圖片:荷蘭藝術家M.C. Escher作品《Day and Night》
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅廖人帥,也在其Youtube影片中提到,**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio) Any work invitations please mail us: [email protected] 故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Inst...
escher 在 張哲生 Facebook 八卦
2016年10月14日,中國歌手張靚穎(Jane Zhang)的全新英文單曲《Dust My Shoulders Off》(拍掉我肩上的灰塵)在全球發行,這首歌由歐美流行樂壇著名音樂製作人 Jim Beanz 與 Timbaland(《嘻哈帝國》原聲大碟製作人)親自操刀,全曲節奏律動感極強,製作人採用純正的 Funk 結合 Reggae House,構成極簡編曲風格,清新且不落俗套。張靚穎運用了 alternative R&B 的技法,將歌曲意境詮釋的非常到位,值得一提的是,張靚穎本人也參與了歌詞的創作。
00:01 Edvard Munch - The Scream (1893)、 Vermeer Jan - Girl with a pearl earring (1665)、Seurat Georges - A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (1884)
00:06 Salvador Dali
00:09 Edward Hopper - Nighthawks (1942)
00:42 Vincent Van Gogh - Self-Portrait (1889)
00:44 Mike Tyson - The Bite Fight (1997)
00:48 Millet Jean Francois - Les Gleanuses Salon (The Gleaners) (1857)
00:57 Vermeer Jan - Girl with a pearl earring (1665)
01:22 Andrew Wyeth - Christina's World (1948)
01:39 Seurat Georges - A Sunday on La Grande Jatte (1884)
01:51 Edvard Munch - The Scream (1893)
01:59 Men in Black (film) (1997)
02:02 Salvador Dali - The Temptation of St.Anthony (1946)
02:19 scene of the game "The Monument"
02:39 Maurits Cornelis Escher - Ascending and Descending (1960)
02:42 Maurits Cornelis Escher - Another World (1947)
02:49 René Magritte - The Son of Man (1964)
02:52 Salvador Dali
03:01 Edward Hopper - Nighthawks (1942)
《Dust my shoulders off》
詞:Jim Beanz、Kirby、Jane Zhang
曲:Jim Beanz、Timbaland
唱:Jane Zhang
Just had a bad day
Had car trouble on the highway
And my stupid boss don't like me
Spilled hot coffee on my blue jeans
I'm low on money
And ain't shit funny
But it's still sunny outside
So I keep on smiling
I won't start wailing
I just keep living my life
Can't keep me down, me down
It's only temporary
Can't make me frown, me frown
So I ain't even worried
'Cause the world keeps spinning
Life goes on and on
I won't cry for long
'Cause it still be winning
When things are going wrong
I turn on my favorite song
And dust my shoulders...
Dust my shoulders off
Dust my shoulders off
I dust my shoulders off
I don't worry 'bout nothing, just dust it off
Dust my shoulders off
Dust my shoulders off
I dust my shoulders off
I don't worry 'bout nothing, just dust it off
You can't find your girlfriend
Your boyfriend left you
But the party's still going on
Everybody here is saying
Dust your shoulders off
See 'em kissing in the kitchen by the bathroom
But you don't let it phase you
Go and hit the bar up
Go and key his car up
And tell him that it's karma
Can't keep me down, me down
It's only temporary
Can't make me frown, me frown
So I ain't even worried
'Cause the world keeps spinning
Life goes on and on
I won't cry for long
'Cause it still be winning
When things are going wrong
I turn on my favorite song
And dust my shoulders...
