To My Dear Zoom Clients
一、Zoom視訊的視角 = 拍護照照的視角
To My Dear Zoom Clients
I have been enduring it for a really really long time. That's it! I am gonna put a stop to this after today and send out this reminder to all my past and future clients.
I am getting on in years, and cannot stand too much stimulation.
Please.... can you guys do a proper Zoom?
Number 1: Going on screen in Zoom = Taking a photograph for your passport.
Since 2020, the passport has become something of an antique but I believe everyone has taken some kind of ID photos! Yes, the ones with your neatly combed trusses where I can see both your ears, nose, mouth, neck, shoulder all the way to your chest.
I would like to see your full face during the Bazi Consultation. Please don't allow half your face to fall off the screen and you end up looking like Zhong Wu Yan! Please also don't hide your mouth making me feel like I am talking to a Arrowana.
When I analyze your facial features, it includes your mouth, teeth and the shape of your mouth while you are talking. Yes, it is down to such level of details.
If your PC / Laptop monitor is too low, please find a book or old newspapers and stack it on top. Please don't let me only see your double chin for that 1.5 hours, as I would probably get the proportion of your face wrong.
Don't keep telling me you are apologetic. Think of a way out.
Number 2: The background lighting.
Too dark, you risk looking like a ghost.
Too bright, I cannot figure out your skin color.
Draw open the curtains, but don't face your back to the sunlight.
If necessary, just turn on the lights!
Number 3: Background images of coconut trees on sandy beaches or the Golden Gate Bridge.
There is no need to put on a virtual background. I only care about how my hone looks, I am not bothered by yours. I am only here to see your Bazi.
If your WIFI signal or your PC / Laptop performance is poor, using the virtual background can often make your Zoom video choppy. Sometimes when you turn your body, one side of your body or some part of your hair will disappear. It's really like one of those spooky movies scaring the wits out of me.
Number 4: Background environment and noise.
Some of my overseas clients really put in effort for our Zoom sessions. They bought a headset with a mic so that I can hear them properly and vice versa.
Those that did not use a earphone or a headset often sounded echo-ish, and if they spoke softly, I would have to turn on the volume on my side full throttle and still have a hard time trying to hear them.
There are some clients from Hong Kong and Malaysia who would rent meeting rooms, hotel rooms or private work spaces by the hour so as to reduce any disturbance from others and better focus on the Zoom session with me.
I recalled an interesting incident during the Circuit Breaker last year. A client from Singapore Zoom-ed with me along the corridor outside his house. Most of the time, I was hearing the howling of the winds rather than his voice.
Some clients sat themselves in coffee places for our session. These places are often filled with loud chatters and the clanging of cups and plates, and my ears suffered terribly. Yet, I have to continue to be seen as composed and attentive.
Goodness me, after 2 of such experiences, I decided that I rather refund these clients and never see them again. I have only 1 pair of ears and I want to protect them at all costs!
A normal earpiece that comes with the purchase of a handphone is good enough for Zoom video calls. For clients who do not have a earpiece/headset and a mic, I would end the consultation and refund the monies.
Number 5: Children
There was once where a session with a female client was repeatedly disrupted by her kids, running in crying for their mother to settle their quarrels. If you have children below 6 years of age, and likely to interrupt our session, I suggest you don't book a consultation with me.
You will be distracted, unable to focus on my advice and I have to wait for you to clear up the situation with your children, eating into the allowable time for me to complete the consultation. This is unfair to both you and me.
Number 6: I only meet one person, that is the Client.
I have set this requirement the day I stepped into this line of work, and it is clearly written in my booking form. There is no need to try your luck under any circumstances.
But in the space of 2 weeks, there were some clients who rode their luck and got their spouse / child to sit on the other side of the screen to listen in on our consultation.
I never change my stance, and there is no single client that I cannot afford to lose.
If you insist to have your spouse sit in, it is apparent that you do not need me to help transform your destiny. Rather you really need your spouse to put your heart at ease.
If such things happen the next time, I will end the session immediately and refund the fees.
Number 7: "My first time using Zoom"
But you have 2 full months to prepare before our actual consultation. You did not end up wasting time exploring the software and I wasted 20 mins waiting for you to download the software.
Zoom is an easy software to use but if you did not spend the time to familiarize yourself with it, please quit the lies and tell me directly. I will refund the consultation fees on the spot.
Our moral ethics serve as the foundation for our transformation. Stop weaving web of lies to get out of sticky situations, and still claim that you are a good person. Isn't this too thick-skinned?
