus’ 《La Peste》to my children and pointed out the similarity of humanity between past and present.
His diversified interests are not confined within literature world, as a good baseball pitcher and slugger himself, CJ often would take them out to play baseball and explained to them the beauty of baseball game.
Throughout the years my children and CJ had developed a very strong brotherhood and I feel compelled to recommend this bright, hard-working and courteous young man to your faculty as I have a very strong confidence that he would add extra aura to your team, as he had to mine.
I am confident that CJ Sun is a strong candidate for Fulbright grant for graduate study. If you have any doubt during the process of evaluation, please feel free to contact me.
John Lee
Founder & CEO of Jolab
Founder & CEO of Timeless Truth Mask
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Youtube影片中提到,同學期待的政治英文影片第一集總算出爐了! 在此先聲明,我跟Howard老師純粹是分析英文,兩位總統都是神人級的第二語言使用者! 此影片的目的不在於比較兩者的英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。 以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論: 馬英九(1950年7月13日...
had better詞性 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 八卦
【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 政治學系林語萱】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
Yu-Hsuan Lin from the Department of Political Science
比起說著我們會鵬程萬里、前程似錦,今天,我更想邀請各位一同擔任NTU Sweety Course的貢獻者,整理出綜合過去四年,且能帶著走出校園的三個成長學分:勇氣、彈性和自己。
再來,還有個學分,叫做彈性。還記得那些腳踏車被水源阿伯給拖吊,只好改成走路或騎Ubike2.0的日常嗎?我們在一次又一次的校內小組合作、校外的家教實習中,反覆上著適應不同情況的實驗課,而疫情又加重了它的loading,原本以為上一屆已經夠慘,沒想到這一屆竟然還更糟的情況下,我們滾動式的調整上課的樣貌,努力用NTU Cool的1.5倍速上課。在唯一不變就是變的這個世間常態中,臺大教會了我們保持彈性的生存之道。
最後的最後,我想起了一戰後的西班牙大流感,它帶走的生命比戰爭還多,但在時間洪流下也終究有結束的一天。誰知道一百多年後的今天,我們也被迫參與了歷史的進程。也許未來看似困難重重,但卡繆在瘟疫裡提醒了我們:「惟有甘願在困難的堅實土壤中去生根立足,才能夠獲得果實。」今天後的明日,我們將在不同的土壤中勇敢挑戰、彈性應對和相信自己,且帶著滿滿的愛去生根立足,為自己、為我們所身處的社會,產出最甜美的果實。準備好了嗎?讓我們一起推動歷史的進程吧!臺大109屆的畢業生們,畢業快樂,或許現在的我們無法面對面相聚,but I’ll see you down the road!謝謝大家。
President Kuan, respected faculty, honored guests and family, and to my fellow NTU graduates who would never have imagined our commencement hosted in this way but still making the best of it, good morning. I am YU-HSUAN LIN, from Department of Political Science.
Rather than wishing the best and the brightest futures to us all, today, I want to urge each and every one of you to join in and contribute to NTU Sweety Course, and put together three amongst the most important credits from these past four years. They are courage, elasticity, and ourselves.
I took a temporary leave in my sophomore year. At minus 30 degrees Celsius, with howling headwinds and blizzards all over the sky, I did cross-country skiing for more than half a month, to challenge myself beyond the limit at the very end of the world. My Antarctic venture may seem absurd to many, but it was one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life. At NTU, a campus of endless possibilities, we all have a South Pole in our hearts, an undoubtedly challenging and perhaps laughable goal we yearn to achieve. But do not forget the credit of courage we have gained from these past years, and choose whatever it is that you believe is right.
The next credit, is adaptability. Do you remember the days when our bikes being towed and having to walk or take Ubike 2.0 to class? We learned to adapt through group projects in the classes and private tutoring off-campus, and the ongoing pandemic has added extra loading to our everyday challenges. We thought the previous year was bad, but this year is even worse. We adjust the way we took courses on a rolling basis, trying to catch up from NTU COOL at 1.5x speed. The only thing that doesn't change is change itself. NTU taught us how to adapt to survive.
Last but not least, and arguably the most important credit, is ourselves. That’s right, It’s each and every one of you behind the screens. From a first-year newbie busy planning your double major or transfer, to a senior wandering around anxiously as our peers taking next steps, we work hard painstakingly in fear of falling behind of other, and wonder if we can become the person we want to be. But looking back, after countless rides along the Royal Palm Boulevard, our old selves have already long gone. So, in the future, when the outside world is constantly pushing us to make the best even better and to reach beyond limits, remember to listen to that little voice inside of you. Listen to it as it tells you, there isn’t a certain or definite role you must fulfill, all you need is to have faith in yourself.
