【廿周年疯狂回馈 破天荒全馆票价一律九九】
由28Stage 主办、 Spritzer 荣誉呈献、vivo智能手机荣誉赞助、988为指定媒体伙伴、Capri By Fraser为指定酒店、Redbox & Greenbox Karaoke为指定卡拉OK,光良《回忆里的疯狂》演唱会将于2015年4月18日晚上7时正于吉隆坡布特拉室内体育馆疯狂开唱。恰逢2015年是光良出道20周年,为了回馈歌迷这廿年来不离不弃的支持,主办单位打破多种票价选择的传统模式,破天荒全馆座位单一票价,一律马币九十九(RM99),势必引起狂购热潮。有关门票将于12月10日踏12点正抢先透过 www.ticketcharge.com.my 网络预售,之后再到全马三地进行门票签售会。12月9日晚上11点30分光良也会亲临988电台的【今晚最night听】现场,与歌迷及听众朋友于空中一起倒数和call in互动;随之光良则会在12/12至14/12期间于八打灵、马六甲及槟城各举办签售会,凡现场购买演唱会门票者皆可获得【光良2015限量月历卡】及光良的亲笔签名。大家勿错过仅此一次的疯狂回馈,错过也许就要再等另一个廿年了。
继北京、成都、上海、马尼拉等站的巡回演唱会后,回到主场马来西亚站将在演唱会内容上会有什么惊喜呢?那大家就要亲自身处演唱会才能知道啦,所以不要错过购票详情,欲知票务详情除了锁定988电台,敬请浏览主办单位官方网站 www.28Stage.com 或 指定票务代理网站 www.ticketcharge.com.my 及热线03-92228811询问。
【Michael Wong《Crazy Memories》Tour │Live in Malaysia is Significance】
【Feedback of 20th Anniversary │Concert Tickets with ONLY RM99】
【18th April 2015 │Pursue His 20 Years Music Memories Together With Fans】
It is not an easy task for someone to be in Chinese Music Industry for 20 years yet still actively and contributing. This is definitely a ‘crazy' journey. Michael Wong has produced a lot of crazy, touching and romantic memories songs for the Chinese Music Industry such as "Palm掌心", "Sad Subway伤心地铁", his solo hit songs "First Time第一次", "Courage勇气", "Fairy Tale童话", "Commitment约定", "Crazy Memory回忆里的疯狂" and etc. In order to commemorate his 20 years of music journey, Michael Wong and his Malaysia Artistes Management and Recording Label, 28Stage has decide to have an unprecedented concert inviting Malaysian fans to enjoy the crazy memory together.
Organized by 28Stage, Presented by Spritzer, Sponsored by vivo, with 988 as Official Media Partner, Capri by Fraser as Official Hotel, Redbox & Greenbox Karaoke as Official Karaoke, Michael Wong 【Crazy Memories】Tour, Live in Malaysia will be held on 18th April 2015, 7.00P.M at Putra Indoor Stadium, Bukit Jalil. In conjunction with Michael Wong’s 20th Anniversary in the music industry and the abundances support from his fans for all these years, the Organizer breaks the traditional model of variety choices of ticket fare by selling the concert ticket of each seat with only RM99. There will be a concert ticket Pre-sale on 10th December 2014, 12.00A.M via www.ticketcharge.com.my, following with three ticket launching and autograph sessions in Malaysia. Michael Wong will be doing a live interview at 988 on 9th December 2014 at 11:30P.M in order to countdown the Pre-sale and interact with fans with call in session; he shall appear in the ticket launching and autograph session in Petaling Jaya, Melaka and Penang from 12th December to 14th December 2014. Those who purchase the concert tickets on the selected day will able to get his autograph and also the limited 【Michael Wong Calendar 2015】.
The concert will definitely be a time tunnel of Michael Wong’s musical journey in conjunction with his 20th Anniversary. “In these 20 years, I witnessed my fans grown up from high school students who then became the wife and husband, and also realizing the growth of myself in both my composing and mindset, I appreciate these 20 years so much and wish to relive these years together with all of you, I believe this would be inevitably touching night for us."
"After all, the fans in Malaysia are those who accompanied me and participated the completed 20 years in my musical journey, therefore the concert will certainly include many of our shared memories, I can't reveal too much regarding the details but I will try to discuss with the concert director in order to make some program adjustments specially for Malaysian Fans."