Number 8: Giddy spells
Some clients use Ipad or their handphones for the Zoom session. Crucially, they hold the device with one hand, and take notes with the other. As they write, the other hand holding the phone becomes shaky. If he is doing that on his bed, his handphone would shake like a tsunami wave every time he changes his position.
If I see 3 such clients within a day, it would be 5 hours of shaking visuals for me. That would mean a splitting headache at the end of my work day, and not being able to work on my videos at night.
Even if you don't have a tripod stand, at least prop up the device with a book or something.
Please everyone, please be kind and have mercy on me......
echo off意思 在 林柏妤 Facebook 八卦
Huwei has been called the home of traditional puppet theatre in Taiwan. Many Taiwanese remember glove puppets,from their childhoods, but to really understand the history of this art form, you’ll have to visit the Yunlin Glove Puppetry Museum.
2016-2017 Episode 27 Beigang Huwei Shuttle Bus 虎尾人文之旅(雲林)
Glove puppet theatre started out in Taiwan as a way of thanking the gods and entertaining the general public at traditional temple festivals. Later on , the folk art performances were revitalizing the genre. That evolution is all on display at the museum.
Controlling the glove puppets is actually pretty easy. Using your forefinger to move the head, and your thumb and middle finger to move the arms, like this,then you can act out your own stories.
One of the fascinating parts of glove puppet theatre is how its master performers make it seem so lifelike. There’s one particular place in Huwei that prides itself on passing off the fake as genuine.
This is a cake, and this is a sandwich, but don’t put them in your mouth, because they’re made out of towels!
Here, regular-looking towels have been changed into a variety of objects by something almost like magic. Now, you guess which one is real
妳猜猜哪一個是真的蛋糕 ?
Now, you guess which one is real?
哪一個… 我想… 不是…是這個!
Real…I think…no…this one
妳答錯了!you are wrong!
這個才是真的蛋糕!This is the real!
Displays let you see each step in the towels’ transformation,But it still wasn’t enough to satisfy my curiosity.
I’m going to spoil the fun and open one up…
哇!真的是毛巾耶... 好奇心殺死貓,這句話說的一點都沒錯...
Wow! It really is a towel… Curiosity killed the cat, there’s no doubting that.
虎尾這兩個字,在中文的意思,指的是老虎的尾巴,這地名由來有很多種說法,雖然跟老虎都沒有關係,但是這裡還是有 很多小村莊,非常值得逛一逛。
The word “Huwei” in Chinese literally means the tail of a tiger. None of the several explanations for how Huwei got it’s name actually involve a tiger, but it’s still fascinating to explore Huwei’s many small villages.
So many cats,How cute!
This village of murals is called “cat on a roof.” In the beginning, to give the village a bit more flavor, two movie billboard artists painted some wall murals of wild cats they knew who had passed away. They didn’t expect that the place would become attract photographers from across Taiwan.
Help! My heart is about to melt!
Because of its overwhelming popularity, the village later set up two attractions for visitors to go and shoot photos to their hearts’ content.
Now, I’m going to see another village of murals. What’s special about this one is that the murals only use two colors –white and red.
Beixi Mural and Papercutting Art Village is arists in residence at National Formosa University led 40 students in making this work. Their red papercut motif mounted on a white wall has enlivened this sleepy farmers’ village.
This is the Year of the Rooster, so of course I’m going to pose for a picture with the rooster!
Huwei is a place for taking things slow and enjoying your leisure. If you have the chance, you should definitely come see it for yourself!
I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao~see you next time.
echo off意思 在 誰知道@echo off是什麼意思? - 澎湖pub 的相關結果
@echo off並不是DOS程式中的,. 而是DOS批處理中的。 當年的DOS,所有操作都用鍵盤命令來完成,. 當你每次都要輸入相同的命令時,. 可以把這麼多命令存為 ... ... <看更多>
echo off意思 在 bat文件中@echo off是什么意思 - 百度知道 的相關結果
@echooff的意思是关闭回显,不显示正在执行的批处理命令及执行的结果等。 语法:echo[{onoff}][消息]示例:@echooff/echohelloworld。 当echo设置off值 ... ... <看更多>
echo off意思 在 批處理檔案的@echo off是什麼意思? - IT閱讀 的相關結果
@echo off 關閉回顯@echo on 打開回顯@echo off並不是DOS程式中的, 而是DOS批處理中的。 當年的DOS,所有操作都用鍵盤命令來完成, 當你每次都要輸入 ... ... <看更多>