Besides the three credits I just mentioned, don’t forget the Petition for Adding Course: our families and professors who accompanied us along our journeys. It requires loves from many to accomplish caprice of one. Thank you for your company and encouragement along the way to allow us to be self-willed boldly.
Lastly, the Spanish flu outbreak after WWI came to my mind recently. It took even more lives than the battle fields. However, it too, eventually ended as time went by. Who knew that after a hundred years, we would also be a part of a similar history? It seems that adversities are awaiting us, but Albert Camus had already reminded us in La Peste “Like wandering shadows that could have acquired substance only by consenting to root themselves in the solid earth of their distress.” When tomorrow comes, in different corners on the Earth, we shall challenge, respond adaptively, and believe in ourselves. With each step that we take, we take with all the love there is within us. Let us contribute to ourselves and to our society, and may our efforts bear the sweetest fruits. Are you ready? Let’s push history forward! Hats off to all NTU graduates of 2021! Although we are unable to celebrate face to face now, I’ll see you down the road! Thank you all!
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大政治學系 #林語萱
had better詞性 在 神谷 えりな Facebook 八卦
突然 脊髄損傷で脚が動かなくなった患者に対しては、主治医と共に精神科医もつくそうです。
“歌って踊らなくなる時 = 卒業”
It's been a long time.
It's also a masked girl igari.
I'm very sorry for worrying about so many people this time.
I was in an accident on 4/11 (Wed) that it was going to be the bottom of the sign that fell down with a strong wind.
It was a strong wind that day. It seems that there was a very strong wind in various places in Japan in the news.
I was walking on the sidewalk as usual.
I see that suddenly the strong wind blows, and the big sign of the building is falling down.
The sign was too big, so I couldn't avoid it quickly.
It was on the bottom of the restorative sign.
I said, " help me... with the best voice I can get.
At that time it was painful and I wanted to make it easier.
And I think it was right away.
A passerby was transported to an ambulance to lift up the sign.
From later on, it seems that the sign was covered in the whole sidewalk of the building.
Then I got an emergency surgery and I was hospitalized for ICU (Intensive Care room).
After that, I'm currently hospitalized in the general ward after the hcu (Advanced Treatment room).
The injury of the Lord is the one who is the one
Eyelid laceration
The head of the head
Fracture (legs, ribs, thoracic spine, lumbar vertebrae)
And then
Spinal damage
Due to the influence, both lower limb paralysis.
I couldn't even move my legs with my own power to walk.
The possibility of being cured is extremely low,
In the future, I have been forced to live in a wheelchair.
Health injuries gradually get better, and now I'm encouraging rehab to send an independent wheelchair life.
Discharge is about 3 months from now.
To all of you who have been worried about me, I wanted to say " I'm okay!" the days have continued.
But myself, it took a lot of time to figure out the situation.
What should I tell you?
I also accepted it in time, but when I told the fact that it was suddenly [spinal damage.... I'm going to make you feel even more sad....
I didn't know what to say to all my fans that I had time to accept it, and when I thought about it, I couldn't put it together in the writing, and I was late to report it. Yes.
I'm sorry.
I'm sure there's still a lot of things I don't know about the life that I'm going to get together with my lower limb paralysis.
My Doctor's explanation of me,
" I can't say it because there is individual difference in the sense of legs to return. Good luck with your rehab anyway."
That's what I was talking about.
I'm ignorant about spinal damage,
" I wonder if it will heal in a few months?"
" the stage of return is a smile and I miss you all my fans!"
" if you have a chance to be able to do the first pitch again, next is the no bound!"
What a thought on the bed.
I didn't see the future that [legs don't move]
A few days after the surgery, I talked to my father and sister.
Sister: " Let's go metlife dome together when it's healed!"
Father: " Dad wants to go with koshien too."
Me: " if there is another pitch ceremony, will it be cured by then!?"
Father: " I wonder if I can throw a wheelchair?"
Me: " eh, I hate it. Heal and throw!"
Father "... well now let's do our rehab."
I talked about a lot of things with psychiatrist.
It seems that there will also be a psychiatrist with a doctor for a patient who has suddenly lost his legs with spinal damage.
I bet the family, office, and hospital teachers paid close attention to me not to be shocked.
It's been a long time since I moved to hcu that I felt different from what I think about the reactions and remarks around me.
My mother and brother came to see me on that day.
I may be deeply shocked if I know the truth.
But I was prepared and asked a question.
Me: " legs are more likely not to be cured?"
Mother "...... yeah."
Me: " I hid it?"
Brother: " now I have to get back to life."
Me: " oh yeah."
