唔講唔知,原來好多香港俗語係源自「鷄腸」! 正到爆的英式廣東話! 香港 人口中常用的一些廣東話形容詞和動詞,其實是源自英文, 今次舉十個常見例子:
1. 派頭:Pride(自豪、威風) 50年代,流行講「派頭」這個形容詞,即是「講派場、有威勢、夠舖張」的正面稱讚。 「派頭」來自英文「Pride」。 例句:「佢哋結婚,飛去法國古堡舉行婚禮,仲包埋所有親友機票食宿,真係夠哂派頭!」
2. 仆街:Poor guy(粗劣的人) 「仆街」經常被人誤以為是「動詞」:詛咒對方「仆喺條街度!」其實「仆街」是名詞,來自英文的「Poor guy」。 「Poor」不是「貧窮」的意思,而是「粗劣、低俗、破爛」的意思。 例句:「呢條友連80歲啊婆沖涼都裝!正一仆街!」
3. 薯嘜:Schmuck(笨人) 讚人叻仔就話佢smart,但係彈人蠢鈍就叫佢「薯嘜」!薯嘜並非源於「蕃薯的嘜頭」,「薯嘜」來自英文「Schmuck」, 除了形容愚笨之外,也可應用在老土的衣著上。 例句:「嘩!乜你仲著「大地牌」冷衫?咁薯嘜架!」
4. 花臣:Fashion(新款式) 80年代,一講到「花臣」,就是指新的gimmick(噱頭)。 即是「新招數、新花款、新點子」, 「花臣」來自英文「Fashion」, 例句:「哼!黔驢技窮!睇你仲有乜嘢新花臣吖?!」
5. 蝦碌:Hard luck(惡運倒楣)蝦碌泛指拍電影時的NG (即係No Good) 片段,所謂「蝦碌鏡頭」, 現實生活裏,蝦碌指忙中有錯,掛萬漏一,失之交臂。 「蝦碌」來自英文「Hard luck」,行衰運所以蝦碌!例句:「唔好意思,一時蝦碌,將你個master file delete咗!你要重新再打過呀!」
6. 老粒:Rob(搶劫) 90年代初,流行講「老粒」,即是搶劫。「老粒」並非指一粒很老的東西,「老粒」來自英文「Rob」, 例句:「咪鬱!老粒呀!快啲攞哂啲錢出嚟,唔係一刀捅瓜你!」
7. 符碌:Fluke(桌球術語:僥倖擊中) 「符碌」指不靠實際能力,幸運地達成目標、純粹僥倖彩數。「符碌」來自英文「Fluke」, 是但馬虎,隨便求其,但又能幸運地完成艱钜任務。例句:「臨尾一Q,俾佢符符碌碌咁打埋個黑柴入尾袋添!」
8. 唱錢:Change(貨幣找換) 當要使用另一個國家的貨幣,便要去找換店「唱錢」,「唱啲美金」、「唱啲英磅」、「唱啲人民幣」, 「唱錢」來自英文「Change」(日語叫兩替店), 例句:「下個禮拜去倫敦旅行,而家趁英磅平,唱定啲錢先!」
9. 屙畢甩:All blood(屙血) 如果遇上麻煩、辣手難題、或者死路一條, 就會自嘆一句:「呢一鑊真係屙畢甩!」 「畢甩」來自英文「blood」, 在腸癌橫行的今天,「屙血」都咪話唔大鑊!例句:「嚇?你架Civic仔撞爛人哋架法拉利?你今次真係屙畢甩!」
10. 蛇 guare:Scare(驚嚇、恐懼)「蛇guare」形容人「騰雞,無膽,大驚少怪」, 「蛇guare」來自英文「Scare」, 例句:「你唔好咁蛇guare啦!乜都自己嚇自己一餐!」
1. 臨時演員叫「茄呢啡」,來至「Carefree」這些演員不需太注重。
2. 印式廣東話「咕喱」,係英文 Coolie 同埋葡文發音嘅Koolie廣東話音譯。
3. 汽車泊車的「泊」字,來自Parking中的「Park」。
4. 形容靚女的「索」來自「Sharp」(明艷奪目),「條女好索!」=「條女好Sharp!」
5. 發蹄騰(FRIGHTENED)...好驚。
6. 有D啤(DEPRESSED)...無心機做野。
7. 頻能(PANIC)...忙亂。
8. 爆格 (BURGLARY)...被人入屋盜竊。
9. 喊到飛呢發辣 (FULLY FLATED)...喊到很淒涼。
10. 信唔信我丙 (PUNCH) 你?...信唔信我打你?
