These two people are Uncle Bobby and Syiqin, I met them when we were shooting You Deserve a Break. They are volunteers with #HappyPeopleHelpingPeopleFoundation which is an organisation that helps people who collect cardboard boxes for a living by providing free meals for them, organizing gatherings, getting them trollies etc. They actually had to stalk these auntie's and uncles and convince them to accept their help. The dedication and the love that they have is incredible. It can feel very frustrating and overwhelming because the problem seems soooo much bigger than us, but i really like what these guys say "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something."
#daretocare I strongly believe that people want to care for others. But sometimes we don't cos maybe we don't know how to go about doing it, or we don't have the mental capacity, or idk, there are so many reasons. And that is ok! We do what we can, when we can. So, as annoying as i think this slogan could be, I think that it can help us learn from each other. its like sharing tips, for every day life. Ok... so what i do is, I try to pass a little bit of money to the uncles and aunties I come by. I do get worried they'll get offended, but so far, I haven't had anyone yell at me. 😅 Happy People Helping People also collects donations every month to provide meals for them, i'll leave the link in my bio :)
I would love for you to share things that you have done below or in ur own photo! There are sooo many possibilities. I remember a long time ago, one of you bought nutella for a little girl u saw in the supermarket! That was super sweet. im also going to arrow @bunzzybunzz @kencankencan and @don_richmond to share what you have done and tag 3 people to do the same Hahahahahaha sorry guys. U know i love you.