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#黃紫盈 #MC紫盈 #tutor #multilingualemcee #TVhost #emcee #HKmc #fashion #food #travel #style #beauty #sports #health #旅遊 #美容 #美食 #健康 #司儀 #主持 #盈悠型遊 #為食盈報 #盈悠Freestyle #型遊SmartTravel #日語司儀 #國語司儀 #英語司儀 #粵語司儀 #普通話司儀 #Globetrotter #アナウンサー
黃紫盈 Connie Wong
About author
黃紫盈 Connie 現為中英日四語司儀、節目主持和影片監製,活躍於各類型宣傳及慶祝活動(包括但不限於晚宴、論壇、開幕禮、頒獎禮和傳媒發布會等),並為不同媒體平台監製和主持多個以旅遊、飲食及生活為題的綜藝資訊節目。Connie精通三文四語,包話粵語、英語、普通話和日語。在任職無綫電視新聞主播及記者期間,曾主持 《香港早晨》、《立法會選舉特備節目》和《311日本東北大地震一周年現場直播》等重要新聞環節。
Connie畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾留學英國劍橋大學修讀國際關係課程以及日本創價大學修讀日本文化研究課程。她熱衷於義務工作和戶外活動,曾獲得由行政長官頒發的「香港青年奬勵計劃 (前香港愛丁堡公爵獎勵計劃) 最高金章榮譽」。
<風格> #優雅 #開朗 #多樣多式 #隨機應變
<興趣> #旅遊 #攝影 #行山 #健康 #美食 #教育 #美容
Connie Wong is a professional multilingual event emcee, live broadcast host, and producer for multimedia projects. She is experienced in hosting private and corporate events, as well as creating infotainment programmes on topics related to travel, food, and lifestyle. Connie is fluent in Cantonese, English, Mandarin, and Japanese.
Previously, Connie was a journalist at the free television broadcaster TVB, where she was the news presenter for featured news programmes Good Morning Hong Kong, Legislative Council Election, as well as 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami One Year Anniversary.
Connie holds a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also completed the International Relations Programme at Cambridge University in U.K., and the Japanese Studies Exchange Programme at Soka University in Japan. She is active in voluntary services and outdoor activities. She has been awarded the Gold Award of the Hong Kong Award for Young People (formerly known as The Duke of Edinburgh's Award).