11. 拗撬 (ARGUE)...爭執。
12. 木獨 (MOODY)...無心機唔出聲
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,日本初のダチョウ料理専門店、 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ 大阪府堺市美原区北余部469-6 TEL&FAX072-361ー3171 http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~maltuha/index.html ●絶版★改 ハイパフォーマンスマシンと化し、 今なお愛され続ける絶版車両を...
depressed名詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 八卦
#EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
America starts to open up—but is it ready?
1. toll「傷亡;損失」:death toll「死亡人數」,而economic toll就是「經濟損失」。
2. staggering「令人咋舌的,驚人的」
3. criterion「標準,準則」:複數型比較特別,是criteria。
4. downward「朝下地」:字尾 -ward有「朝向~、往~」的意思。
5. trajectory「軌跡」:指將物體拋出去之後的軌跡。
6. legally binding「有法律約束力的」:bind當動詞,指「綑綁」,所以binding的意思延伸為「有約束力的」。
7. peak「達到高峰」:peak在這裡當動詞,也可當名詞,指「最高點,高峰」。
8. plateaue「穩定,停滯」:一樣在這裡當動詞。
9. (Only) time will tell.「唯有時間能證明。」:指某件事情的真相只能等真正發生之後才能知道。
In the United States, the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a huge death toll. Over 76,000 deaths have been recorded as of May 8, and the total is expected to reach 100,000 by the end of the month. But the virus has taken a huge economic toll as well. The unemployment rate has risen to a staggering 14.7 percent, the highest since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And then there’s the emotional toll. After months of social distancing, people are lonely, depressed and desperate to see their friends and loved ones.
Worried that mass unemployment may eventually cause more loss of life than the coronavirus, the federal government has made the decision to begin reopen the economy and let people return to work. The White House hopes that states will only reopen their economies if they meet the following criteria: (A) a “downward trajectory” in new coronavirus cases over a 14-day period; (B) an upward trend in testing and contact tracing. These criteria aren’t legally binding, however, and in many of the states that are opening up, case numbers are still rising.
In Missouri, for example, where the number of new positive cases is still growing, businesses will be allowed to open again this week, and people will be allowed to attend concerts—as long as people stay at least six feet apart. But is this a wise decision? Although the outbreak has either peaked or plateaued in most of the country, the vast majority of the population hasn’t been infected yet, and has no immunity. Some experts worry that opening up too quickly could lead to a second wave of infections in the fall. The decision of when to open up is a difficult one to make for each state, and only time will tell if their decision was correct.
depressed名詞 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 八卦
Famous Failures
Albert Einstein
He wasn't able to speak until he was almost 4-years-old and his teachers said he would "never amount to much."
※ " amount to much " 中的 " amount " 在這裡作動詞用,是「產出某個成果」的意思;" much " 在這裡則是做名詞用,意思是「一個很重要或很值得關注的東西」。所以 "never amount to much " 整句的意思大概可以解釋為「永遠成不了什麼大事」
Walt Disney
Fired from a newspaper for "lacking imagination" and "having no original ideas."
Oprah Winfrey
Was demoted from her job as a new anchor because she "wasn't fit for television."
Michael Jordan
After being cut from his high school basketball team, he went home, locked himself in his room, and cried.
