Oh Rosalyn Lee (Official) :D
its been a month since i signed up and i decided that Instagram is really the Facebook of the Illiterate. no captions to your photos, really? yeah yeah "pictures speak a thousand words" but what "thousand words" is that photo of your cat/dog/ducklips/sunset/sunrise/morningface/sleepyface tryna communicate? oh thats right, nothing. which explains the battalion of hashtags that show up in place of proper sentences. DO YOU REALLY NEED TO HASHTAG EVERY FUCKIN WORD?! and fuck! speaking of words, when you DO decide to flaunt your precious vocab, you even need your phones to correct your spelling! and then when you get so angry at the silly things auto-correct changes your texts to, your bitchfest shows up on my newsfeed. (most times these rants are so painfully incoherent i dont know whether to laugh or face palm) ah social media - i have a love/hate relationship with you. i need to meet a human now.