My Brunch . Banana Bread and Iced Latte in Coffee Bean ! ✌️✨ Waiting for my flight back to Kuala Lumpur . Next event , Bandung . ✨ #happy
flight bean 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 八卦
🌱 愛心便當 🌱
◦ 有機豆乾
◦ 有機萌芽豆類
◦ 有機羽衣甘藍
◦ 有機紅莧菜
◦ 有機黑藜麥
◦ 有機櫻桃小番茄
◦ 有機義大利香醋
◦ 營養酵母粉
◦ 薑黃粉、歐芹、黑胡椒、牛至等調料
◦ Table Tasty無鹽調料(這個東西超強,建議大家google研究一下)
◦ 把藜麥煮好後,和切半的小番茄一起拌在底層
◦ 用清水炒豆乾和萌芽豆類,加入薑黃粉和上列其他調味料
◦ 羽衣甘藍和紅莧菜切小段直接擺上,淋上義大利香醋
🌱WFPB in-flight meal 🌱
Before Narayan travelled for work yesterday, I made him a whole food plant-based in-flight meal that's much healthier and tastier than what he could get on the plane, and helps reduce plastic use (I'm very proud of myself hahaha).
◦ organic bean curd
◦ organic sprouted beans
◦ organic kale
◦ organic amaranth
◦ organic black quinoa
◦ organic cherry tomatoes
◦ organic balsamic vinegar
◦ nutritional yeast
◦ parsley, black pepper, oregano, turmeric, etc.
◦ Table Tasty (google this if you don't know it - it's magical!)
◦ boil the quinoa and mix with halved cherry tomatoes when it's ready
◦ fry bean curd and sprouted beans with turmeric and other spices listed above
◦ chop kale and amaranth and sprinkle some balsamic vinegar on top
This nutritious, easy meal contains beans, cruciferous, greens, whole grains and herbs. 💚
#wfpb #vegan #素食便當
flight bean 在 Vegan Kitty Cat Facebook 八卦
🌱 愛心便當 🌱
◦ 有機豆乾
◦ 有機萌芽豆類
◦ 有機羽衣甘藍
◦ 有機紅莧菜
◦ 有機黑藜麥
◦ 有機櫻桃小番茄
◦ 有機義大利香醋
◦ 營養酵母粉
◦ 薑黃粉、歐芹、黑胡椒、牛至等調料
◦ Table Tasty無鹽調料(這個東西超強,建議大家google研究一下)
◦ 把藜麥煮好後,和切半的小番茄一起拌在底層
◦ 用清水炒豆乾和萌芽豆類,加入薑黃粉和上列其他調味料
◦ 羽衣甘藍和紅莧菜切小段直接擺上,淋上義大利香醋
🌱WFPB in-flight meal 🌱
Before Narayan travelled for work yesterday, I made him a whole food plant-based in-flight meal that's much healthier and tastier than what he could get on the plane, and helps reduce plastic use (I'm very proud of myself hahaha).
◦ organic bean curd
◦ organic sprouted beans
◦ organic kale
◦ organic amaranth
◦ organic black quinoa
◦ organic cherry tomatoes
◦ organic balsamic vinegar
◦ nutritional yeast
◦ parsley, black pepper, oregano, turmeric, etc.
◦ Table Tasty (google this if you don't know it - it's magical!)
◦ boil the quinoa and mix with halved cherry tomatoes when it's ready
◦ fry bean curd and sprouted beans with turmeric and other spices listed above
◦ chop kale and amaranth and sprinkle some balsamic vinegar on top
This nutritious, easy meal contains beans, cruciferous, greens, whole grains and herbs. 💚
#wfpb #vegan #素食便當