Steve Jobs
At 30-years-old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremoniously removed from the company he started.
The Beatles
Rejected by Decca Recording Studios, who said "We don't like their sound -- they have no future in show business."
曾被一家名為Decca的唱片公司拒絕,原因是他們不喜歡披頭四的聲音,並且認為披頭四的演藝前途毫無未來可言(have no future)
If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new.
depressed名詞 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的評價
今週の車両はKAWASAKI 500SS MACH3 "H1"
The series model in which the single cylinder engine is chiefly installed is indicated with the motorcycle that YAMAHA MOTOR is selling with Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. and SR (Esarl).
SR400 is a long seller that keeps putting on the market in 1978, changing neither a basic design nor the design up to the present time in 2008 since then, and selling it. Only this SR400 is manufactured and being sold now.
Details to sale
It is the beginning as the April Fool ..motorcycle magazine "Motoraidar".. project in 1977 to have published the car that doesn't exist as "Shortly new car Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. loading Bonn bar of the sale (Road Bomber)". This loading Bonn bar was a loading sports motorcycle installed in an original, double Cradle frame by the Gemaei design with an engine of dirt bike XT500 of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.. Because it was a quite complete motorcycle when seeing in the photograph in space, the order from the reader surely poured in instinctively with the new car of fictitious of the April Fool project. The SR series was born by details like the joke of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.'s that was the manufacturer of XT500 becoming serious from turning out the market there, designing, and having started producing. The first SR was a dress of the motocross style like the improvement steering wheel and the engine guard, etc. like motocross because it had been made from such details at that time in halfway.
Initial SR : to the motorcycle it and the long seller car of the dimension at all in the quality improvement etc. in now and old times though making is also sweet, and the engine trouble etc. were frequent.
The chassis etc. of the body have received the change in several-time by
As the sports motorcycle of Japan, it is a long seller. Moreover, it is typical as the base car of the cafe racer custom, and variously customized Toraccarcastam etc. in addition in recent years.
The aluminum Cast wheel and the specification were changed and numbers of sales decreased sharply to the sale rapidly at first though it was a wire spoke wheel (The specification was in haste changed to the spoke wheel by the demand from the user and get off the hook). The journalist is talking that SR will not be produced after this if this specification change doesn't exist.
Afterwards, sales of SR for a certain period of time gets depressed, and it passes out of print or, however, the racer replica boom is an end retro trendiness where the time talked about in the manufacturer exists in the age. As for the motorcycle of the retro style, there is only SR, and numbers of sales will expand rapidly here at that time, too.
There is the direction thought to have related this retro trendiness to the
long seller of SR today.
A very exceptional, at that time degenerated restyling of changing the reception desk brake from the disk into the drum was done in 1985. SR seems it is because of popular as the retro motorcycle in this as the custom of making to the drum exists in the after market. Moreover, SRX400/600 of the brother car that aimed at a higher performance appeared in the same year, and seeming the differentiation with it. There seems to have been a layer where negative eyes were turned to restyling that changed the brake daring old-fashioned though the drum brake making was popular among the layer where SR was seen as a base of the classic motorcycle style custom, too. The manufacturer purely became a cafe racer style a little at the same time as the height of the steering wheel lowered a little, and the step position retreated.
Various security standards are strengthened in 2001 it seems that it misappropriated it from seeming (The reception desk spoke wheel was crossed by 250 it and 400 the single disc brake though was 250?400 in the number of reception desk disk brakes) that drug star's front wheel had been used though SR made the reception desk brake a disk again for the correspondence. Parts of SR come to be going to misappropriate parts of another car from this next term for the cost cutting.

depressed名詞 在 DAY 89 おやすみ前の1分フランス語 | 名詞 - YouTube 的八卦
DAY 89 おやすみ前の1分フランス語 | 名詞 ... Healing Music for Anxiety Disorders, Fears, Depression and Eliminate Negative Thoughts #5. ... <看更多>