Followed by the Concert tour in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Manila, will Michael Wong’s 【Crazy Memories】 Tour, Live in Malaysia contains any surprising content which is superior to other concert? Find it out on your own by joining the concert, do not miss the ticketing details, for more information, kindly stay tuned to 988 (radio station), log on to the Organizer official website www.28stage.com or go to the appointed ticket agency website www.ticketcharge.com.my and also the hotline 03-92228811 for any inquiries.
同時也有36部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅蔡健雅 Tanya Chua,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2013第二波聯名創作 電影"愛在午夜希臘時"中文宣傳曲 『原來,人的一生會積累,十萬毫升淚水。』 作品總是讓人期待並喜愛的蔡健雅在2013年繼【Easy Come Easy Go】在各大數位及影音網站榜成績斐然後,接著推出的動人情歌【十萬毫升淚水】和小寒攜手將再創顛峰。過去你或許曾在一段無力...
「easy go中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於easy go中文 在 光良 Michael Wong Facebook
- 關於easy go中文 在 Fabio Grangeon - 法比歐 Facebook
- 關於easy go中文 在 Dena 張粹方 Facebook
- 關於easy go中文 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube
- 關於easy go中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube
- 關於easy go中文 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube
- 關於easy go中文 在 Easy Come Easy Go feat. MC HotDog熱狗[Official Music Video] 的評價
easy go中文 在 Fabio Grangeon - 法比歐 Facebook 八卦
FINALLY THE NEW VIDEO IS ON! 對不起久等了! 新的影片上線了 !
因為疫情的關係我媽媽無法回法國。 已經在台北多了兩個月,她有時候會覺得有點無聊。 所以我想了一些簡單的動作讓她跟我一起運動。
希望你們喜歡這個影片! 別忘記按讚,訂閱,分享! 謝謝你們🙏
Sorry guys I had some troubles to upload the video.
With this worldwide epidemic, many of you are quarantine at home or have decided to avoid crowded places such as gym.
In Taipei where I live, I do not have to quarantine but I have to take care of my mum who can not go back to France... and it's a lot of work!!
So doing some easy workout at home with her is one of the best way to keep her busy and healthy !
I put a timer on the video so you guys can workout with us!
Hope you enjoy the video, don't forget to give a LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!
easy go中文 在 Dena 張粹方 Facebook 八卦
Thank you Crossing for the in-depth interview. I remember I had a great afternoon. Although my situation has changed drastically since then(yup another toll kind of merged in), I just want you all to know that, life may take a toll on your plans or dreams, you have to believe that you have the potential, and can someday operate a whole entire plane of life through the sudden storms (when landing, okay) if you choose to learn transparently...you might just see a rainbow in a circle form one day. I have to be honest, it doesn't come easy sometimes, and i'm still learning each and every day. I still feel those emotions when things didn't go the way I expected, but who said it was going to be easy? I believe, It's when you put effort into something you believe in(can be a dream or a relationship), no matter the result, do you feel the most fulfilled and content. So cheers to a more badass life! I gotchu!! <3
現年 25 歲,在台灣土生土長的 Dena 張粹方,說著一口流利、發音標準的英語,甚至連講起中文來,都夾雜著些許 ABC 的腔調,常讓別人誤會她在國外長大。
自小對音樂著迷的她, 2008 年第一次在 Youtube 分享第一段自彈自唱的影片,成為歌手這個夢想在她心中萌芽。10 年後,她終於在2018 年發布了首張個人 EP《你愛她》,一圓歌手夢。
等一下⋯⋯!這 10 年間到底發生了什麼事呢?標題寫的「兩度被唱片公司解約」又是在說什麼呢?中間經歷了什麼故事,讓她一度放棄歌手夢,又在「癌症病房」找回繼續走下去的動力?