Mother: " but the teacher said that if you go to rehab, you can miraculously move your legs. Let's do our best to believe it."
I don't even sing and dance special, but when I see everyone's smile that I'm going to stand on stage and enjoy it, I'm going to have a smile again...
Thanks to all the fans, I can be "idol igari"
I love time like that.
So of course
I was aiming for [stage return]
But know this fact...
"when you sing and don't dance = Graduation"
I've only thought about it, and I can't even imagine igari who can't dance.
Is there a demand for me in such a state?
What the hell can I do?
I'm desperate.
I thought I was going to be able to walk in a normal way until I was in an accident, and I thought I'd dance.
I can't move my legs freely, I never thought I'd feel like my own.
But wonder
"quitting activities as a masked girl"
I've never been to the idea of 1 degrees.
When you think about what to do in the future
Activities as "Wheelchair Igari"
I had myself that I imagine nature.
That made me think so
It was all the people around you who supported me.
" when you're in a wheelchair, you can make people happy or happy, and you can be someone's hope."
" I would be happy if you continue to do it in any form, because you are a child who can make you happy and happy."
The Word of the family.
" Let's go in a wheelchair and go all kinds of places! Let's play a lot! Even when I become an grandma!!"
A word from a friend.
" please light up all of you who are working hard on the rehabilitation around you with its brightness. Be the light of everyone."
The Word of the teacher.
" I feel like I'm going to work all the time with the whole staff, igari. Say anything you want igari to do."
Words from the office.
" I'm waiting for how long it takes. I'll make a live show and protect the stage so I can come back anytime!"
A word from a member.
And all the fans.
What a prayer and prayer for holding yellow thanos and banner at the theater.
It's been a long time since I've been in the middle of a paper cranes.
Just as you all broke with one feather, I also counted one feather on the bed.
I was able to read it as long as I can see the cheering tweet.
I think there was a lot of voices that were worried and cheering on me even if I didn't have a hashtag.
I received a lot of letters.
I've been saved by your warmth many times.
When I was anxious at night, everyone's words were truly saved.
Everyone's feelings are definitely delivered to me.
Thank you very much from the heart.
Words that I often say to a milestone that is important,
[I want to be the light of hope.]
This feeling doesn't change even now.
There's a lot of things I want to do while riding a wheelchair even if my legs aren't moving.
I'd like to write a song of a masked girl.
I want to do a job to talk about radio, lecture, emcee, etc.
I want to keep supporting saitama seibu lions as long as I live, I want to do a baseball job.
I want to book a note to leave this accident for myself.
There is no got.
The direction is changing until now, but the feeling that I want to send something is not changed.
And in the end, this is the word " God's presence " and " miracle but the legs are moving back, and I want to dance on stage as an idol.
Happiness, there are a lot of people who are waiting for you.
This is my biggest encouragement.
It may take some time.
You may not be able to get back to it.
But I'm sure to smile, " it's been a while!" I want to see you all in a good way.
That day when there was an accident, I didn't think I'd ever see this.
No family, no friends, no office staff, no members, no fans, no one would have thought.
On that day, I happened to walk on the sidewalk at that time, and it happened to be a special strong wind when I was in front of the big sign, and it turned out to be a sign of the sign.
If the shoe pimp is untied and fixed before I arrive before the sign, someone calls me to stop walking and talk, thirsty and buy drinks on vending machines, just a few seconds I wasn't in an accident if I was doing something in front of me.
I know it's not a thing, but there's a lot of coincidences, and my legs aren't moving.
But my life was helpful.
According to the witnesses, the site was a terrible situation, and it seems that it was a good situation to be able to save life.
I'm alive.
I think this is a present from God who can't replace anything.
I was given a test, but I'm sure I won't give you a test that can't be crossed.
I often hear the word " I don't know what tomorrow is tomorrow, I will take care of it."
I was going to take care of the word until now, but I think it's really true.
So no matter what it is from now on,
Looking up like a sunflower and walking in a fun and happy life.
And I want to live every day carefully and cherish.
I'm looking forward.
Don't worry about it anymore.
From now on, please watch over igari too.
And I would be happy if I could walk with you.
Thank you very much for your continued support.Translated
had better詞性 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的評價
同學期待的政治英文影片第一集總算出爐了! 在此先聲明,我跟Howard老師純粹是分析英文,兩位總統都是神人級的第二語言使用者! 此影片的目的不在於比較兩者的英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。 以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論:
影片: https://youtu.be/lRACKQkgFqc?t=32
Former President of Taiwan Ma Ying-jeou, in conversation with Jerome A. Cohen, discusses student exchanges between Germany and France.
●發音大致上標準 (Prussia 普魯士, herald, tribune, presidency)
●good use of stress (enhancements)
用的評分系統: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/sp...
