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18本圖書內容豐富,分別四大主題:包括太空、恐龍、動物同地球!當中至少有一個主題小朋友特別有興趣*像哥哥以前喜歡恐龍和交通工具、早排就喜歡太空有關的事物,仲話想做太空人添!而地球的事情亦同我哋息息相關,對於問題天天都多的小朋友,我都要刨多幾次先答到~(邊個叫你中四就drop 咗Geography先?)而妹妹就由細到大對動物最有興趣,加上特別鍾意迪士尼人物角色,淨睇圖都開心~
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《 - 攝於 Skaftafell●冰島》
That night we stay for a night in the parking lots near Skaftafell. Stars are shining and the sky is clear without cloud, the forecast said tonight is "level 4", perhaps, we have chances to see aurora, it's just 20:30, still early, we decide to take a nap in the car first.
Waking up at midnight, I found that you are not in the car, probably you are looking for aurora now. I step out from the cozy car with heavy jacket, it's really spacious around, cold wind is blowing and the glacier is nearby, real feel is -7°C, very freezing to us who living in subtropical countries.
Along the glacier path with darkness, as I thought that you are standing in the central of the wilderness. We stay together to wait for receiving the favor from Goddess of Aurora, but couldn't find her all the way. I am almost giving up and wanna return my sleeping bag, you stare at the sky and ask me with doubt "KangKang, Is that the aurora?" I look up at sky and find there is really light green in the darkness, not really obvious. Immediately, I set up my camera tripod and have a try, The result make us extremely exciting. IT'S AURORA!!!
That day....I realize the chill can be forgetten.
《 - Skaftafell●Iceland》
#Iceland #Reykjavik #aurora #nothernlight #geography #green #europe #photography #wellkangtoworld