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✅【2020/ 5月份最新-- ABC團購排程】
🔥5/1(五) Abysse貴婦保養品(ABC贈品最多)
🔥5/4(一) 卡蘿琳益生菌(ABC贈品最多)
🔥5/6 (三) 韓媽手工滴雞精(ABC贈品最多)
🔥5/7 (四) 伊崎ikiiki智能快煮壺 (首次開團)
🔥5/8 (五) 加拿大3sprouts動物收納系列
🔥5/8 (五) 周末驚喜--清潔洗淨好心情團 (首次開團)
🔥5/11 (一) HEIMA 天絲之王床組
🔥5/12 (二) Tiger Family 護脊書包
🔥5/13 (三) 清檜清潔用品 (ABC獨家團)
--無毒環保高清潔力,價位親民回購率超高!清檜無毒居家清潔用品/ 檜舞/草本宣言肌膚清潔一起買齊!
🔥5/14 (四) 團購熱銷美食零食 (首次開團)
🔥5/15 (五) 西班牙Solac負離子陶瓷吹風機 (首次開團)
🔥5/16 (六) 周末驚喜團
🔥5/18 (一) 魚鱻森魚精 (5/24結)
🔥5/19 (二) 日本雜貨團 (社團ONLY)
🔥5/20 (三) 潔易凈抗菌液 (ABC獨家團)
🔥5/21 (四) 艾美特公主、直流風扇
🔥5/23 (六) 周末驚喜團
🔥5/25 (一) 幸福米寶副食品、零食
🔥5/26 (二) 船井智能溫熱眼罩
🔥5/27 (三) BeBe-style 防踢背心、紗布被
--BeBe-style超燒三麗鷗圖案 ,夏日必備透氣不悶熱 『日本製三河木綿』六重紗布被、防踢背心、毛巾浴巾
🔥5/28 (四) iplay夏日泳裝防曬
--iplay夏日兒童泳裝泳褲墨鏡防曬帽、Thinkbaby防曬霜、派卡瑞丁防蚊、Big Mouth戲水,夏日好物一次到位!
🔥5/29 (五) Miss Seesaw賽洛美玻尿酸、膠原蛋白 (首次開團)
✴️TG: https://t.me/abcfamily88 ,👉((下載安裝Telegram👉點網址加入頻道→ https://t.me/abcfamily88
✅安卓下載► https://telegram.org/dl/android
✅蘋果下載► https://telegram.org/dl/ios
✅電腦下載► https://telegram.org/dl/desktop )
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過209萬的網紅木曜4超玩,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#阿部瑪利亞 首支個人單曲《Shine Shine the Night》 🎧 數位聆聽: https://orcd.co/shineshinethenight 阿部瑪利亞 Maria Abe https://cbtv.tw/subAbe 詞 Lyrics:曼達 / 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T. / ...
family style下載 在 Litchi’s Family在法國。小愛和媽媽 Facebook 八卦
沒錯,GoBee bike也來到法國了,
這種模式十分配合法國人的Free style性格😉
然後用手機掃描單車上的QR code、或輸入單車號碼來解鎖,
法國租借服務 : 0.5€ / 30分鐘
服務地點 : 巴黎Paris、里昂Lyon
📷Photo : 荔枝Mme Litchi
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Gobee.bike France
Gobee.bike Hong Kong
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#GoBeebike #GoBeebikefr #GoBeebikehk #法國生活趣事 #LitchisFamily #法國人妻 #我係荔枝 #MmeLitchi #新手媽媽 #France #Paris #HongKong #法國 #巴黎 #食譜 #愛下廚 #Blogger
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記得Like👉🏻 我嫁到法國之後Litchi’s Family
family style下載 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 八卦
Buddha-like frog game leaps into hearts of young Chinese
A hit Japanese game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay.
Travel Frog was the most downloaded free app on the Apple Store on Sunday, while the mobile game has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.
The game centers on a frog that goes on trips around Japan and sends back postcards, and sometimes local delicacies. Players are required to do very little: They can grow and collect clover in a virtual courtyard as in-game currency, and help the frog pack for a journey.
Many people have praised the game for its slow pace, saying it taps the trend among younger generations in China to search out "Zenlike" activities.
"I wish I could be the frog I raised in the game as I would like to be able to go on a trip whenever I want," said Ge Yuan, 30, who works in Shanghai`s Taihe economic zone. "It`s like the life of a monk who lives life following his heart."
「我希望能成為遊戲中自己養的那隻青蛙,可以在任何時候來一場說走就走的旅行,」 30歲的Ge Yuan在上海泰和經濟發展區工作,而他對這款遊戲的評價是,「就像個僧侶一樣隨心所欲的生活。」
Yuan Linghuan, a postgraduate student at Tongji University in Shanghai, said her friend introduced the game to her three days ago.
