[明報專訊] 求職要寫求職信,其實離職也不妨給同事寫封離職電郵,交代離職事宜並說句再見。這對管好多人的大企業高層尤其重要。人都要走啦,點解仲要寫咩電郵?這不單是禮貌表現,而且功利的看,離開時給別人留下好印象,百利無一害。寫這類電郵,有幾點要注意。
1. Please, please, please, throw away the templates.
人人生而不同,而且每間公司文化、同事相處、工作性質都不一樣,離職的原因和情況也不同,怎能只靠一封樣板電郵搞掂?唔好偷懶,自己重新寫吧。舉個例,Steve Jobs因胰臟癌辭任蘋果CEO時寫信給董事局:
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.
字句沒什麼特別,但Steve Jobs如此帶出辭職的決定,information flow很合邏輯:由讀者已知的(Steve Jobs經常說的那番話)進入讀者未知的(那番話要實現了)。這個flow比一開始單刀直入說要走讀起來舒服得多。但假如你沒因病停職、沒說過類似的話,不可能這樣寫。
2. If you're a leader, show your leadership.
這點對true leaders,尤其是公司的創辦人特別重要。人走了,公司仍要繼續營運,要繼續發揚公司的宗旨。不妨說幾句motivational、inspirational的話,但別只是老生常談。英國網上時裝公司Net-a-Porter CEO兼創辦人Natalie Massenet離職時在電郵這樣說:
Be the best: Don't settle for less. Strive to be the best you can be and to live truly with high standards. If you aim for middle of the road then if you succeed that's exactly where you will be.
3. 即使被炒也不能lose your cool
話說互聯網搜尋公司雅虎的前CEO Carol Bartz在2011年被董事局炒魷,她同一天給全公司的同事發電郵:
To all,
I am very sad to tell you that I've just been fired over the phone by Yahoo's Chairman of the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with all of you and I wish you only the best going forward.
Sent from my iPad
公事上的電郵,最好別在受情緒影響之下寫。電郵發了出去就沒得回頭,後悔也太遲了。上面的電郵短短幾句,盡顯作者的憤怒。例如just been fired over the phone一句,如此直接,其實好不客氣。另外,那句門面話my pleasure to work with all of you也是太過簡短,不太符合CEO的身份。最後,她連iPad自動加的結語Sent from my iPad都沒有刪去,也顯示她的草率和無禮。要避免這樣寫,就要等情緒穩定下來再執筆。
4. 保持心理質素和胸襟
即使被炒也可以keep your cool。而最佳的keep cool方法,是用一點self deprecating humour。有例子嗎?可看網上團購公司Groupon的創辦人和CEO Andrew Mason被董事局踢走時給同事發的電郵:
People of Groupon,
After four and a half intense and wonderful years as CEO of Groupon, I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. Just kidding - I was fired today. If you're wondering why... you haven't been paying attention.
被炒之人通常以身體健康或家人為由辭職,可算是cliche了。Andrew Mason則借此幽自己一默:I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. 然後在澄清,其實自己是被炒的。
被自己創立的公司踢出局,對常人來說可能是很大的打擊。但Andrew Mason仍能以此開玩笑,實在是型。蕭叔叔不是叫大家都學同一個寫法,要學的是心理質素和胸襟。
「for your information禮貌」的推薦目錄:
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 fyi only意味在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史故事 的評價
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 fyi only意味在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史故事 的評價
- 關於for your information禮貌 在 Learn POLITE Chinese Expressions 中文礼貌用语 - YouTube 的評價
for your information禮貌 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 八卦
[明報專訊] 求職要寫求職信,其實離職也不妨給同事寫封離職電郵,交代離職事宜並說句再見。這對管好多人的大企業高層尤其重要。人都要走啦,點解仲要寫咩電郵?這不單是禮貌表現,而且功利的看,離開時給別人留下好印象,百利無一害。寫這類電郵,有幾點要注意。
1. Please, please, please, throw away the templates.
人人生而不同,而且每間公司文化、同事相處、工作性質都不一樣,離職的原因和情況也不同,怎能只靠一封樣板電郵搞掂?唔好偷懶,自己重新寫吧。舉個例,Steve Jobs因胰臟癌辭任蘋果CEO時寫信給董事局:
I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.
字句沒什麼特別,但Steve Jobs如此帶出辭職的決定,information flow很合邏輯:由讀者已知的(Steve Jobs經常說的那番話)進入讀者未知的(那番話要實現了)。這個flow比一開始單刀直入說要走讀起來舒服得多。但假如你沒因病停職、沒說過類似的話,不可能這樣寫。
2. If you're a leader, show your leadership.
這點對true leaders,尤其是公司的創辦人特別重要。人走了,公司仍要繼續營運,要繼續發揚公司的宗旨。不妨說幾句motivational、inspirational的話,但別只是老生常談。英國網上時裝公司Net-a-Porter CEO兼創辦人Natalie Massenet離職時在電郵這樣說:
Be the best: Don't settle for less. Strive to be the best you can be and to live truly with high standards. If you aim for middle of the road then if you succeed that's exactly where you will be.