#音樂 #創作歌手 #Dena #張粹方 #換人說說看 #關卓琦
▍換日線 2 月徵稿活動:我的異國戀情 → bit.ly/2FZHHIX
▍換日線 2019 春季號《一畢業,就出國》→ bit.ly/2G3bn6Z
▍幫《換日線》做視力檢查,抽地圖毛巾→ http://bit.ly/2Rs2K8a
easy go中文 在 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua Youtube 的評價
作品總是讓人期待並喜愛的蔡健雅在2013年繼【Easy Come Easy Go】在各大數位及影音網站榜成績斐然後,接著推出的動人情歌【十萬毫升淚水】和小寒攜手將再創顛峰。過去你或許曾在一段無力的感情裡因【空白格】而找到劃下句點的理由,也可能曾經因為【拋物線】而回憶那些擦肩而過,這次的蔡健雅要把你的心更打開,為了那些曾經擁有過的美好與傷痛藉著歌曲釋放。
今年秋天即將發行全新創作專輯的蔡健雅,再度和最佳填詞拍檔小寒攜手合作,挖掘更深的內心感觸,直率卻懇切的歌詞與如泣如訴的歌聲,鋼琴和提琴交響出情感的落寞,獲得電影公司的青睞,成為全球知名電影「愛在午夜希臘時」的中文宣傳曲,系列電影過去兩部的餘味無窮,讓全球影迷津津樂道。男女主角伊森霍克與茱莉蝶兒在黎明破曉時相遇,在日落巴黎時重逢,在希臘的午夜,他們又會做出什麼選擇呢? 或許我們都有已經解開的回憶心結,但解不開的那些,讓我們聽著這首歌,可能伴隨幾許淚水,和過去的孤單面對面,知道有多少心酸,就能用多少勇氣去面對。
詞:小寒 曲:蔡健雅
知道我不完美 能給的我都給
於是天藍轉灰轉黑 也微笑不插嘴
這一次會氣餒 連平凡愛一回
都才將心給誰 馬上又被粉碎
滿意了嗎 你究竟有完沒完
你煩不煩 總考驗我多勇敢
有那麼難 那麼幸福和美滿
我不貪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤單
我想要的快樂很簡單 你都不管
人的一生會積累 十萬毫升淚水
以為哭完苦悲苦味 能換來好結尾
並不是我後悔 愛會痛我奉陪
只是輪到我沒 誰視我為寶貝
滿意了嗎 你究竟有完沒完
你煩不煩 總考驗我多勇敢
有那麼難 那麼幸福和美滿
我不貪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤單
我想要的快樂很簡單 你都不管
有完沒完 我已無條件投降
我要歸還 向你借來的勇敢
我不野蠻 不屬於我的美滿
都不貪婪 只求一到夜晚 有期盼 有陪伴
我想要你給我個答案 你卻不管
加入蔡健雅官方 Facebook:http://goo.gl/FO5Gd

easy go中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的評價
蝶々結び / Chouchou Musubi / 蝴蝶結 / A Butterfly Bow
作詞 / Lyricist:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
作曲 / Composer:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
編曲 / Arranger:野田洋次郎(RADWIMPS)
吉他&和聲 / Guitar & Chorus:ハナレグミ
歌 / Singer:Aimer
翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
English Translation:Toria
背景 / Background - この蒼くて広い世界に - てる :
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purposes only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
片っぽで丸を作って しっかり持ってて
もう片っぽでその丸の後ろを ぐるっと回って
間にできたポッケに入って 出て来るの待ってて
出てきたところを迎えにきて 「せーの」で引っぱって
はじめはなんとも 情けない形だとしても
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
腕はここに 想い出は遠くに
置いておいてほしい ほしいの
片っぽでも引っ張っちゃえば ほどけちゃうけど
作ったもの壊すのは 遥かに 簡単だけど
だけどほどく時も そう、ちゃんと 同じようにね
分かってるよ でもできたらね 「せーの」で引っ張って
ほどけやしないように と願って力込めては
広げすぎた羽根に 戸惑う
羽根は大きく 結び目は固く
なるようにきつく 結んでいてほしいの
夢はここに 想い出は遠くに
黙って引っ張ったりしないでよ 不格好な蝶にしないでよ
結んだつもりがほどいていたり 緩めたつもりが締めていたり
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
この蒼くて広い世界に 無数に 散らばった中から
別々に二人選んだ糸を お互いたぐり寄せ合ったんだ
結ばれたんじゃなく結んだんだ 二人で「せーの」で引っ張ったんだ
大きくも 小さくも なりすぎないように 力を込めたんだ
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
Take one end, and make a circle—now hold it tight
Take the other end and wrap it around behind the circle
Pass it through the pocket formed in the middle, and wait for it to come back out
Go out to meet it—And with a one, two, pull the strings tight
At the beginning, it came out so pathetically
But even still, I put the same strength into it
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
I want you, I want you
To put your arm here, and your memories far away
Even though if you pull on only one end, it’ll come untied
It’s so, so very easy to break what someone’s made
Yet that’s how it is when you untie it, it’s exactly the same
I know that’s how it goes, but once I finish it—With a one, two, I’ll pull the strings
Praying that it wouldn’t come untied, I put some strength into it
And became transfixed by the loops that I had pulled too far out
I want to tie it tight
So that the loops would be big, and the knot would be tight