Dust my shoulders off
Dust my shoulders off
I dust my shoulders off
I don't worry 'bout nothing, just dust it off
Dust my shoulders off
Dust my shoulders off
I dust my shoulders off
I don't worry 'bout nothing, just dust it off
I ain't tripping over drama
All about my numbers
Tell 'em get up outta my face
You don't even know me
You don't even know me
Save it for another day
I ain't tripping over drama
All about my numbers
Tell 'em get up outta my face
You don't even know me
You don't even know me
Save it for another day
No big deal
Win some you lose some
But life gets real
Won't last forever
escher 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 八卦
【石井裕教授,MIT Media Lab副所長,可碰觸多媒體研究組(Tangible Media Group)的創始人。他自認自己只是一個凡人,必須加倍努力,才有資格和MIT其他人平起平坐,相繼開發出音樂瓶和畫筆等可觸媒體介面,短短六年,就取得MIT終身教授職。在眾多設計中,最特別的是他為母親設計的音樂寶瓶,只不過當時他給母親的瓶子裡,裝的是「天氣預報」,好讓不會使用滑鼠,不會用電腦的母親,無需上網搜尋,打開瓶子就可以知道明天的天氣。這就是石井教授一直以來追尋的目標,拋開滑鼠與鍵盤束縛,讓任何人都能自由的與電腦對話】
這裡是美國波士頓,探究未來電腦最頂尖的殿堂,MIT Media Lab。
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
他是石井裕教授,MIT Media Lab副所長,可碰觸多媒體研究組(Tangible Media Group)的創始人。
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
這就是一種多材料介面模仿了Flexibility靈活性 Viscosity黏滯性 Elasticity彈性,
所以你可以這樣,大力一點按,對 妳創造出一個波浪了
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
這個設計的概念來自M.C. Escher,您知道藝術家M.C. Escher嗎?因為沒有Escher
艾雪(Maurits Cornelis Escher)是20世紀知名的荷蘭版畫藝術家,他的作品給人一種奇異而又繁複的印象,誠如這個可以與人互動的「變形桌」(TRANSFORM)一般。
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
這就像一片全新的畫布,一支新的畫筆,還有墨水 才剛創造出來的,等待畢卡索 高更和馬諦斯來發揮
石井教授常說,我不是教科技,而是教設計的。的確,他在設計及藝術方面獲得了眾多獎項,代表作品,就是這個「音樂瓶」(Music Bottle)。乍看之下是普通的空玻璃瓶。
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
妳可否幫我打開瓶子呢?(謝謝),她演奏的是一首鋼琴曲,要是打開另一個瓶子,會釋放出另一位音樂家的樂曲,這有點像是香水瓶,精靈瓶或是香水瓶,一旦妳打開她,那香味 那樂曲就流洩而出
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
我可以放進一首詩在瓶子裡,這樣每天早上或傍晚,你可以打開你最喜歡的詩,(詩) 是的,或是打開你最愛的音樂(音樂家),重要的是,我想讓大家知道,你可以放任何你喜愛的東西,在你最愛的瓶子裡,這關乎的是你的想像力,這是個空的瓶子,等著你把你的發想放進去
石井教授是個性急的人,他常掛在嘴邊的一句話就是:Life Is Short(人生短暫),短到沒有能夠浪費的時間。校園裡時常可以看到他疾步快走的身影,連等電梯,都被他視為是一種時間的浪費。
(MIT Media Lab/副所長石井裕)
這項發明引起了MIT教授Alan Kay注意,石井教授就這樣在1995年進了MIT Media Lab。石井教授自認自己只是一個凡人,必須加倍努力,才有資格和MIT平起平坐,相繼開發出音樂瓶和畫筆等可觸媒體介面,短短六年,就取得MIT終身教授職。石井教授認為,在探索過程中,所經歷的一切挫折與不甘心,都是理所當然的,他的人生哲學亦是如此。
(MIT Media Lab副所長/石井裕)
當然 在「變形桌」完成的當時,我們非常興奮,因為我們成功設計,並打造出成品,但是更加重要的是「影響」,這個「變形桌」帶給大家的啟發,所以我們帶給各位的,並不是這個「桌子」或是「興奮感」,而是這個「變形桌」這個計劃,能夠帶給各位多大的啟發。
escher 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的評價
**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
Any work invitations please mail us:
故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。
深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
*事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
*亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
*偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
*關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號
Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.
In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.
The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!
Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!
The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
9. The marches of summer
10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
13. Salvador Dali
* As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.

escher 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的評價
**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
Any work invitations please mail us:
Singer Zhang Liangying, portrays the role of an office lady and was presented at the beginning of the story. This unlucky lady was blamed by her boss over the phone when she visited the Art Institute of Chicago. Suddenly, she enters a world of famous paintings, and was on her way to a fantastic adventure.
