#OlaBola #Movie
Chow Kwok Keong, 周國強:
26 years old, is the eldest son, and also the captain of national team. He is the Asia's strongest defender. To pursue the dream of football, he couldn't let his family and his girlfriend have a good life. In 1976, the lost of his team to South Korea had ever made him unforgettable. He swears to himself that he must win the Olympic qualifiers in 1980.
Umur 26 tahun, ialah seorang anak sulung, dan sebagai ketua pasukan negara. Dia ialah pemain pertahanan yang terhebat di Asia. Untuk mencapai impian bola sepak, dia tidak mampu memberi keluarga dan teman wanitanya kehidupan yang selesa. Pada tahun 1976, kekalahan pasukannya kepada Korea Selatan telah memberi memori yang tidak dapat dilupakan. Dia bersumpah bahawa dia mesti memenangi pusingan kelayakan Sukan Olimpik pada tahun 1980.
#OlaBola #olabolamovie #astro #astroshaw #movie #film #actor #director #Ali #KwokKeong #Muthu #BrontPalarae #MarianneTan #ChiuDao #BelieveAgain #球童 #電影 #導演 #演員 #阿里 #國強 #周國強 #周導 #2016 #cinema #Malaysia
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#DiaDoAmigo 朋友日 👭
No Dia do Amigo, a amizade entra em destaque na #SeleçãoFeminina! As meninas do Brasil estão unidas na luta pelo ouro olímpico.
#Rio2016 #AAmizade #FutebolFeminino #Seleção
dia足球 在 葡萄牙自由行 Uma Volta em Portugal Facebook 八卦
【葡萄牙 - 好事陸續來】
【Portugal - many good things to come】
2016年即將結束, 今年葡萄牙國力似乎正在上升中: 葡萄牙在2016年歐國杯奪得歷史上首次冠軍; 前國家總理古特雷斯先生剛宣誓成為新一任聯合國秘書長 (他於1995至2002年間出任葡萄牙總理, 並於2005至2015年擔任聯合國難民事務高級專員); 葡萄牙球星C朗拿度又剛剛第四度榮獲足球金球獎 (Ballon d'Or)!
對葡萄牙人和喜愛葡萄牙的朋友來說, 今年必定份外開心。
有沒有想過學一點葡萄牙語, 和計劃下年到葡萄牙遊玩呢? :-)
Year 2016 is coming to an end soon. This year has been fruitful for Portugal as a whole - the national Portugal football team won the first-ever European Cup championship, Mr. Antonio Guterres - Former Prime Minister of Portugal between 1995 and 2002 - has been elected the new United Nations Secretary-General; and Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo has been awarded the Ballon d'Or (it's his fourth time winning the same title!).
For Portuguese and those who like Portugal, this year must be exceptionally happy for them all (and me too).
Have you ever wanted to learn at least a little bit of Portuguese, and plan to visit Portugal next year? :-D
Mais um grande dia para Portugal - Another great day for Portugal.❤️👏❤️
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BOM DIA COM JESUS. @paulolsg. MAIS UM SONHADOR. 58 seguidores. ·. 6 seguindo. Seguir. AllPins. Todos os Pins. ,. 325 Pins. ,. 2 d. 足球. ... <看更多>
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DIA NO 遊戲攻略工作室. DIA NO 遊戲攻略工作室. @DIANO. @DIANO ‧ 1.58K subscribers ... Just Dance 2019 - Waka Waka- 5 stars (足球版). 127K views4 years ago. ... <看更多>