1. 根據我一朋友所說,台灣大型醫院急診室對於兒童性侵案件的敏感度極高,判斷力也高。這點我不懷疑,因為美國的醫護人員也是一樣火眼金睛。連我跟在社工們身邊久了,看到疑似被性侵孩童雷達會自動響起,準確度連我自己都被嚇到。
2. But,凡事都有 exception(晶晶上身)。誤會一場的機率不高,但也並非不可能。萬一錯怪了那家人,後果誰能負責?且,無論如何我們都不能未審先判,更不該去人家的版上謾罵。懷疑論很正常,但真相有待偵察,結果出爐後再罵也不遲。
3. 我十分好奇一件事,為何醫護人員通報的是社會局,不是警察?因為我每次在美國接觸到兒童性侵案,都是醫院通報警方,警方通知社會局把孩子帶走暫時安置。我雖是後勤人員,但遇到需要中文翻譯時社工會把我帶著,所以我也算瞭解整個過程。警方及法院有權強制執行住家搜查、液體檢驗、DNA 取樣。社會局不能做這些,因此我相當納悶台灣的流程是怎麼回事。
4. 剛見到不少朋友討論,一個十三歲男孩能造成女童血流不止嗎?首先,女童是異物造成傷害,不能確定是不是生殖器,也有可能是其它物品。我的經驗告訴我,廚房是個很可怕的地方,各種物品都可提供性侵者靈感。況且,十三歲男童也有可能已性成熟。我身邊的美國男性友人,不少人的初夜是發生在國中。撇開美國人天賦異稟,可我覺得此案件中的男童或許也是天賦異稟也不一定。
5. 比起男童,更多人的懷疑對象是那位父親。我一閨蜜說,瞧他就是一臉惡人樣。但,我遇過的惡人,一臉忠良的比例也不低,所以咱們還是先不要以長相下定論比較好。關於父親,我的最大心得是... 此人不簡單啊!他的數篇發文我都看了,文筆流暢敘述清楚,雖最新那篇我懷疑有律師介入,但從他之前的發文可看出,他腦袋瓜裡的內容物不可小看。他寫過一句話,起手式是:「我們雖是弱勢家庭」。嗯,這句話足以拉警報,他居然懂得打弱勢家庭牌。
6. 我到目前為止,沒見到任何人懷疑家庭的兩位女性成員是主要性侵者。認真說,惡人不分男女。 因我接手過一起案例,是外婆用(你們不會想知道的物品)傷害六歲外孫女的下體作為體罰,導致女童私密處嚴重受傷。所以,我不認同這類事件一發生,咱們只懷疑男性成員。身為男性不是原罪,女童的指控對象是親哥哥,他理應受調查。父親是相關人士,被調查也屬正常。但這不代表,外婆及媽媽就沒有嫌疑。
7. 整起事件,最讓我匪夷所思的是社群在其中,扮演如此重要的角色。兒童性侵案,屬嚴重罪行,尤其當女童被傷成這般。可是居然,父親先上爆系社團尋女,接著護理師爆料內幕,救護車司機聲援護理師,父親再度發文為自己辯護。你來我往,實屬罕見。對我而言,這屬於世界奇觀。因為我不習慣這樣的流程,女童重傷被社工帶走,警方也沒介入。案件所涉人士還有閒功夫上網叫囂,這要是在美國,全家人早已在警局被連番轟炸審問。鄰居、幼稚園老師,也都會被詢問。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過275萬的網紅NewShowBiz完全娛樂,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#盼望的大海 #Rosé #BLACKPINK 完全娛樂 更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz?sub_confirmation=1 - 歡迎幫助完娛提供多國字幕翻譯讓世界各地的朋友一起享受完全娛樂 翻譯...
exception翻譯 在 翻譯: Tony Tsou Facebook 八卦
外國網友表示:反正如果你不載他,他也不會讓你過 XD(甘道夫:You shall not pass!)