In this MV, we try to connect 12 world-known paintings through interesting and smooth transitions. The original values of those paintings are re-defined. For example, Van Gogh’s ear is bitten by Mike Tyson; when the girl in the Gleaners looks up, she becomes the Girl with A Pearl Earring; the two men in black at the end of the bridge in the Scream by Edvard Munch are actually MIB, and they scream because they see the big monster in the painting of Dali; and the man in suit sitting with his back to us in the lonely café of the last painting Nighthawks, is Dali, and so on.
The 3D effect of those famous paintings is the largest challenge in this MV. We invited excellent artists to contribute their ideas and skills on all the scenes, costumes, actors and the singer. The innovative shooting methods are extremely experimental, which seems crazy!
Although the concept of the script is radical, weird and wild, the revival of paintings, the integration of the new and the old, the copy of painting lines and the texture presentation in the production process are all challenges. The traditional arts and aesthetics are supported by creativity, and innovative story line and the overwhelming CG are integrated. The MV was made possible through the efforts of experts in various fields. We hope you enjoy it!
The list of paintings and artists used in the MV:
1. Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
2. Vincent Willem van Gogh
3. Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses
4. Johannes Vermeer-Het meisje met de parel
5.Andrew Nowell Wyeth-Christina's World
6.Georges-Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte
7. Edvard Munch-Skrik
8.alvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio
9. The marches of summer
10. Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending
11. Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery
12. Magritte Rene-The Son of Man
13. Salvador Dali
* As for the 13th painting, the explosion at 1:35 of the MV adopts the style of Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama.
故事的開始,從歌手張靚穎所扮演的OL上班族拉開序幕,電話那頭傳來老闆的責駡,正在逛芝加哥美術館( Art Institute of Chicago)的倒楣OL,莫名闖入名畫的世界,展開一連串不可思議的奇幻冒險。
深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
*事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
*亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
*偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
*關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

escher 在 廖人帥 Youtube 的評價
**影像工作邀約來信請至 (Outerspace studio)
Any work invitations please mail us:
一歲了!!! 張靓穎Dust My Shoulders Off-MV,誕生地球滿一年,
今天將公開四公格製作Making of:
左上: 最初分鏡+名畫原作+故事節奏
右上: 動畫分鏡PREVIZ模擬
左下: 實際拍攝效果(未調色.未加CG動畫)
右下: MV最終完成版本
深度解密!!! 翻玩名畫與藝術家一覽:
*事發地點-芝加哥美術館( The Art Institute of Chicago )
名畫1.愛德華•霍普-夜遊者(Edward Hopper – Nighthawks)
名畫2.梵谷-自畫像(Vincent Willem Van Gogh Museum) VAN GOGH Van Gogh Museum La Oreja de Van Gogh - Oficial
名畫3.米勒-拾穗( Jean-François Millet- Des glaneuses)
名畫4.楊•維梅爾-戴珍珠耳環的少女( Johannes Vermeer -Het meisje met de parel)
名畫5.安德魯•魏斯-克莉絲蒂娜的世界 ( @Andrew Nowell Wyeth -Christina's World)
名畫6.喬治•秀拉-大碗島的星期天下午 ( Georges -Pierre Seurat-Un dimanche après-midi à l'Île de la Grande Jatte)
名畫7.孟克-吶喊(Edvard Munch -Skrik)
*亂入彩蛋-MIB Men In Black
名畫8.達利-聖安東尼的誘惑(Salvador Dali-A Tentação de Santo Antônio) Salvador Dalí
名畫9.瑪格利特-馬奇的夏天( Magritte Rene-The marches of summer )
名畫10.艾雪-上下階梯(Maurits Cornelis Escher-Ascending and descending) 莫里茲·柯尼利斯·艾雪
名畫11.艾雪-畫廊(Maurits Cornelis Escher- Gallery)
名畫12.瑪格利特-人子(Magritte Rene-The Son of Man)
*偉大藝術家-達利像(Salvador Dali)
*關於隱藏的第13幅藝術品: 在MV的1:35秒處點描派的爆炸瞬間,也展示了日本知名藝術家-草間彌生擅長的表現方式與符號

escher 在 Introduction to Tessellations - EscherMath | Escher art, Mc ... 的八卦
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world's most famous graphic artists. His art is admired by millions of people worldwide, as can be seen by ... ... <看更多>