[政府違法扼殺民主, 讓世界再度看見台灣]
事情已經鬧上國際, 中選會, 蔡英文政府, 你們還要對年輕生命的犧牲不聞不問嗎?!
國際知名環保人士支持以核養綠, 聲援黃士修絕食要求政府依法行政
請蔡英文政府讓人民能公投決定自己想要的能源政策, 而不是政府黑箱決定執行非核家園, 結果只是讓台灣成為排碳家園, 空污家園, 漲價家園
Taiwanese Government Sparks Hunger Strike After Rejecting Signatures For Pro-Nuclear Referendum
This is urgent — please share!
The Taiwanese government is being accused of violating election law after rejecting more than 24,000 signatures gathered by the former president and environmentalists seeking a popular vote on nuclear energy this November.
“I am not asking people to support nuclear power,” said a Shih-Hsiu Huang, 31, the co-founder of Nuclear Myth-Busters, who began a hunger strike in front of the government Central Election Commission (CEC) last Thursday after it rejected the signatures. “I am asking the Taiwanese government to let the people choose.”
In August, Taiwan’s former president, Ma Ying-jeou, endorsed the referendum and joined pro-nuclear environmentalists in the streets of Taipei to gather signatures, drawing new support for the initiative and triggering widespread media coverage.
"Opposing nuclear energy is now an outdated trend," Ma said. "What has become a trend is how to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide to tackle global warming."
The referendum on nuclear power could still qualify for the ballot. Organizers say they had delivered 315,000 signatures on September 6 — more than the 282,000 that the law required.
But the activists say that their odds declined when the government rejected an additional 24,000 signatures that they attempted to deliver on September 13.
“This is malfeasance,” said Tsung-Kuang Yeh, a professor of nuclear engineering at National Tsing Hua University. “First, they kept moving up the deadline — from September 14 to September 10 and then to September 6. Then, they rejected our signatures on September 13.”
Organizers say they delivered additional signatures to increase their chance of qualifying and were rejected on a technicality.
In a statement, the government commission said, “There is very little flexibility in each stage. To follow this stage-by-stage procedure, it is therefore not possible for the CEC to accept a second submittal.”
But Huang says a representative of the government told him by phone, which he video-recorded, on September 12, that she would accept the group’s additional signatures, and even told him which door in the building to enter in order to meet her.
“Twenty-four hours later the CEC changed its mind and slammed the door on us,” said Professor Yeh.
Huang said their signature-gathering benefited from widespread opposition to the current anti-nuclear government. With an approval rating of just 33% , President Tsai Ing-wen saw her popularity decline when half of all households suffered electricity outages last summer due, in part, to the nuclear phase-out.
The rejection of signatures wasn’t the first time Taiwan’s government took actions which the pro-nuclear activists say were designed to thwart their efforts.
Taiwanese law requires that petitioners have at least six months to gather signatures after delivering an initial 2,000 signatures in order to gain permission for the larger signature-gathering effort.
Though they delivered the initial signatures in March, the government only allowed signature-gathering to begin in July.
Solar & wind provide less than 5% of Taiwan’s electricity despite years of large government subsidies.EP
Nuclear power in Taiwan derives its support from environmentalists concerned about land use and climate change and from those concerned about the island-nation’s heavy dependence on energy imports. Taiwan imports 97% of its energy from abroad.
Solar and wind combined provide less than five percent of Taiwan’s electricity last year despite years of heavy government subsidies, while nuclear energy provided 13 percent — and would have provided 23% had Taiwan been operating all of its reactors.
Earlier this year the Tsai government approved a new coal plant, despite recent reports documenting 1,000 premature deaths annually from air pollution from Taiwanese coal plants.
Last October, the climate scientist James Hansen and dozens of other leading environmental scientists and scholars urged President Tsai (致蔡英文總統公開信中文翻譯) to return to nuclear. “Taiwan would need to build 617 solar farms the size of its largest proposed solar farm at a cost of $71 billion just to replace its nuclear reactors.”
Tuesday marks the 125th hour mark of the fast, and Yeh said Huang is becoming fatigued from lack of food. Another pro-nuclear leader, Yen-Peng Liao, said he would continue the fast if Huang is hospitalized.
“This hunger strike is not for myself and not for the public referendum,” said Huang, “it is for the democracy and the order of law in Taiwan.”
dozens中文 在 Sally Yeh Facebook 八卦
香港天后葉蒨文寶刀不老 金神賭場演唱會引爆全場
葉倩文的歌唱事業始於 80 年代初。她風靡歌壇三十年,總共出了30張專輯,曾獲得多項音樂大獎的殊榮,葉倩文在世界各地舉辦超過百場演唱會,成為讓人難以忘記的巨星。
The Classic duet with her husband George Lam – SHUEEN GSAK – made SALLY the iconic love Song Queen of Pop in many people’s hearts. SALLY’s Intimately Yours World Tour started in the prestigious Hong Kong Coliseum from September. This time for her US East Coast stop, besides dozens of classic Mandarin and Cantonese songs like SEEW SAH, YUEN GSWAN SEE NAY, LAI MING, HOONG TSUN, Sally also sang some of the Western hits, from Madonna's, to the theme song of “Titanic” by Celine Dion. At 51, she took the challenge to dance sexy Latin, and especially invited two highly qualified teachers from Russia to dance together.
Sexy hot dance blew away the audiences and brought them to their highest enthusiasm. After singing many classic original songs, at the end of the show SALLY sang the touching FOOK HAY to give the show a warm ending. Sally said the enthusiasm and passion of the US Eastern Coast audiences truly touched her.
Sally’s singing career started in the 80’s and she’s had a successful career in the industry for 30 years, released 30 albums, and had won countless prestigious music awards. Sally had held more than hundreds of concerts all over the world and had become an everlasting Superstar that’s unforgettable for so many.
Credit: 12.23 Sino Vision News 美國中文網視頻
dozens中文 在 Beast Runners 跑山獸 Facebook 八卦
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* 相片輯(:http://www.beasttrail.taiwanbeastrunners.com/tbt_2016/race-info/photos/
* 如果想要加購2016野獸山徑T-Shirt: : http://www.taiwanbeastrunners.com/shop/the-beast-trail-2016-t-shirt/
*****重要的備註: 有些選手如果要中途棄賽,請務必通知主辦單位或檢查點,這次主辦單位花了非常多時間及困難度尋找每位選手。(紀錄,停留在山徑尋找及撥了幾百通電話聯繫,PS:最後跟隨人員凌晨4點才回到會場,CPE原本下午5點撤場,延到晚上8點)。
RESULTS of The Beast Trail
photo section (will be more): http://www.beasttrail.taiwanbeastrunners.com/tbt_2016/race-info/photos/
It is possible to buy TBT 2016 T-shirt: http://www.taiwanbeastrunners.com/shop/the-beast-trail-2016-t-shirt/
please see your results, if anything is wrong please contact us (info@taiwanbeastrunners.com) before 4th July 23:59,after we will create certificates and upload results for ITRA
please be sure with your english name, nationality and birthday and remember it for next races with ITRA
important notice: some runners didn`t announce in CP that they are leaving from race, which caused very difficult searching (in records and on trails and dozens phone calls)
if this will repeat in future that person will not be able join our events
please take care your self, cooperate and follow our rules and mandatory equipment and don`t make it more difficult than is :) it is really hard organize this adventure
looking forward next,
Petr & Eva (and team of Taiwan Beast Runners (跑山獸))
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