So that your dreams are here, and your memories far away
If you realize it, I’m fine with you just being there
Just shut up, don’t pull on them; don’t make the strings into a lopsided butterfly
I meant to tie them, but they’re becoming loose; I meant to loosen them, but they’re becoming tight
From all the countless and scattered contents of this blue, wide world
The two of us chose the same thread independently and reeled each other in
We weren’t tied to each other, we tied ourselves to each other—With a one, two, we pulled the strings
So that they wouldn’t be too loose, or too tight, we put our strength into it

easy go中文 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的評價
I can never get tired of Japanese Beef Bowl. What's more, it's so easy to cook. Just go for thinly sliced beef meant for sukiyaki or shabu shabu and this dish will be perfect.
中文版视频 https://youtu.be/2Rddf2JgxDQ
Refer to the ingredient list below or go to our website here http://spicenpans.com/japanese-beef-bowl/for your easy reference.
We would like to give special thanks to Shogun by La Gourmet for letting us try out their high quality non-stick pan in the video. If you like to buy them, you can go to any of the major departmental stores in Singapore such as Isetan, Robinsons, Takashimaya, BHG, OG, Metro or Tangs.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
Please subscribe to stay tuned to our home cooking videos.
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Blog: www.spicenpans.com
Chat with us! info@spicenpans.com
Thanks for watching! See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N’ Pans
Serves 3 - 4 pax
1 large yellow onion - sliced
250g of thinly sliced beef
1 teaspoon of sugar
200ml of dashi stock
2.5 tablespoons of Japanese light soya sauce
2 tablespoons of mirin
Looking for some of the things or ingredients we used in this video but not residing in Singapore? We welcome you for a vacation in Singapore or simply click one of these links to see similar or substitute products on Amazon. Happy shopping!
Granite Wok Pan: https://amzn.to/2yblXGJ
Dashi stock: https://amzn.to/2ycgsYh
Japanese light soya sauce: https://amzn.to/2yaqYiE
Mirin: https://amzn.to/2yccOOe
If you like this recipe, you might like these too:
MUST-TRY YUMMY Thai Shrimp (Prawn) Cakes | SUPER EASY RECIPE: https://youtu.be/20s8tOaXPbs
AMAZINGLY EASY 10 MIN Thai Basil Pork | MUST-TRY RECIPE Pad Krapao: https://youtu.be/Kv8s00Vr_xI
HOMEMADE in 15 MINS: Thai Steamed Fish with Garlic & Lime 酸辣泰式蒸鱼: https://youtu.be/QjS_jkQq5Tg
EASY PEASY Homemade Tom Yum Goong | Tom yum soup 泰式酸辣汤: https://youtu.be/gfR8zbPbeEk
Spice N' Pans is not related to these products and cannot guarantee the quality of the products in the links provided. Links are provided here for your convenience. We can only stand by the brands of the products we used in the video and we highly recommend you to buy them. Even then, preference can be subjective. Please buy at your own risk. Some of the links provided here may be affiliated. These links are important as they help to fund this channel so that we can continue to give you more recipes. Cheers!

easy go中文 在 Easy Come Easy Go feat. MC HotDog熱狗[Official Music Video] 的八卦
蔡健雅2013 巡迴演唱會美麗突然發生巡迴演唱會先發決定曲- Easy Come Easy Go 蔡健雅feat. MC HotDog熱狗2013年即將發行新專輯,挑戰自己不斷做出新 ... ... <看更多>