3. 即使被炒也不能lose your cool
話說互聯網搜尋公司雅虎的前CEO Carol Bartz在2011年被董事局炒魷,她同一天給全公司的同事發電郵:
To all,
I am very sad to tell you that I've just been fired over the phone by Yahoo's Chairman of the Board. It has been my pleasure to work with all of you and I wish you only the best going forward.
Sent from my iPad
公事上的電郵,最好別在受情緒影響之下寫。電郵發了出去就沒得回頭,後悔也太遲了。上面的電郵短短幾句,盡顯作者的憤怒。例如just been fired over the phone一句,如此直接,其實好不客氣。另外,那句門面話my pleasure to work with all of you也是太過簡短,不太符合CEO的身份。最後,她連iPad自動加的結語Sent from my iPad都沒有刪去,也顯示她的草率和無禮。要避免這樣寫,就要等情緒穩定下來再執筆。
4. 保持心理質素和胸襟
即使被炒也可以keep your cool。而最佳的keep cool方法,是用一點self deprecating humour。有例子嗎?可看網上團購公司Groupon的創辦人和CEO Andrew Mason被董事局踢走時給同事發的電郵:
People of Groupon,
After four and a half intense and wonderful years as CEO of Groupon, I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. Just kidding - I was fired today. If you're wondering why... you haven't been paying attention.
被炒之人通常以身體健康或家人為由辭職,可算是cliche了。Andrew Mason則借此幽自己一默:I've decided that I'd like to spend more time with my family. 然後在澄清,其實自己是被炒的。
被自己創立的公司踢出局,對常人來說可能是很大的打擊。但Andrew Mason仍能以此開玩笑,實在是型。蕭叔叔不是叫大家都學同一個寫法,要學的是心理質素和胸襟。
for your information禮貌 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
【老美講話都很直接?】Uber、Airbnb 的實習拒絕信告訴我們的英文寫作秘密。。。
還記得在UPenn 時,有一位日本籍教授曾經說,有眾多研究顯示,亞洲的留學生在校園生活時,有時寫作、講話太過直接,讓美國教授感覺到不禮貌。
近期是美國的找實習、找工作季,對於每個留學生來說,有好消息、必然也有壞消息。特別是像 Google、Netflix、Uber、Airbnb 般的熱門公司,每年要發出的「拒絕信」如雪片般多。我們今天就一起來看看 Uber、Airbnb 這兩個熱門公司的拒絕信,窺探一下美國文化是否「真的都那麼直接」。
Thank you again for applying for the Software Engineer, Intern 2020 (San Francisco) role at Airbnb. We're truly inspired by the talented people who find their way to us, and we know that it took a lot of time and effort on your part. (暖心廢話 XD)
While this is never easy news to share (繼續讓步), we've decided not to move forward with your application for this position (其實就是 decided to ditch you). We appreciate your care in sharing your qualifications and experience (感謝不完,再感謝一次)。
Even though this position didn't work out, we will keep your information on file-if there is another opening that is a better match, we will contact you (最好是會). You should also feel free to keep an eye on our careers page for future positions that might be of interest to you.
看完 Airbnb,我們再看看 Uber:
Hi Kevin (假名),
Thanks for taking the time to chat with Linda. I hope it was a positive experience for you!
While Linda thoroughly enjoyed meeting you (讓步廢話來了), we will not be moving forward with your candidacy for her role (有夠間接). She commented on your strong visual design skills (好話說在前), but is looking for a more robust UX background at this time.
We hope you keep Uber in mind for future opportunities (鼓勵藕斷絲連), Kevin, and best of luck finding that perfect summer internship (祝你好運,掰~).
Happy holidays!
看完了這兩個例子,還覺得美國人都很直接嗎?也許你會說看狀況。但在專業的場合,不論文化,「禮貌、合宜、專業」應該是共同文化。這時,寫作要知道如何寫「讓步」(make concessions) 就非常重要了,這也是不論是要寫好學術寫作、議論文寫作、business email 都要的技能。
✔︎ 只要在下方留言「我想要知道 Uber、Airbnb rejection letters 的英語寫作秘密」,超過1000則留言,我將會免費分享寫作讓步的PPT教材喔!
➠ 王梓沅老師所有線上課、實體課程介紹請 visit:
for your information禮貌 在 fyi only意味在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史故事 的八卦
for your information禮貌 -2021-06-22 | 遊戲基地資訊站for your information禮貌相關資訊,FYI Email-2021-02-23 | 星星公主4 天前· ... 從中文(繁體) (系統偵測) ... ... <看更多>
for your information禮貌 在 fyi only意味在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 你不知道的歷史故事 的八卦
for your information禮貌 -2021-06-22 | 遊戲基地資訊站for your information禮貌相關資訊,FYI Email-2021-02-23 | 星星公主4 天前· ... 從中文(繁體) (系統偵測) ... ... <看更多>