This beautiful boy, , my #grandson , myBoBo 寶寶 is 4 today ! He's made me a proud Grandma since Feb 12, 2014. Happy birthday my forever Number One Man, MaMa loves you so very much !!! ( He looks so much like my son, don't you think? )
His Chinese name is 黃正一, because he's the #fifthgeneration #firstborn . 他中文名字叫正一是因為他已經是第五代的長子了! #長子 也是麻麻的 #最愛 他長得太像我兒子了,同意嗎?
grandson中文 在 散步路徑 Facebook 八卦
十月三日 星期三
這時爺爺,微笑的對我們說,「No English,Italy!」這下可有趣了,他們也不會說英文,那麼我們到底該怎麼溝通,爺爺指著手機裡的一張照片,照片裡的冰有著不同的顏色,我這次明白,雨中的操場是他們拜訪散步路徑的目的。完成點餐的剎那,我明白了在還沒有語言的時代,人與人的連結原來是那麼的純粹。
「Perché vieni a Taiwan?」我硬著頭,皮拿著手機,用著翻譯,詢問他們怎麼會來到台灣。「grandson...six!」爺爺說,我馬上心神領會心意相通,來到臺灣,是來探望他們六歲的孫子,手機裡的,是一位稚氣的小男孩,奶奶指著照片中男孩身旁的人,笑著對我說「son!」,奶奶臉上的笑容,訴說著他是多麼為他的兒子感到驕傲與榮耀(這一段其實是義大利文,但我發現我聽得懂!)。
Grazie, il ragazzino è molto carino, spero che siete stati sani
grandson中文 在 翁靜晶 Facebook 八卦
英國友人埃里克.何東先生(His Excellency Ambassador Eric Hotung CBE,中文名為何鴻章)是已故香港最具影響的首富羅伯特.何東爵士的長孫、香港工商界鉅子和華社社團領導。
他一九二六年生於香港,孩提和青少年時代在上海渡過。一九四七年赴美, 一九五一年畢業於美國喬治城大學,曾在紐約股票交易所、通用汽車公司等任職。一九五六年和一九五七年,其祖父和父親相繼去世,他回到香港繼承家業,先從事進出口貿易,後經營房地產開發和金融證券,其產業從香港擴展到歐美,與國際上的金融界和證券交易所建立了廣泛聯繫。
His Excellency Ambassador Eric Hotung C.B.E (The Patriot of British Empire), known as He Hongzhang by his Chinese name, is the eldest grandson of Sir. Robert Hotung - last of the Merchant Princes and a leader of the Chinese community.
Born in 1926 in Hong Kong, he spent his childhood and youth in Shanghai. He went to the United States in 1947 and graduated from the Georgetown University in 1951. He had worked in New York Stock Exchange, General Motors and other places. Following the passing away of his grandfather in 1956 and his father in 1957, he returned to Hong Kong to inherit his family's property. At first, he was engaged in import and export trade, and then he went in for real estate development, as well as securities. His business expanded gradually from Hong Kong to Europe and the United States, and in the meantime, he established contacts with financial circles and stock exchanges worldwide.
Carrying on the fine tradition of his family, H.E. Ambassador Hotung has always been enthusiastic in promoting public welfare and the cause of charity. For this, he founded the "Eric Hotung Trust Fund" in 1965 with the aim of developing education in Hong Kong, and other regions and countries. Owing to his wide participation in and warm support to international social activities, he was appointed by many counties as director or council and education. For instance, starting from 1980's he became members of the board of directors of the Georgetown University in the United States and the Research Centre of International Studies in the Philippines. He also serves as Council Member and Trustee of the American National Committee on U.S. - China Relations and the Song Qing Ling Foundation in China. In 1999, after the Timorese people won independence through years of fighting in bloody battles, H.E. Ambassador Hotung, was one of the first individual to come to the country's assistance by donating money, a ship to return refugees and establishing the Hotung Institute for Timor-Leste. He has been appointed by the Timor-Leste government as Ambassador at Large and Economics Advisor for Timor-Leste. Many countries have acknowledged his generosity.
As an old friend of the Chinese people, H.E. Ambassador Hotung is very concerned about China's development, warmheartedly supports her public welfare, and generously donates money to her cultural and educational cause. Since the 1980's his total donation to China(excluding Hong Kong)has reached tens of millions RMB, besides, he has also done much work and contributed positively to the understanding and improvement of relations between China and the United States. Chinese leaders like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Ye Jianying, Deng Yingchao, Yang Shangkun have all met him personally.
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