PARESA Resorts|普吉島的秘境天堂|Heaven of Phuket Island
座落於安達曼海邊的崖壁上,「天堂中的天堂- PARESA Resorts」致力於打造提供極致奢華體驗的幽靜綠洲。即便擁有金黃色沙灘、蓊鬱雨林與崖壁上的無盡海洋風光等豐富自然資源,為確保每位賓客的私人空間與度假品質,PARESA Resorts堅持以順應環境的建設方式打造猶如世外桃源的入住體驗。
不論是想度過兩人的甜蜜時光,或是與親朋好友一同體驗尊榮假期,PARESA Resorts所有房型皆配有雙人衛浴、私人無邊際泳池以及露天陽台,無時無刻都能縱覽Phuket Island海天一線的迷人景致。賓客得以依照人數與行程需求選擇房型與其搭配的服務,其中,水療套房附有私人三溫暖、蒸氣室與水療空間,提供房內的私人奢華水療行程,而位於Millionaire’s Mile的Amanzi別墅,不但擁有六間海景套房、15公尺長的露天泳池,還有私人「天使」與專用轎車守候,24小時的體貼服務與自然美景,打造出令人流連忘返的熱帶天堂。
度假村內的兩間頂級餐廳,提供地中海與泰式精緻料理,透過「天使」的幫助,賓客們甚至得以在私人沙灘或無邊際泳池享用佳餚。想要更進一步體驗當地文化的賓客,更可以讓「天使」量身打造私人晚宴,或是藉由廚藝體驗課程向「天使」學習來自天堂的美味。不定期推出的定製行程,旨在讓賓客擁有更多選擇,也呈現出PARESA Resorts多元的面向。從自然景致到貼心服務,PARESA Resorts是遠離塵囂、放鬆身心、回歸自然的島嶼天堂。
|Heaven of Phuket Island|
Perched on the cliff beside the Andaman Sea, PARESA Resorts aims to create an oasis of tranquility and unrivalled luxury. In the middle of tropical forest, PARESA Resorts features golden beach, lush tropical forest and a picturesque panorama of the over azure Andaman Sea. To ensure every guest’s private space and fine living quality, PARESA Resorts has been sensitively designed to build “the Paradise” around existing trees natural resources.
PARESA Resorts provides double bath vanities, private infinity pool and ocean view terrace that offer seductive sea and sunset views off Phuket's west coast in every luxury villas and suites, which serves both lovers who want to create romantic memories, and families who share holidays together. The Spa Pool Suite features an island bathroom surrounded by your pool, a marble bathtub, a private sauna and steam room, paired with a daily 30 minutes massage for a blissful and relaxing stay in Heaven.
Meanwhile, Villa Amanzi is a stunning six ocean view bedroom villa in Phuket, a private residence with a 15m infinity pool and breathtaking views over the Andaman Sea. Comes with its own live-in “Angel” (staff), car and driver, luxurious Villa Amanzi is one of the most breathtaking accommodation that Phuket has to offer.
With the help of “Angel”, the guest can not only enjoy Mediterranean and Thai cuisine in featured restaurant, but also choose to create exquisite dining experience on private beach or in the middle of the infinity pool. “Angel” also provides customized private banquet and cooking classes for guest who desire to learn more about heavenly cuisine. Cocoon yourself within the hand of the “Angel” and the most spectacular coastline, PATERA Resorts, a secluded retreat to get away from it all and enjoy an island escape.
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