上海同濟大學研究生Yuan Linghuan說她的朋友在三天前向她推薦了這款遊戲。
"Everything is unexpected in life, just like the game. Whenever I launch the game, I don`t know whether the frog is at home, reading, eating or writing letters," the 25-year-old said.
She said the design of the game is cute, while it requires no skills in fighting, which is good for female players.
"It`s not a game that you will get obsessed with, as there is no ranking list among players," Yuan added. "All you have to do is to open the app to see if your frog is at home or on its journey, and it`s not necessary to spend a lot of money buying gear to equip the frog for his travels, which differs from other role-playing games."
Like other players, Yuan said she feels like an elderly parent waiting for her children to return home.
"I feel like I’m the mother of the frog in the game. It’s really interesting for a single girl like me, and raising the frog is a way of relieving stress," she said.
Many players regard the game as their spiritual sustenance, especially youth living alone, according to Ma Xiquan, a doctor of clinical psychology at Shanghai East Hospital.
上海東方醫院臨床心理科醫生Ma Xiquan表示,不少玩家將這款遊戲視作心靈寄託,尤其是獨居的年輕人。
"The frog brings a sense of satisfaction to the players," he said. "The game simulates the relationship of a traditional Chinese or Japanese family. Players can satisfy their emotions through the process of taking care of the frog."
Ma said the game reflects the low social demands of the players, and characteristics of the game that resemble a Buddhist lifestyle tally with the personality of people pursuing an easy life.
Developed by Japanese company Hit-Point, the game was included as a free download in the Apple store on Dec 6 and became an internet hit after being introduced to China in early January.
The game is available for iOS and Android systems, but the Apple store only offers a Japanese version while Android has Chinese and Japanese.
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
family style下載 在 木曜4超玩 Youtube 的評價
#阿部瑪利亞 首支個人單曲《Shine Shine the Night》
🎧 數位聆聽: https://orcd.co/shineshinethenight
阿部瑪利亞 Maria Abe
詞 Lyrics:曼達 / 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T. / 鍾子揚TeN
曲 Composer:3R2 / 曼達 / 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T.
出發之前 看著倒數的時間
做好了準備 穿上最美高跟鞋
夕陽面前 今天會成為永遠
站在屬於我的舞台 閃亮今夜
好奇怪ね 幸せ的感覺
輕輕地跳躍 就飛得更高更遠
美麗的光線一點一點 透出心裡面
(Sing like) lalali lalali lala lala
(Would you come to me closer)
最美好的一刻 現在要登場了
(Would you come to me closer)
(Shine shine the night )
Shine shine the night 煙花盛開
Shine shine the night 照亮黑暗
Shine shine the night 閃耀 tonight
Shine shine the night
I’m shinning like a
(Gonna shine the world)
絕不讓煙火熄滅 繼續照亮著黑夜
(Sing like) lalali lalali lala lala
(Would you come to me closer)
最美好的一刻 現在要登場了
(Would you come to me closer)
Shine shine the night 煙花盛開
Shine shine the night 照亮黑暗
Shine shine the night 閃耀 tonight
Shine shine the night
I’m shinning like a
Shine shine the night 不再等待
Shine shine the night 就是現在
Shine shine the night 閃耀的愛
Shine shine the night
Shine shine the night 煙花盛開
Shine shine the night 照亮黑暗
Shine shine the night 閃耀 tonight
Shine shine the night
I‘m shinning like a
(就像夜裡的 花朵)
編曲 Music Arranger | 3R2
監製 Executive Producer | 鍾子揚TeN
製作人 Producer | 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T.
執行製作 Production Producer | 羅惠群CHUN
和聲編寫 Backing Vocal Arranger | 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T.
和聲 Backing Vocal | 溫蒂蒂 Wendy T. / 曼達
錄音師 Recording Engineer | Johnson.L @海揚創意股份有限公司 Major 7 Creative Co., Ltd.
錄音室 Recording Studio | 海揚創意股份有限公司 Major 7 Creative Co., Ltd.