更多超ㄎㄧㄤ翻譯,盡在翻譯: Tony Tsou~
原文:I normally don't pick up hitchhikers, but this guy is an exception.
exception翻譯 在 陳冠廷 Kuan-Ting Chen Facebook 八卦
針對本次台灣疫情的反應由波蘭共和國駐台北代表親自推薦的實習生BIELAKOWSKA,ALEKSANDRA以波蘭文、英文撰文,正式被波蘭國家通訊社Polish Press Agency 引用。
以下由我另一位同事 Finn Robinsen,澳大利亞外交貿易部之新可倫坡計畫(New Colombo Plan)學人編修翻譯
Polish Press Agency
2020-03-10 12:23 Taipei:
Disinfections, controls on subway stations and quick access to information - this is how Taiwan has halted the spread of the epidemic.
Taking into consideration that over 850 thousand Taiwanese are currently living and working in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan could have become the worst case of the coronavirus outbreak, but so far this country has been rather an exception in the matter.
On an island that is inhabited by a population of 24 million, there have so far only been 47 cases of coronavirus diagnosed, one fatality and 17 people cured. (在這個島上有接近2400萬人口,到目前只有47例,1例死亡、17人痊癒。)
The Taipei City Government in a report on COVID19 prevention measures emphasized: “As a result of effective and swiftly conducted measures, despite the Chinese New Year timing marked with an increased flow of people between China and Taiwan, Taiwan has managed to keep the number of infected people low and prevent further spread of the disease.”
Public transportation and public buildings are subject to regular disinfection. Before entering the subway, every person needs to undergo body temperature measurement, and any person with fever and temperature above 38 degrees is not allowed to enter a subway station. The same preventive measures are conducted in all universities and governmental buildings. Taiwan’s medical authorities publish daily information about the actual epidemiological situation in Taiwan, in particular about the newly detected cases and places that had been visited by people afterwards diagnosed with the coronavirus.
After entering Taiwan, all travelers are required to undergo compulsory body temperature measurement. Taipei City Government underlined that “travelers who provide authorities with inaccurate or false information, or break 14-days quarantine, will be fined up to NT$ 150,000.”
In January, Taiwan announced that it would be conducting health control of all passengers travelling from Wuhan - this happened before the discovery of human-to-human transmission of the disease. Since the first week of February, the Government launched a system of rationing face masks; every citizen could purchase two masks a week. Moreover, at that time the Government announced that they will limit number of persons entering Taiwan from China, and quarantine for 14 days all travelers from Hongkong and Macau.
Since March 5th, as a result of increased production of face masks, the limit was raised to three masks a week for adults, and to five for children.
As Al Jazeera assessed: “Taiwan's success in handling the infection has largely been due to its early response at a time when the virus was still poorly understood and its transmission rate unclear.” Al Jazeera then emphasized that the Taiwanese government did not wait for WHO guidance “which continues to deny Taiwan observer status for political reasons.”
“Experts said that Taiwan's success is comparable to Singapore's” Al Jazeera goes on. It added that both countries offered a “large stimulus packages as the economy felt the impact of the coronavirus and was affected by the decrease of tourism from China.”
As Al Jazeera concludes, “Taiwan's actions contrast sharply with China's, where decisive action came only after the outbreak had already spread.”
Polish Press Agency baj/jar/
exception翻譯 在 NewShowBiz完全娛樂 Youtube 的評價
#盼望的大海 #Rosé #BLACKPINK
更多偶像獨家請訂閱完全娛樂YouTube頻道→ https://www.youtube.com/user/SETShowBiz?sub_confirmation=1

exception翻譯 在 [分享] 高清1080P C++面向对象高级编程(侯捷) - 看板 ... 的八卦
好久沒看到侯老師了, 真希望能在讀到他翻譯的書籍。 ... 翻譯的還不錯自己著作的就沒什麼閱讀的價值 ... [問題] 從主程式移出函數遇到exception thrown. ... <看更多>
exception翻譯 在 《你是唯一例外》Paramore: The Only Exception英繁中字 的八卦
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