●wide range and skillful use of vocabulary: are aware of, feel uneasy, visionary leaders, engage in a massive student exchange, worked miracles, became cornerstones
●mistakes: skip school, quit school, tense--become cornerstone
●short, concise sentences suited for clear public speaking
●lexically dense sentences
影片: https://youtu.be/5ygpAnK02uk?t=55
President Tsai Ing-wen in Harvard giving advice to students on policy challenges, choices, and leadership in the next decade
●英式發音* (taught, good), 非常清楚
用的評分系統: https://www.ielts.org/-/media/pdfs/sp...
●用詞豐富: rebellious, challenge your teachers and contemporaries, make yourself suited for changes, sharing values, expediting
●流暢度, 有些停頓, 但是思考內容的停頓絕對是自然的!
●文法沒有任何的錯誤 (a rebellious one, meaning...分詞構句, everything that is taught 形容詞子句, what is true today...名詞子句)
媒體報導: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1G4
在此提供我的「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程: https://bit.ly/2teELDq
也獻上Howard老師會走路的翻譯機,《會走路的翻譯機,神級英文學習攻略本》 http://bit.ly/2DfGrhH
最後要感謝炙瞳夢 RED FILM幾位大導演的友情協助,幫我們拍出一級棒的影片!
NOTE: Thank you for the comments, everyone, both the positive and negative ones. We'll continue to do our best to produce entertaining yet educational videos.
There is a lot of information that we could not fit in a 10 min video, and some parts could be more clearly presented. For example, pauses are entirely natural when one searches for content. This point was stated in the video but went unnoticed by many commenters. Some have also expressed concerns about the clips selected. We selected them based on the following criteria: be related to education, have "spontaneous" interaction, and be in the public domain. Not many clips on the net meet these criteria, and the two above were the only ones we had access to. Last, some comments (from both sides) have accused us of bias. We tried to be as impartial as possible, and if you require more information on our thoughts, please refer to our notes in the video description. As previously stated, both candidates are advanced second language users, and it is not our aim to compare or criticize them. Again, thank you all for your feedback. We will strive to do better in the future.

had better詞性 在 渡辺レベッカ ☆ Rebecca Butler Watanabe Youtube 的評價
今日はスコットランド出身のシンガーソングライターLewis Capaldi(ルイス・キャパルディ)の「Before You Go」(意味:さよならする前に聞かせて)を日本語で歌ってみました。親しい人が自殺をしたとき、自分が防げたのではないかと振り返る、そういうとても重くて意味深な曲です。
Lewis Capaldi / Before You Go
作詞曲:Peter Kelleher, Lewis Capaldi, Tommy Barnes, Philip Plested
リンク / LINKS
■HP⇒ http://BlueEyedUtaUtai.jimdo.com
■Facebook⇒ http://facebook.com/blueeyedutautai
■Twitter⇒ @BlueEyedUtaUtai
良かったことばかり 浮かんで
時間が 癒したりしない
ねぇ 最後に教えて 君の心拍数を
ねぇ 言わせて そんなに激しい嵐と
Before you go
辛い顔ばかり 浮かんで
時間が 癒したりしない
ねぇ さよならする前に 教えて
ねぇ 言わせて 自分に価値がないと
思ったなんて 思うと心が折れるんだ
Before you go
あのとき心を 君に開けたなら
今頃いたのかな 知る由もない
Before you go
Was there something I could've said
to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known
you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind
could make you feel so worthless
So, before you go
Romanized Lyrics
sonna koto suru kimi nante
kirai da to jibun ni ii-kikashita kedo
isshun isshun furikaeri
aranami ni momarete ita kimi ni ieba
yokatta koto bakari
ukande jikan ga
iyashitari shinai
ne... saigo ni oshiete
kimi no shinpakusuu wo antei
saserareru kotoba wa atta no?
ne... iwasete
sonna ni hageshii arashi to tachi-mukatte
ita nante shitte ireba na...
Before you go
isogashikute soudan ni
norezu ni kimi wa jojo ni shibonde itta
isshun isshun furikaeri
aranami ni momarete ita kimi ga miseta
tsurai kao bakari
ukande jikan ga
iyashitari shinai
ne... sayonara
suru mae ni oshiete sono itami wo
yawarageru kotoba wa atta no?
ne... iwasete
jibun ni kachi ga nai to omotta nante
omou to kokoro ga oreru n' da
Before you go
ano toki kokoro wo
kimi ni hiraketa nara
ima goro ita no ka na
shiru yoshi mo nai
Before you go
Was there something I could've said
to make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known
you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
to make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind
could make you feel so worthless
So, before you go