蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統2019年5月9日於《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)期刊投書之中文翻譯。
劉仕傑 (青年外交官 劉仕傑 )
Taiwan's Self-made democracy still needs U.S. partnership
On April 10, 1979, the Taiwan Relations Act was signed into law after being passed by the U.S. Congress the month before, in response to President Jimmy Carter’s decision in January 1979 to establish official relations with the People’s Republic of China and sever diplomatic ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan). At the time, Taiwan was not yet a democracy, with a population of 17 million and a GDP per capita of $1,958―a flickering candle in the storm of the Cold War.
The Taiwan Relations Act mandates the U.S. commitment to peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific. More important, it defines how the United States engages with Taiwan and ensures that our country has adequate defense capabilities to be free from coercion.
Against the backdrop of the Cold War, no one could have imagined that Taiwan would emerge as a beacon of democracy in Asia.
By embracing democratic values, the people of Taiwan took their fate into their own hands. The resilient Taiwanese defied all odds and kept making progress.
With steadfast support from our partner in democracy, the United States, the people of Taiwan transformed an authoritarian regime into a vibrant democracy and held their first direct presidential election by popular vote in 1996. Democratization was further consolidated four years later with a peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. Then, in 2016, Taiwan broke through the glass ceiling by electing its first female president and a record number of women into the legislature.
Taiwan has also transformed itself from an aid recipient into a high-tech powerhouse featuring outstanding human capital, a rules-based market, and a sound legal framework that upholds property rights. Taiwan now ranks as one of the top 10 freest economies in the world and has become an important partner for many U.S. companies in the region and around the world.
Since I took office three years ago, Taiwan and the United States have stepped up our joint efforts to promote our mutual interests, such as religious freedom, media literacy, and fighting corruption, safeguarding our shared values in the Indo-Pacific region.
One lesson of the 20th century is that the forward march of democracy is not a given.
For the past 40 years, many members of Congress and successive U.S. administrations have honored the Taiwan Relations Act, making our partnership irreplaceable and shielding our region from increasingly aggressive anti-democratic forces. We stand together because we believe that the darkness and fear imposed by authoritarian regimes cannot withstand the light of democracy.
The U.S. government has stood firm and responded to challenges to our partnership with determination and perseverance.
The U.S. Congress has consistently demonstrated bipartisan support for stronger ties with Taiwan through legislation like the Taiwan Travel Act, proof that the creativity and commitment that created the Taiwan Relations Act are still alive in Congress today.
Our shared commitment to democracy and freedom is something that people living under authoritarian regimes can never understand. Faced with the growing challenges to the rules-based order established after World War II, our partnership is more important than ever.
Taiwan has survived and thrived under the most challenging circumstances of the 20th century. The people of Taiwan have not given in to the fearmongering of authoritarian regimes and never will. At this critical juncture, we celebrate and reaffirm our partnership with the United States and look forward to the next chapter in our success story.
As president of this beacon of democracy, I am committed to fighting the good fight. I will continue to work with our friends in the years ahead to create a better world for future generations and a more open and free Indo-Pacific and beyond.
Tsai Ing-wen is the President of Taiwan.
defines中文 在 迷走工作坊 Mizo Games Facebook 八卦
#台北大空襲73週年前夕 國外知名玩家評論 #中文字幕翻譯
寫在前頭:《台北大空襲》二刷目前已完售,但有更重要的事要做。「#你同意成立台灣歷史建物保留區嗎?」這個公共政策提案只剩30天截止,但還差946附議,懇請線上連署: http://bit.ly/2L3TcgX
之前這篇「超級像業配文,但發誓不是」的國外桌遊評論家對《台北大空襲》的感想,我們將他完整翻譯為中文,在歷史上的「台北大空襲」屆滿 73 週年之際,也讓我們更加確信:「向世界解釋台灣是什麼,是我們這一代的責任。」
5/31 是台北大空襲 73 週年,1945 年 5 月 31 日,超過一百架美軍轟炸機空襲台北,造成大量傷亡,許多人流離失所。
影片是歐美知名的桌遊評論家-Rahdo大叔,對於《台北大空襲》15分鐘的心得影片。去年十月在德國Essen 桌遊展,Rahdo大叔很熱情地跟我們握手,表示非常欣賞《台北大空襲》,原本只是覺得很榮幸,畢竟我們也知道自己有許多可以進步的地方。
這段話,我們特別有感觸,在講述英法在二戰 RETREAT 的「敦克爾克大行動」在台灣熱賣,且入圍多項奧斯卡時,我們回望台灣的歷史,認真覺得,自己的生命經驗,由我們自己訴說,多好啊。
- I just must be survive but I can do it in special way.I think it’s very very cool and very different.
That’s kind of true.
- I never really feel that is driven by the character of these people.
It’s not there job title that defines how you play,It’s character. And that put yourself in the mindset of who these people are.
Players should experience because this is another example of how boardgames can be more than just idol entertainment.They can have something important to say, they can enlighten you in ways that no other pop culture form of entertainment does.
翻譯 by Jack Hsieh
defines中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 八卦
【玳瑚師父公告】春節開運活動系列 (二)-《春節風生水起餐會》
CNY Prosperity Dinner Session (English version below)
日期及時間: 8pm-1030pm, Monday, 30 January 2017
地點:Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square
有意出席者,請發短訊聯絡吾的助理: +65 90212098,以便留位。為了表達個人誠意,玳瑚師父一概不接受透過別人代傳的簡訊報名。
The moment you arrive into this world defines your destiny. The period of you walking around in this world is known as your fortunes or luck cycles. This beginning and the end of life hold many secrets of the Universe, both predestined and man-made. Those not in the know of this principle can only be helpless in the face of fate, and waste a precious lifetime. Think about it, living a wretched life can be considered a waste. When you encounter a setback in life, do you treat yourself kindly and give yourself that ONE chance to investigate your own life's passage and to truly understand the reasons for your current unfavorable predicaments? Or do you put aside your pride and arrogance, and humbly seek the advice of a virtuous person of wisdom, on how to take destiny in your own hands, benefiting yourself and others, to the delight of everyone?
Out of compassion, Master Dai Hu, who may be going into a retreat anytime soon, is dedicating his precious time to impart some of his elusive wisdom to those with the affinity and good fortune to pay their respect and Chinese New Year well-wishes to him, on the passage of fortune this year, both on a macro as well as a micro view. This session will be held on the 3rd Day of the Lunar New Year, at the Melt Cafe (Mandarin Oriental Hotel).
Let us all grab this golden egg of an opportunity and have a cracking year!
Date & time: 8pm-1030pm, Monday, 30 January 2017
Venue: Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Marina Square
To reserve a slot, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098. Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.
Information required:
1) Your Chinese name,
2) Your birth detail,
so that Master Dai Hu can advise you, based on your elemental needs.
I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. Do register early to avoid disappointment! Please remember to bring a pair of mandarin oranges and a red packet to pay your New Year call to Master Dai Hu.
Thank you for your love and support! ❤️
defines中文 在 極限的嚴格定義(ε-δ definition) 的八卦
後來的數學家為了解決這個矛盾,因而發展出所謂的嚴格定義(epsilon-delta definition)。這部影片從這個歷 ... ... <看更多>