混音師 Mixing Engineer | Double @NERDYBOYProduction
混音助理 Mixing Assistant | Joe.H @NERDYBOYProduction
混音室 Mixing Studio | NoStandardStudio
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer | Double @Nerdyboy Production
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio | Nerdyboy Space Capsule
藝人公司 Artist Management | 隨身遊戲股份有限公司 Walkgame Corporation
藝人經紀 Artist Manager | 黃惠玲 Jasmine / 陳佳蕙 Shadow
A&R/企劃統籌 A&R Director | 賴文亞 WaWa
企劃執行 Marketing Assistant | 美里 Misato
藝人造型 Artist Stylist | 揚森徐 YANGSEN HSU
藝人/舞者彩妝 Artist & Dancer Makeup | 平羽媜 Arial
彩妝助理 Artist & Dancer Makeup Assistant|游汶儒 LULU
藝人髮型 Artist Hair Style | 方鳳憶 Pandora
舞蹈編排 Choreography | 謝宇傑 Ben Hsieh
舞者 Dancer | 羅致瑋 Rod / 彭薇臻 Hana / 黃庭楷 Kai / 衛羿芃 Ponpon
舞者髮型 Dancer Hair Style | 陳薇羽 Vivian
MV特別演出 MV Special Guest |
彩妝/髮型 Makeup & Hair Style | 班班 Ben Ben
#坤達 Kun Da
彩妝 Makeup | 陳傑嚴 Old Chen
髮型 Hair Style | 顏寶霖 Eason yn
影像製作公司 Video Production Company | 沙西米 RawnFresh
導演 Director | 林鈺瑄 EML、瞬時真 Jamie MacGregor
副導演 Assistant Director | 黃韋翔 Wayne Huang
導演助理 Assistant to Director | 范振寗 J.FAN
專案 Project Manager | 馬瑞廷 Martin Ma
製片Producer | 許雅淳 Sheyalips
執行製片 Line Producer | 杜婉寧 Winn Du / 蔡孟潔 Jessie Tsai
製片助理 Production Assistant | 蔡長庭 Tsai Chang Ting / 小寶 Bow Chang
美術 Art Designer | 王新年 Xinnian Wang
執行美術 Set Decorator | 沁沁 Chin Fu
美術助理 Art Assistant | 楊鎔卉 Condy Yang
攝影師 DoP | 高興萱 Kao Hsing Hsuan
跟焦師 Focus Puller | 陳亮廷 Chen Liang-Ting
攝影助理 Assistant Camera | 程鼎暘 Young Cheng / 尤哲清 You Zhe Qing
二機 B Camera | 黃瀚陞 Moose Huang
二機助理 Assistant to B Camera | 陳立杰 Li Jie
燈光師 Gaffer | 曾鈺展 Zeng Yu Chan
燈光助理 Best Boy | 曾皓 Andrew Tseng / 楊宇凱 Yang Yu Kai / 張寧恩 N
剪接&調光 Editor & Colorist | 瞬時真創意 Temporary Truth Creative / 林鈺瑄 EML
演員造型/梳化 Actors’ Stylist & Make up | 許慈芳 Zana Hsu
演員造型/梳化助理 Actors’ Stylist & Make up Assistant | 鍾貞 Gem Chung
演員:實驗對象 | Frank Yang
保鑣 | 褚宏哲 Jason / 江紀廷 Eric Chiang / 彭偉強 Johnny Peng
場地 Location | 滬尾藝文休閒園區 FAB GREEN VILLAGE /
特別感謝 Special Thanks | 沈時華 Carol Shen / 陳云宣 Xuan Chen / 小羅家族 Lo-family
#一日系列 #木曜4超玩

family style下載 在 IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居 Youtube 的評價
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IKEA 官方網站https://www.IKEA.com.tw
IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/IKEA.Taiwan
我們是來自北歐的IKEA,由Ingvar Kamprad先生於1943年在瑞典的小村莊「Agunnaryd」創立。經過數十年的辛勤耕耘,我們成了全球最大的家具零售商。現在,你可以在全球超過40個國家找到IKEA!
你可以透過IKEA Taiwan宜家家居頻道中各種精彩影片更加了解我們~

family style下載 在 可可遊樂場 CocoxMing Youtube 的評價
可可小明出樣了?! 哈哈...
► 同系列影片清單在此 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhmw731Ra5HniFbkXKR-DTJtxxhIF6tPk
► 遊戲app store下載位置:
► 遊樂場粉絲facebook專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/cocolandhk
► Outro Music by : http://www.rengoku-teien.com
►►► 大家如果玩得開心的話, 請給一個like支持影片及留言,
訂閱頻道隨時接收最新影片動態 - 成為可可遊樂場的專屬「VIP玩家」, 感謝^^~
►►► 關於此遊戲
Welcome to the Mucho Party! With family, at home, traveling, with friends or even at work, this is the ideal application for two people (or solo) to play one of the 5/44 multiplayer games on the same screen.
First of all, the game will ask you to take a selfie that will become a clock, tomato, apple, telephone, teapot or lemon avatar!
Then a minigame allows you to test your skills in order to balance the games according to different players' levels. Whether you're a kid or a grown-up, an experienced or casual player, everyone can play together and have fun!
The 5/44 multiplayer games bring together the best of arcade games, each one more original than the last and with great replay value. Try running and car races, zany soccer, ick-ack-ock, and a Breakout-style game, as well as tango, fishing, pretzel sorting and many more surprises!