Sempena bulan suci yang penuh rahmatNya dan keberkatan ini, marilah kita menyambut bulan mulia ini dengan hati yang bersih agar dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan penuh ketulusan dan seikhlasnya agar dikurniakan barakah dan merasai nikmatnya Ramadan ini. Salam Ramadan Kareem.
In conjunction with this holy month that is filled with His mercy and blessing, let us celebrate this blissful month with a virtuous heart in order to observe fasting filled with candour and sincerity, and be endowed with blessings and be able to embrace the true meaning of Ramadan. Salam Ramadan Kareem
endowed meaning 在 葉慶元律師(葉狀師) Facebook 八卦
昨天是美國共和黨參議員 John McCain(約翰.馬侃) 的告別式,舉辦在華盛頓國家大教堂(Washington National Cathedral)。
"President Bush and I are among the fortunate few who competed against John at the highest levels of politics. He made us better presidents."
"He concluded that the only way to really make his mark on the world is to commit to something bigger than yourself."
"In captivity, John learned, in ways that few of us ever will, the meaning of those words – how each moment, each day, each choice is a test. And John McCain passed that test – again and again and again. And that’s why, when John spoke of virtues like service, and duty, it didn’t ring hollow."
個人小記:維基百科上顯示 - 當馬侃抵達河內希爾頓後,他被監禁於一間小囚房裡,並且每天都會被審訊。由於馬侃拒絕向北越提供任何情報,他經常被拷打至失去意識為止。
"John understood, as JFK understood, as Ronald Reagan understood, that part of what makes our country great is that our membership is based not on our bloodline; not on what we look like, what our last names are. It’s not based on where our parents or grandparents came from, or how recently they arrived, but on adherence to a common creed: That all of us are created equal. Endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights."
"I’m sure it’s been noted that Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” oration seems tailored to John. Most of you know it: Roosevelt speaks of those who strive, who dare to do great things, who sometimes win and sometimes come up short, but always relish a good fight – a contrast to those cold, timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
個人小記:我第一次聽到Theodore Roosevelt的這篇"The man in the Arena"的演講是前行政院長陳冲先生跟我分享的。這是一篇非常啟發人心的致詞。全文如下:
It is not the critic who counts;
not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;
who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;
but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause;
who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,
so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
endowed meaning 在 Sam Tsang 曾思瀚 Facebook 八卦
George W Bush's statement:
Laura and I are anguished by the brutal suffocation of George Floyd and disturbed by the injustice and fear that suffocate our country. Yet we have resisted the urge to speak out, because this is not the time for us to lecture. It is time for us to listen. It is time for America to examine our tragic failures – and as we do, we will also see some of our redeeming strengths.
It remains a shocking failure that many African Americans, especially young African American men, are harassed and threatened in their own country. It is a strength when protesters, protected by responsible law enforcement, march for a better future. This tragedy — in a long series of similar tragedies — raises a long overdue question: How do we end systemic racism in our society? The only way to see ourselves in a true light is to listen to the voices of so many who are hurting and grieving. Those who set out to silence those voices do not understand the meaning of America — or how it becomes a better place.
America’s greatest challenge has long been to unite people of very different backgrounds into a single nation of justice and opportunity. The doctrine and habits of racial superiority, which once nearly split our country, still threaten our Union. The answers to American problems are found by living up to American ideals — to the fundamental truth that all human beings are created equal and endowed by God with certain rights. We have often underestimated how radical that quest really is, and how our cherished principles challenge systems of intended or assumed injustice. The heroes of America — from Frederick Douglass, to Harriet Tubman, to Abraham Lincoln, to Martin Luther King, Jr. — are heroes of unity. Their calling has never been for the fainthearted. They often revealed the nation’s disturbing bigotry and exploitation — stains on our character sometimes difficult for the American majority to examine. We can only see the reality of America’s need by seeing it through the eyes of the threatened, oppressed, and disenfranchised.
That is exactly where we now stand. Many doubt the justice of our country, and with good reason. Black people see the repeated violation of their rights without an urgent and adequate response from American institutions. We know that lasting justice will only come by peaceful means. Looting is not liberation, and destruction is not progress. But we also know that lasting peace in our communities requires truly equal justice. The rule of law ultimately depends on the fairness and legitimacy of the legal system. And achieving justice for all is the duty of all.
This will require a consistent, courageous, and creative effort. We serve our neighbors best when we try to understand their experience. We love our neighbors as ourselves when we treat them as equals, in both protection and compassion. There is a better way — the way of empathy, and shared commitment, and bold action, and a peace rooted in justice. I am confident that together, Americans will choose the better way.
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