【十萬口罩運抵香港】(Please scroll down for English)
綜合國際情勢,中國商人持續炒賣,近乎壟斷全球口罩,港人採購工作可謂相當艱難。記得袁嘉蔚 Tiffany Yuen在新年期間亦找我,表示不少區議員團購訂單均被取消。幸好有賴過去數年國際游說工作,累積了在華盛頓的連結,加上一眾海外港人的熱心幫忙,才能將大批口罩運抵香港。
眾志常委Tobias Leung在上月底開始接觸銷售渠道,花了好些時間查證生產商品牌,確保合乎國際規格,達致實際防疫功用。同一時間,我們在本地預備大批資金,以最短時間電匯到美國,阻止中國大陸以即時現金交易「搶單」。
感激 HKDC - Hong Kong Democracy Council US、NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong的Anna Cheung和她的伙伴,以及紐約的“七索姐姐”、“思情黃種人”及"黃色正能量",在過程中提供最大的協助,包括聯同在美港人連夜協助監督運輸,確保貨品安全上機。正所謂得道多助,經年累月努力的民間連結工作,證明不只政府和建制商界,黃色陣營的國際戰線一樣為香港人「做到嘢」!
這批次的十萬個口罩,部分會交由友好民主派區議員協助社區有需要人士,其餘會在眾志網店( https://www.demosisto.hk/shop/onlineshop.php?lang=zh )以低於成本價發售,請大家留意著香港眾志短期內的公佈。
香港眾志 Demosistō會繼續透過累積得來的國際網絡,在全球採購口罩,希望能盡快為香港人帶來好消息!
#眾志國際連結 #康復香港 #時代抗疫
Demosisto ships 100,000 face masks for HK
As coronavirus rages, Chinese merchants snap up masks in almost all countries, which makes us difficult to buy one. As HK's stock is drying up, Demosisto has just bought 100000 masks from the US. We will continue to find mask supplies worldwide & bring more good news to HKers.
The masks will be delivered to councillors to help underprivileged sectors, especially poor people, street cleaners and the elderly. This could not be done without the help of overseas HK pro-democracy groups like HKDC, NY4HK and good-hearted overseas HKers in New York.
Hongkongers own them our deep gratitude for their generous support. When HKGovernment is reducing into a failed state and completely mishandles coronavirus, it proves once again that a robust civil society with strong international networks is the only way out for Hong Kong.
elderly眾數 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
【十萬口罩運抵香港】(Please scroll down for English)
綜合國際情勢,中國商人持續炒賣,近乎壟斷全球口罩,港人採購工作可謂相當艱難。記得袁嘉蔚 Tiffany Yuen在新年期間亦找我,表示不少區議員團購訂單均被取消。幸好有賴過去數年國際游說工作,累積了在華盛頓的連結,加上一眾海外港人的熱心幫忙,才能將大批口罩運抵香港。
眾志常委Tobias Leung在上月底開始接觸銷售渠道,花了好些時間查證生產商品牌,確保合乎國際規格,達致實際防疫功用。同一時間,我們在本地預備大批資金,以最短時間電匯到美國,阻止中國大陸以即時現金交易「搶單」。
感激 HKDC - Hong Kong Democracy Council US、NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong的Anna Cheung和她的伙伴,以及紐約的“七索姐姐”、“思情黃種人”及"黃色正能量",在過程中提供最大的協助,包括聯同在美港人連夜協助監督運輸,確保貨品安全上機。正所謂得道多助,經年累月努力的民間連結工作,證明不只政府和建制商界,黃色陣營的國際戰線一樣為香港人「做到嘢」!
這批次的十萬個口罩,部分會交由友好民主派區議員協助社區有需要人士,其餘會在眾志網店( https://www.demosisto.hk/shop/onlineshop.php?lang=zh )以低於成本價發售,請大家留意著香港眾志短期內的公佈。
香港眾志 Demosistō會繼續透過累積得來的國際網絡,在全球採購口罩,希望能盡快為香港人帶來好消息!
#眾志國際連結 #康復香港 #時代抗疫
Demosisto ships 100,000 face masks for HK
As coronavirus rages, Chinese merchants snap up masks in almost all countries, which makes us difficult to buy one. As HK's stock is drying up, Demosisto has just bought 100000 masks from the US. We will continue to find mask supplies worldwide & bring more good news to HKers.
The masks will be delivered to councillors to help underprivileged sectors, especially poor people, street cleaners and the elderly. This could not be done without the help of overseas HK pro-democracy groups like HKDC, NY4HK and good-hearted overseas HKers in New York.
Hongkongers own them our deep gratitude for their generous support. When HKGovernment is reducing into a failed state and completely mishandles coronavirus, it proves once again that a robust civil society with strong international networks is the only way out for Hong Kong.
elderly眾數 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 八卦
Deeply appalling State Terror in 831 protest. After firing water cannon, teargas and bullet outside of Gov HQ, countless records of HK police atrocities took place after sunset, to recap:
1. Undercover cops disguised as protesters and fired at other demonstrators with real bullets;
2. Tear gas canisters were shot indiscriminately and caused a journalist's eye severely injured;
3. #riotpolice random assaulted unarmed passengers forcefully and beat them with batons, including an elderly on wheelchair and one kid, who were both beaten to bleed heavily on their heads.
4. Pepper spray were used inside #MTR carriage when passengers were actually leaving.
5. Desperate First-Aids were denied entry despite casualties. One First-Aid was arrested by the Riot Police with "possession of offensive weapon", just because he kept scissors inside his bag.
HKPolice is no more than a gang of degraded & notorious state terrorists. #PresidentXi & #Carrielam, is this the means for Gov use to justify on using #EmergencyLaw or sending troops?
Please respond to our call on withdrawing the bill, stop police violence and free-election.
elderly眾數 在 Is there any special meaning for dreaming of an elderly in the ... 的八卦
【觀音山會員招募】為您點亮濁世中的一盞明燈,登上前往淨土的法船,歡迎您一起加入大悲法藏極樂家族! ... <看更多>